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4 Tiers are way too much to balance WvW population.


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I have accounts in three of the four tiers some weeks. I play from the UK on NA servers and the only time period I never see is NA Prime, which is the middle of the night for me. I've been doing that since launch (originally on two accounts, three acounts for the last 3-4 years). I play WvW most days and have been doing so across that time period.

Most days there are good fights over structures at all times of day in T1 and T2. T3 and T4 are certainly not dead most days although mid-week afternoons can sometimes be quiet. I rarely see qu eues these days but I consider that to be a very good thing. A queue to play a video game is a sign that there is something wrong with the management of that video game, in my opinion.

There's certainly no reason to consolidate tiers ahead of the big revamp (which, as far as I am aware, still hasn't been officially confirmed as happening, let alone been given a timeframe). Whether, when it happens, there will really be a need for as many as five matches as suggested by the FAQ I somewhat doubt. I wouldn't be surprised to see three. For the time being, though, we are fine as we are. It's supposed to be a tactical, strategical game mode, not a 24/7 arena anyway, so lulls are a feature not a bug.

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@"LetoII.3782" said:No doubt a variable match count will be part of the coming alliance system.And you're right, there's too many empty slots for everything but EB.

This is exactly why EB should be the only map that counts towards scoring. This is where everyone generally conglomerates, and it's the only map that is actually relatively "even", in the sense of how things are laid out.

I actually wouldn't mind if they somehow expanded EB to include an additional keep for each side, then turn the borderlands into no more than a map that adds minor buffs based on what you own.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:^There's usually one or two empty maps in every match

there's so many empty maps in this game in general. Just a waste of space. Wvw has pretty much 2-3 maps empty which doesn't seem right to me

Which server are you on? And which tier?

What does that have to do with anything? Been playing this game for awhile and there's a lot of empty maps round the clock EU and NA. It's a waste. EB is the only real viable map other than primetime and that's if you're facing a stacked server or you're on one. It's a total waste and could be condensed so let's hope wvw restructuring fixes this.

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@joneirikb.7506 said:Been suggesting they make a system that adds/removes maps at need, which likely would mean only EBG during night time, and open up more maps as needed in prime time. Doubt they'll do it though.

No upgrading any structures on the other maps?

How would notice work?

Would they open at specific intervals?

Walls and gates equivalent of base towers and keeps?

No pre-made siege?

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"joneirikb.7506" said:Been suggesting they make a system that adds/removes maps at need, which likely would mean only EBG during night time, and open up more maps as needed in prime time. Doubt they'll do it though.

No upgrading any structures on the other maps?

How would notice work?

Would they open at specific intervals?

Walls and gates equivalent of base towers and keeps?

No pre-made siege?

The very short version is basically freeze the map when it's "off", points, upgrades, everything. And when opened up again just continue from where it was. When shutting a map down, give a 15 minute warning something like "Mist instability map will collapse" or something, and stop yaks, and scores, and after 15 minutes players will be booted to the map select and have to pick another map.

Basic idea is just to dynamically adjust the number of maps to the number of players (limited to second largest world at the moment), and gather more players into a single map in the off hours, when you can have 20 players total from 3 sides split up over 4 maps.

It also runs into a problem with the "borderland" system, which I would prefer to see removed and replaced with more full 3 way maps anyways (both alpine and desert can be made into decent 3way maps anyways with small changes, with slight advantage to red).

Used to play in old T6-7-8 where we couldn't even fill a single map, so with this system we would have 1 EBG map open entire week :p

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Got it. You noted you played in T6/7 prior. So you were used to roaming and small groups. I know most on here (not necessarily you) feel like that scene is dead. I think with what you propose it may kill that scene, as currently, it seems to be very much alive. I can usually fill a party of 3-5 on any map, and encounter similar sized groups, ( yes, occasionally find the rare solo or get zerged down by 20-30) during EU time and some SEA. Yes, it isn't the maps full of blobs, but that's what makes it more fun to me.

I don't know.

If they're going to make this WvW change, I think they need to do it by summer, but I wouldn't be surprised if they wait until andnof 2018/ early 2019

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@"Strider Pj.2193" said:Got it. You noted you played in T6/7 prior. So you were used to roaming and small groups. I know most on here (not necessarily you) feel like that scene is dead. I think with what you propose it may kill that scene, as currently, it seems to be very much alive. I can usually fill a party of 3-5 on any map, and encounter similar sized groups, ( yes, occasionally find the rare solo or get zerged down by 20-30) during EU time and some SEA. Yes, it isn't the maps full of blobs, but that's what makes it more fun to me.

I don't know.

If they're going to make this WvW change, I think they need to do it by summer, but I wouldn't be surprised if they wait until andnof 2018/ early 2019

Good old T8, liked it, though I realize not everyone else did. But honestly at this point EOTM = T8, I'm ok with that personally. But regardless, running around entire alpine map without meeting anyone for hours is boring, no matter how much I/others like small scale fights.

A system like this would help create more "life" on the map that remained, instead of splitting them up over all the maps. By locking the extra maps down, people wouldn't feel compelled to flip them around for "more points" either. WvW should be about putting people together for conflicts, not lap circles around each others. That said, doesn't mean zerg everything.

Anyways, don't expect them to go with this idea. Nor honestly with the idea of changing servers every 4/6/8 hours to match different coverage zones (just imagine being kicked out of wvw every 4 hours, and get a new set of upgrades etc). Will just have to see what they do, don't believe that "coverage" will ever be "fixed" in any way.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@morrolan.9608 said:4 tiers was OK when linking happened but with the continuing decline in population its now too much, It probably should be 2 tiers.

Knowledge is power...

This is what the devs are working on...

Read my post history I'm very much in favour of the alliance system. However it looks like that system won't be in place until 2019 now which is far too late. The mode is continuously losing players, they need to be more flexible with the current system until the new system is ready. NA now needs 3 tiers at best

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I'd prefer that we Remove All Tiers & just use

to handle the Match-Ups.

Let the players pick their own match-ups, but set weekly limits on how many & which servers that they're allowed to fight on.

Water is going to want to flow down hill.

No matter how much you try to prevent it from flowing...players are going try & leak past any obstacle that you put in place to stack their population for the win.

Let the water flow where it wants to go, but set-up mechanics that will help channel it into a healthy ecosystem.

Water = (Players & Population)Flow = (Server Stacking & Attack Behavior)

Using a Player's Home Server Rank:

Channel to Encourage = Reward Players to Attack Higher Ranked & "Over-Stacked" ServersChannel to Discourage = Punish Players that Attack Lower Ranked & "Less-Stacked" Servers

WvW is a natural disaster that is caused by the fixed tiers that holds back the inherent flow of the water.

Water has the power to both create or destroy our life.

Witness the sheer raw force that water has when a Beaver Dam Collapses & the utter devastation that sadly happens in its wake.

We should be saying:We need to engineer solutions to harness the natural dynamics of water & use it to take advantage of its properties to create a better ecosystem for WvW.

We should be asking:Why are we engineering WvW to repress & reset (server wiping) the natural tendencies of water...knowing the adverse effects that tend to occur when you force things?

We're engineering a wilderness ecosystem that gets devastated by a match-up design that systematically destroys any long term chance of community identity.

We should instead engineer a design that allows for different sized & even different cultural based communities to exist that supports a vast ecosystem that is able to replenish & sustain itself in the long term.

Server pride is dying & under constant siege, but it's not extinct...as long as the WvW game mode continues as an option.

What we choose to power WvW as a game mode will determine if it THRIVES or languishes.

We need to engage & entice players to return to a stable WvW ecosystem where they can always have a place to call "Home".

We simply can't build any long term ecosystem with drama prone guilds & world wiping.

Beaver Dam Collapse

Anybody else notice that the Beaver Dam had different Tiers in its design too?

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