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5/8/18 Ranger Notes


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@Durzlla.6295 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:Several buffs here to various builds outside raid druid, this is not even close to being the worst patch since launch.

@"Ephemiel.5694" said:You clearly haven't played since launch if you truly think that.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that people tend to forget that balance updates heavily impact PvP and only marginally affect PvE. Lol. From a PvP perspective this patch is just bad. Good luck with your kitten underwater combat though.

Excuse me? I play both modes. The fact that his patch killed off pvp druid doesn't make it the worst balance ever for ranger.If you paid attention to ranger around when GW2 launched in 2012, you'd know.

Those buffs apply to pvp soulbeast aswell. Hence, not "just bad".

After actually playing a good amount of PvP as Druid, I’m gonna say Druids not even dead in PvP. At least not when it’s played as a bunkery support like I’ve been playing it as since HoT came out, Hell with lingering light I feel STRONGER overall than before the patch.

If you try to be a bruisery side point camper Druid you may find yourself having a bad time though, at least with the avatar or w/e amulet it was build, menders should be fine since the nerf was only to base numbers, not the coefficients.

And as a veteran ranger this wasn’t our worst patch notes yet, not by a long shot.

Out of your comments I see that you only consider Ranger as ''an island'' in the world of balancing. Druid was nerfed during the patch, while Druid was already non-meta in any sense before the patch. On top of that, the meta classes, such as scourge, mesmer, etc. are still very strong after the patch and weren't significantly nerfed. In other words, as I already said: the patch from a PvP perspective was just bad. There can't even be a discussion about his.

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@HeadCrowned.6834 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:Several buffs here to various builds outside raid druid, this is not even close to being the worst patch since launch.

@"Ephemiel.5694" said:You clearly haven't played since launch if you truly think that.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that people tend to forget that balance updates heavily impact PvP and only marginally affect PvE. Lol. From a PvP perspective this patch is just bad. Good luck with your kitten underwater combat though.

Excuse me? I play both modes. The fact that his patch killed off pvp druid doesn't make it the worst balance ever for ranger.If you paid attention to ranger around when GW2 launched in 2012, you'd know.

Those buffs apply to pvp soulbeast aswell. Hence, not "just bad".

After actually playing a good amount of PvP as Druid, I’m gonna say Druids not even dead in PvP. At least not when it’s played as a bunkery support like I’ve been playing it as since HoT came out, Hell with lingering light I feel STRONGER overall than before the patch.

If you try to be a bruisery side point camper Druid you may find yourself having a bad time though, at least with the avatar or w/e amulet it was build, menders should be fine since the nerf was only to base numbers, not the coefficients.

And as a veteran ranger this wasn’t our worst patch notes yet, not by a long shot.

Out of your comments I see that you only consider Ranger as ''an island'' in the world of balancing. Druid was nerfed during the patch, while Druid was already non-meta in any sense before the patch. On top of that, the meta classes, such as scourge, mesmer, etc. are still very strong after the patch and weren't significantly nerfed. In other words, as I already said: the patch from a PvP perspective was just bad. There can't even be a discussion about his.

I don’t consider ranger as “an island” as far as balance is considered, and if you’ve payed attention I’ve mentioned that the Druid bruisery builds everyone always ran is probably dead, but if you go a support route it’s actually buffed and should work just fine.

Builds that are meta in GW2 PvP are just builds that are easy to play, they’re hardly the only builds that work in the meta, I’d suggest adapting to the changes instead of crying that Druids dead in PvP until someone makes and uploads a build you can copy paste and use.

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@Durzlla.6295 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:Several buffs here to various builds outside raid druid, this is not even close to being the worst patch since launch.

@"Ephemiel.5694" said:You clearly haven't played since launch if you truly think that.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that people tend to forget that balance updates heavily impact PvP and only marginally affect PvE. Lol. From a PvP perspective this patch is just bad. Good luck with your kitten underwater combat though.

Excuse me? I play both modes. The fact that his patch killed off pvp druid doesn't make it the worst balance ever for ranger.If you paid attention to ranger around when GW2 launched in 2012, you'd know.

Those buffs apply to pvp soulbeast aswell. Hence, not "just bad".

After actually playing a good amount of PvP as Druid, I’m gonna say Druids not even dead in PvP. At least not when it’s played as a bunkery support like I’ve been playing it as since HoT came out, Hell with lingering light I feel STRONGER overall than before the patch.

If you try to be a bruisery side point camper Druid you may find yourself having a bad time though, at least with the avatar or w/e amulet it was build, menders should be fine since the nerf was only to base numbers, not the coefficients.

And as a veteran ranger this wasn’t our worst patch notes yet, not by a long shot.

Doesn't matter what you feel, it's weaker. Straight up weaker on paper due to less potential in buffs/CC because you're forced into Lingering Light, a trait that doesn't affect self-healing which again limits your self-sustain. You could have ran that same build you're running right now, playing the same way you're doing now pre-patch and you would have performed the same. Except pre-patch it'd have been a bit easier getting out of sticky situations.

I'm saying killed off because that's what the hyperbole people on these forums say. I've personaly only been playing core ranger and soulbeast for months now, druid bores the hell out of me. I don't really care how viable it is, but I don't need to play it to know that it is weaker - just looking at the patch notes tells me that as I've played this class since launch (and in GW1 before that, I guess that makes me a "veteran"?).

As for this being our worst patch, it's not. That's literally what I was arguing against. You don't have to tell me.

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@Lazze.9870 sorry, my previous post wasn’t necisarily AIMED at you, I quoted you more to “springboard” off your post. And there’s definitely give and take with the build I’m using both pre and post patch. Pre patch it was definitely sturdier due to the better self sustain, but post patch it’s definitely better at keeping OTHERS alive just because of that 50% increase to healing while you’re in Celestial Avatar for skills that ARENT your avatar skills, IE regen, Natural invigoration, etc.

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@Durzlla.6295 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:Several buffs here to various builds outside raid druid, this is not even close to being the worst patch since launch.

@"Ephemiel.5694" said:You clearly haven't played since launch if you truly think that.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that people tend to forget that balance updates heavily impact PvP and only marginally affect PvE. Lol. From a PvP perspective this patch is just bad. Good luck with your kitten underwater combat though.

Excuse me? I play both modes. The fact that his patch killed off pvp druid doesn't make it the worst balance ever for ranger.If you paid attention to ranger around when GW2 launched in 2012, you'd know.

Those buffs apply to pvp soulbeast aswell. Hence, not "just bad".

After actually playing a good amount of PvP as Druid, I’m gonna say Druids not even dead in PvP. At least not when it’s played as a bunkery support like I’ve been playing it as since HoT came out, Hell with lingering light I feel STRONGER overall than before the patch.

If you try to be a bruisery side point camper Druid you may find yourself having a bad time though, at least with the avatar or w/e amulet it was build, menders should be fine since the nerf was only to base numbers, not the coefficients.

And as a veteran ranger this wasn’t our worst patch notes yet, not by a long shot.

Out of your comments I see that you only consider Ranger as ''an island'' in the world of balancing. Druid was nerfed during the patch, while Druid was already non-meta in any sense before the patch. On top of that, the meta classes, such as scourge, mesmer, etc. are still very strong after the patch and weren't significantly nerfed. In other words, as I already said: the patch from a PvP perspective was just bad. There can't even be a discussion about his.

I don’t consider ranger as “an island” as far as balance is considered, and if you’ve payed attention I’ve mentioned that the Druid bruisery builds everyone always ran is probably dead, but if you go a support route it’s actually buffed and should work just fine.

Builds that are meta in GW2 PvP are just builds that are easy to play, they’re hardly the only builds that work in the meta, I’d suggest adapting to the changes instead of crying that Druids dead in PvP until someone makes and uploads a build you can copy paste and use.

lol and here I was about to ask you to copy and paste a build I could use.

In the current meta, support doesn't feel like it works very well.Everyone hits like a truck. And honestly, I don't know what build you're playing, but I have a hard time believing you are going to stop that dmg.

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:Several buffs here to various builds outside raid druid, this is not even close to being the worst patch since launch.

@"Ephemiel.5694" said:You clearly haven't played since launch if you truly think that.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that people tend to forget that balance updates heavily impact PvP and only marginally affect PvE. Lol. From a PvP perspective this patch is just bad. Good luck with your kitten underwater combat though.

Excuse me? I play both modes. The fact that his patch killed off pvp druid doesn't make it the worst balance ever for ranger.If you paid attention to ranger around when GW2 launched in 2012, you'd know.

Those buffs apply to pvp soulbeast aswell. Hence, not "just bad".

After actually playing a good amount of PvP as Druid, I’m gonna say Druids not even dead in PvP. At least not when it’s played as a bunkery support like I’ve been playing it as since HoT came out, Hell with lingering light I feel STRONGER overall than before the patch.

If you try to be a bruisery side point camper Druid you may find yourself having a bad time though, at least with the avatar or w/e amulet it was build, menders should be fine since the nerf was only to base numbers, not the coefficients.

And as a veteran ranger this wasn’t our worst patch notes yet, not by a long shot.

Out of your comments I see that you only consider Ranger as ''an island'' in the world of balancing. Druid was nerfed during the patch, while Druid was already non-meta in any sense before the patch. On top of that, the meta classes, such as scourge, mesmer, etc. are still very strong after the patch and weren't significantly nerfed. In other words, as I already said: the patch from a PvP perspective was just bad. There can't even be a discussion about his.

I don’t consider ranger as “an island” as far as balance is considered, and if you’ve payed attention I’ve mentioned that the Druid bruisery builds everyone always ran is probably dead, but if you go a support route it’s actually buffed and should work just fine.

Builds that are meta in GW2 PvP are just builds that are easy to play, they’re hardly the only builds that work in the meta, I’d suggest adapting to the changes instead of crying that Druids dead in PvP until someone makes and uploads a build you can copy paste and use.

lol and here I was about to ask you to copy and paste a build I could use.

In the current meta, support doesn't feel like it works very well.Everyone hits like a truck. And honestly, I don't know what build you're playing, but I have a hard time believing you are going to stop that dmg.

Yeah, it really depends on the team comps on how well my build works, its got a lot of CC, and kinda banks on using the CC + focus firing CCed people to help “mitigate” the damage lol.

If the enemy teams got tons of block and stab it begins to falter something fierce I’ve noticed.

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