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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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Just summarizing. I'm happy it all worked out in the end.

Account recovery request.Initial response <24h, did contain full resolution message but pass reset email never sent.Second response and complete resolution received 6 days after initial response.

Total ticket duration: 7 days ~8 hours

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My guess would be number of tickets filed relative to support staff size. I filed a ticket that took 3-4 weeks for a response (probably didn't help that it was filed a few days before the turbulent LS4:E3 release). But it was based off my own screw up that they didn't necessarily have to do anything at all about, so it may have been filed as lower priority.

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Just want to give a HUGE shoutout to GM Everhardt on the Support Team. Submitted a ticket yesterday around 9 AM EDT, and my issue was resolved less than 20 hours later.

I know support staff have a hard time often (I used to do it for a living as well), but I have had nothing but good interactions with the ANet staff. Kudos and thank you!

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what's with the unfair system? my issue is not even hard, just need a character name for my gw account... my gw and gw2 accounts are already linked, I am sending my ticket logged in direct from my account, I have even provided my old activation keys for all the expansions I had. Why is my easy to resolve issue being ignored while newer tickets are being resolved?

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@rikimaroo.1794 said:That's unfortunate the amount of revenue this company must make from sales and stuff. I am confused why they are short staffed

It was a series of unfortunate accidents, coupled with a (coincidental) high turnover. The problem is that once there's a backlog, it's really timeconsuming to address it; it cannot be done well by just throwing money, because you need to hire good staff, train them, and then work on both the backlog and the newer front log.

I don't excuse ANet for not being better prepared. I just understand that it takes 3-6 months minimum to recover from this sort of thing. It's horrid for us in the meantime. And I wish they would take some time to set our expectations about how long tickets might take, how long this backlog is likely to remain.

The good news is that apparently they have hired a lot of new people, many of whom are far into training. And the backlog is decreasing.

tl;dr there is a backlog, it's not as bad as it used to be. And yeah, it's frustrating, whether the reasons for it are reasonable or not.

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Hey I came here as I didn't know where else to go with this. I sent ANet a ticket about my game crashing. I got a response asking for certain files which I sent them. After that for now more than a week I have gotten no response from them. I have sent two inquires asking how long it will take to deal with the issue but no responses to that either.

What should I do? Or am I just overreacting and it should take this long?

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@"Zulu.5489" said:I am glad i checked here, I was getting a little upset with how long it was taking but now that i know they are backed up, makes me feel better knowing something instead of checking and no response at all

Yes, it is always easier to be patient if one knows the reason for the delay.

That's why it continues to surprise me that ANet's automated response doesn't set our expectations by letting us know there's a long backup. Even if it were the generic, "we apologize for the delays and wish we could tell you how much time you'll have to wait." I'm also disappointed that Mike O'Brien hasn't made a public statement, backing up his support team, apologizing for the delay, and letting us know how hard they are working on making things better.

It shouldn't be left to players to explain to players. :(

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