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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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I'm waiting for days, can't log in for days, the only thing need to be done is remove the mail authentification from the account mentioned in the request. can i pls get help already?I never receive a mail with the code for the annoying mail authenification after resetting my IP.

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Greetings Gaile, appologies for bothering but I am desperate for a resolution with my ticket # 6944000.I am having a very hard time with a specific support staff member, regarding the way they handle my ticket. Instead of removing the email authenticator as asked, they have blocked my account for a supposed "ownership dispute" which has never even taken place and is totally inaccurate given how I am the original owner.

Is there a way for me to send you the exact Issue via PM so you can review it?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@"Aerilin.3951" said:Greetings Gaile, appologies for bothering but I am desperate for a resolution with my ticket # 6944000.I am having a very hard time with a specific support staff member, regarding the way they handle my ticket. Instead of removing the email authenticator as asked, they have blocked my account for a supposed "ownership dispute" which has never even taken place and is totally inaccurate given how I am the original owner.

Is there a way for me to send you the exact Issue via PM so you can review it?

Please continue to work with CS. In cases of account disputes, they have the tools and the answers for you.

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How would the CS Team know you are the account owner and not someone trying to access another player's account, if you can not verify you are the actual account owner? I'm sure no player would not want their account given away willy-nilly to anyone that asks for it.

Try updating your ticket with absolute proof that you are the account owner; with data that no one else could possibly have.

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If someone else enabled authentication on your account, then your account has been compromised, and in such cases access is revoked for all parties involved. You will have to keep working with the CS Team to try to prove ownership.(Though, there is no way to enable email authentication except when first validating the account at creation, according to the CS Team.) So, something is not adding up.

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@bravan.3876 said:As said i didn't even ask for it (it suddenly enabled itself)That isn't possible. One has to jump through a few hoops to enable it. It happens that sometimes people who steal credentials will add authentication, because it slows down the owner and gives them time to loot or otherwise misuse the account.(Another possibility, for others reading here, is that someone used to own the account, gave it to a friend or sold it to a stranger, and now that original owner has decided they want back in. That causes no end of headaches for both players and support.)

Add as much detail as you can about how you acquired the account, when you played, what characters you had, or whatever you can do to help them validate your ownership.

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I don't think any of my accounts got hacked once, at least there never was anything missing, also i never had another person, like a friend, use these accounts and ofc i didn't sold them to anyone. I also never had any problem to log in with the mail authentification but with the last IP reset due to a longer router reset i now don't receive the mail with the code. I received the automatic mail from support that my support request arrived and got the request number but no further answer until now. They have to repair the authentification program, it can't be my problem that this is not working properly.

I dunno how the precedure is to enable mail authentification because as said i never did it on purpose. I hate these programs simply because they like to fail and then i can't log in for years because anet support is slower than a turtle. I gave them accountname, e-mail and main char name and from one account i could tell that i just resently switched server after trading gold for gems. But it can't be my problem , they have to make the authentificator work and send me a mail with a code to log in and then give me the opportunity to disable this bugging kitten ingame. I mean i have access to the mail account (proven by me updating the request mail i got from support already) and if the program would work and send the code it would be enough to log into the gw2 account, no matter if i would be a mail hacker or the real owner. There is no need to take the risk to ask support for disable authentification when i have access to the mail account already. Simple logic. So there is not even a problem to disable the not working authentification system. I have access to the mail account what is proven already.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Ok, what's happening has become clearer with subsequent posts.Did you try white-listing all guildwars2.com and arena.net email addresses in your email account? Check your spam/junk folders?

Yes i did, it's also not the first time i resetted my IP from a longer router downtime and before i always got the mail with code without any problem. There is no reason from my side why it suddenly shouldn't work anymore

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I can't comment on email-authentication randomly turning itself on (and I'd believe people saying that it can't happen), but I also had problems once (years ago) with not receiving the emails anymore. At that time CS looked into it but we couldn't figure out at which point the emails disappeared - the solution (proposed by CS) in the end was to switch my account to a different email address, which worked without problems.

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I've submitted a ticket 2 days ago about my account was hacked and all characters were deleted.So I want to roll back my account to several days ago.I think this situation is urgent and I really want you to response me as soon as possible.all I can do now is just waiting.

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@Gaile Gray.6029 i dont know if this is the right place for this and i dont know if this was suggested before, but i would like to suggest adding an estimated response time for answering tickets, as this would create a much better experience in the sense that the user would not need to keep checking for an answer frustrate over it. what is your take on this?

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a friend of mine is waiting for a response for 7 days now (Lost his Smartphone and now 2Fac is blocking his access -> German Area Ticket ID: 6948741) - sadly this seems to be totally normal @ "Gaile Gray.6029" how can this be? Aren't the tickets prioritized by topic? Regaining access to the account should be priority 1 imho :anguished:Is the CS that much overloaded? there needs to be a way to tewak this - this can't be healthy for the Staff there to be that much behind in the backlog :astonished: i worked in support for a long time an know the feeling not to see a light at the end of the Ticket-queue - this is not good for a long period of time.

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Hello, I just want to know if this situation is normal, because this seems to be weird or a mistake.

I sent an email to support@guildwars2.com the 1st of June, because I needed the authenticator removed in my main account (at this point I gave up and purchased this account where I'm writting, but it would be nice to keep my first account), asking how to proceed to remove it because I couldn't log in and open a ticket.

After 2 days or so, I was a bit tired of waiting (I didn't know there was a bottle neck, and I was expecting 24-48 hours for a response), so I read that the more information I send, the better. So I sent all the information about me. I just answered to the same email, asi indicated on how to add more information.

After 11 days after sending the 1st email, I received this email:


Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.

We'll be happy to help you, but first we need to get a bit more information from you in order to verify your ownership of this Guild Wars 2 account. Please reply to this e-mail and include as much of your registration information as possible, including:

Your Guild Wars 2 Serial CodeReal NameCharacter name(s)Display nameDate of BirthPhone NumberYour street address."

Well, I was super disapointed to receive this email, because I already sent this information by adding it as indicated in the first email that I received with the confirmation of my request (note: the only thing that I don't have is the serial code).But I thought, ok, at this point they should answer me fast... so I typed again this information 5 days ago. (I mean, I thought as soon as your email reach the top of the queue, it should be a priority).

So, I don't know, this feels awful, 11 days to get an aswer asking me for something that I already sent. I was expecting something like "since you didn't provide us the serial code, we can't remove the authenticator", but also since I'm sending the email from the asociated email of that account and with all my information, I still see a chance to remove the authenticator.But the person who read my issue didn't bother to see all the information that I sent and just asked me for it again. This is a really bad customer service in my opinion.

As I said, I'm not expecting a jump in the queue, that's why I'm not writting my number request/issue. I guess I just wanted to vent a little and I want to know if this is normal or not, if any other user had a similar problem, etc. Because at this point waiting 5-X more days to an answer is something that I'm prepared for.

Thanks for your time for reading this, have a nice day :)

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@Murmullos.2835 said:Hello, I just want to know if this situation is normal, because this seems to be weird or a mistake.

I sent an email to support@guildwars2.com the 1st of June, because I needed the authenticator removed in my main account (at this point I gave up and purchased this account where I'm writting, but it would be nice to keep my first account), asking how to proceed to remove it because I couldn't log in and open a ticket.

After 2 days or so, I was a bit tired of waiting (I didn't know there was a bottle neck, and I was expecting 24-48 hours for a response), so I read that the more information I send, the better. So I sent all the information about me. I just answered to the same email, asi indicated on how to add more information.

After 11 days after sending the 1st email, I received this email:


Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.

We'll be happy to help you, but first we need to get a bit more information from you in order to verify your ownership of this Guild Wars 2 account. Please reply to this e-mail and include as much of your registration information as possible, including:

Your Guild Wars 2 Serial CodeReal NameCharacter name(s)Display nameDate of BirthPhone NumberYour street address."

Well, I was super disapointed to receive this email, because I already sent this information by adding it as indicated in the first email that I received with the confirmation of my request (note: the only thing that I don't have is the serial code).But I thought, ok, at this point they should answer me fast... so I typed again this information 5 days ago. (I mean, I thought as soon as your email reach the top of the queue, it should be a priority).

So, I don't know, this feels awful, 11 days to get an aswer asking me for something that I already sent. I was expecting something like "since you didn't provide us the serial code, we can't remove the authenticator", but also since I'm sending the email from the asociated email of that account and with all my information, I still see a chance to remove the authenticator.But the person who read my issue didn't bother to see all the information that I sent and just asked me for it again. This is a really bad customer service in my opinion.

As I said, I'm not expecting a jump in the queue, that's why I'm not writting my number request/issue. I guess I just wanted to vent a little and I want to know if this is normal or not, if any other user had a similar problem, etc. Because at this point waiting 5-X more days to an answer is something that I'm prepared for.

Thanks for your time for reading this, have a nice day :)

That's because it really hits another automated template when you don't use the web-form to submit your ticket. It's best to use the 'anonymous' option, rather than sending an email. The initial email-submitted enquiries can sort of get lost/stuck in the system for some time.This is why sending an initial email is discouraged, rather than using the system.

Good luck.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Chive.3875 said:You'd think all that money rolling in from the gem store would go to hiring more reps.

Which is exactly what they've done. Of course, they don't come pre-familiar with the GW2 CS Team practices and policies.

Do you have a source for this? They sure could have fooled me. Going on 12 days without so much as an acknowledgement that my ticket has even been received.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

That's because it really hits another automated template when you don't use the web-form to submit your ticket. It's best to use the 'anonymous' option, rather than sending an email. The initial email-submitted enquiries can sort of get lost/stuck in the system for some time.This is why sending an initial email is discouraged, rather than using the system.

Good luck.

I see, I guess sooner or later the email will arrive to the correct department. Any way the only thing that I need is some patience and hope that it will be recovered.

Thanks for your comment :)

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