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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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I hate saying anything bad about GW2.. it's a masterpiece I deeply love it. =)But my experience with CS wasn't that great. If it's straight forward simple issue it might take 2-3 days, if it's complicated issue.. it seems you better forget it.Also to be fair, answers from CS are great and words they use are very picky, warm and unique (well.. if you're lucky enough to get an answer :s )

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I have also put in a ticket a few days ago, and getting quite impatient to be honest.Altought it was under an other email (An account that wasn't used for a long time, and I am trying to recover it, and since i do not have to box with the serial I can't just reset the password)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im trying to come back after 6 years. I still have my box and serial code but don't remember my characters name. I submitted a ticket 48 hours ago. What kind of response times should we expect?

I only ask this because of multiple posts I've read where people have tried to get their acct back and support never replied to any ticket. I've repurchased the game and really want to play but don't want to invest time in characters if I'm going to be able to get my originals back. I don't mind waiting, just don't want to wait indefinitely when I could have been playing on my new acct.

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@"PinkPrincess.4301" said:96 hours and counting,I'm sorry that anyone has to wait longer than 24 hours. To someone who wants to get back in the game, even a day's wait feels like forever.

maybe they should hire more people.They did.The problem is that the "ideal number" for most of the year is far less than the right amount of staff for peak periods. Even if the company underpays support and overpays coders, adding more support would still mean fewer people working on the game itself.

it seems like they are always experiencing high volumeThey had a really long period, including much of last year, where we suffered horrid delays, 3-4 weeks for non-urgent issues. Worse, there's some evidence that the uptick was predictable and someone in management might have planned ahead. (Since I don't work there, that's educated guessing on my part; there might well be important considerations that we wouldn't know about.)

That's when they hired more people. Once they did so, it took them several months to whittle the backlog and for most of this year, the wait times were back to normal: even some non-urgent tickets were turned around in 24 hours or less.

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Yeah, I'm at 72 hours. I just need a password reset. If it didn't require remembering a characters name after 6 years they could probably cut out a lot of their calls. I found my box, disc and serial code in some old boxes when I was unpacking. Got excited because I thought that account was long gone and Soo tired of wow but this wait is taking a toll on that excitement to play again. Friend is pushing me to come back to FFXI and its getting harder to say no. All I need is a link in my email to reset my password. That's all.

Edit: Yeah, I don't know. I give up. I've lost interest at this point. 3 days is entirely too long to sit around each day and wait. 24 hour responses should be max. I know they said they are busier than usual but look back at this thread, this has been going on for over a year now. Some people aren't even getting a response. Don't see any reason to sit in limbo indefinitely wondering if they will respond or if they never will. Id managed to talk my family into leaving wow and coming to GW. That's an account for my wife, son and daughter. I just don't get it. Hire more people, you're definitely losing customers that wanted to come back.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The CS Team works 24/7 and 365 days a year. Due to high volume at this time, tickets may take longer than usual.And, of course, it depends on the issue. Some issues take longer than others.

Good luck.

No, they just prioritize their tickets. My boyfriend only recently bought the game and was banned a day later without any explanation. He's been waiting for 3 days now for a ticket response. I sent in a ticket 3 hours ago about not being able to purchase gems and got a reply within 20 minutes. The CS service for this game IS terrible. I've played way smaller games than Guild Wars that have live chat support 24/7. Being banned a day after purchasing the game, without explanation, not replying to tickets within 24 hours, this is NOT a good impression of the company for new players.

And before anyone goes accusing my bf of actually doing something wrong, he was banned entirely over a misunderstanding.

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@Madame Craycray.9805 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The CS Team works 24/7 and 365 days a year. Due to high volume at this time, tickets may take longer than usual.And, of course, it depends on the issue. Some issues take longer than others.

Good luck.

No, they just prioritize their tickets. My boyfriend only recently bought the game and was banned a day later without any explanation. He's been waiting for 3 days now for a ticket response. I sent in a ticket 3 hours ago about not being able to purchase gems and got a reply within 20 minutes. The CS service for this game IS terrible. I've played way smaller games than Guild Wars that have live chat support 24/7. Being banned a day after purchasing the game, without explanation, not replying to tickets within 24 hours, this is NOT a good impression of the company for new players.

And before anyone goes accusing my bf of actually doing something wrong, he was banned entirely over a misunderstanding.

This could end up with one of those intriguing CS posts of clarity (we need Gaile back).. hmm who misunderstood who I guess is the question on my lips :)

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Of course they prioritize issues; access being one of the highest priorities. But, some issues take more time to clear up, such as account ownership or disputes, and some queues are longer than others. I'm sure no one wants their ticket to be pushed ahead of all the others that have been waiting patiently.And, sometimes, it's not entirely in the CS Team's hands, but in the payment processors', and how quickly they respond.

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  • 3 months later...

I know that this is an old thread, but I'm posting this to help anyone who may come across this thread. I forgot to deactivate my SMS authentication when I switched phone providers. I sent them a ticket when I couldn't log in due to this and they deleted the authentication in 3 days and sent me an email letting me know. The key is to provide as much info as possible. I gave them 3 of my characters names, my old cell phone #, my GW2, HoT & PoF serial codes. I was told that with all that info it proved that I was the owner of the account and helped with a speedy resolution. Always give as much info as possible!

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