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Swim-Speed infusion +10 Sunken Chest drop rate?

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I've opened 6 chests so far - 2 on a level 80 character, and 4 on a level 20-40 character. The 2 chests opened on a level 80 character dropped 4 infusions each. The other 4 chests dropped no infusions.

I'm beginning to suspect the level of the character may possibly affect whether you get infusions or not. Which is a bummer, because the level 20-40 character I opened those 4 chests on I just so happen to be leveling on maps with krait on them. So since this character ends up getting the daily key, I've been opening the sunken chests on them as well. It's a bit of a bummer as, other than getting a key as a lucky drop, you only get one chance to get infusions a day. So to have that chance shot and to get no infusions is.... not fun.

That is if character level does affect the infusion drop rate. It's entirely possible RNGesus has just not been on my side the past four days. :)

Next Day Edit: I just opened a sunken chest on a level 80 character and did indeed get 4 infusions.

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I hope this is a to-be-fixed bug because it's otherwise boggling design to arbitrarily screw over anything but L80s opening the chests seeing as how all the chests are in areas that are appropriate for <L80 characters (Frostgorge Sound, more or less). Explains why my first two chests didn't yield any infusions either, and the rest since (all L80's) have. The gall to assume we could use level-appropriate characters for this! Sheer madness!

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