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Guardian raiding good or bad?


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Hello, I've recently switched from Thief to Guardian in PvE because everyone says that the Thief is horrible in PvE and will get me kicked out of high-end content such as T4 fractals and raid. Does anyone know if the Guardian is viable in high-end PvE Content? I have max DPS for my guardian and max support builds. I don't want to join parties just to get kicked because of my class again.

P.S. Anet, please make PvE more balanced in terms of classes. All I see are Druids, Eles and Chronomancers dominating high-end PvE content. There shouldn't be a disparity where the top DPS has 25-30% more damage than the lowest DPS class if DPS is all that they can provide. It should be around 10-15% more damage. For example Eles shouldn't out DPS Necros by 30% but rather 10-15%. I understand that Eles are a pure damage class and Necros have more survival but that is why a 15% dmg increase is viable. 30% is just too much. With a 10-15% disparity, lower DPS classes have a chance at spots. I play Thief (PvP because PvE thieves are arguably worst than Necros) and Necro and was forced to play another class because the disparity is just too high. On a side note to a Necro's survivability, survivability is useless on a DPS class if there are support classes which keep you alive in high-end content.

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Thanks for the reply. Yep I have the FB Condition DPS build and have been practicing it but I'm afraid that the same situation will happen and I will get kicked because I play Guardian instead of Weaver. Will Guardians get the auto kick too? There are Meta builds for Thief and Necro but I instantly get kicked even though I know the rotations and max DPS on both of them. Lol Alacrity Renegade. That's funny XD. > @Imperadordf.2687 said:

Core Guardian : Playable, but not exactly viable

Dragonhunter : Has a META Power DPS build.

Firebrand : Has a META Condition DPS build and a Tank/Support build.

The support build is used only when there is an Alacrity Renegade in the squad. Basically it isn't used :no_mouth:

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Guardians won't get autokicked but there are some encounters that you need to change your build.

For example, at Gorseval, playing Condi FB isn't as good as playing Power DH.

Another example, you will be better off playing Condi FB at Cairn than Power DH.

By the way Renegerity exists c: Quickbrand/Renegerity combo can replace Chronomancers.

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Yep good information to have. I do understand that experience will get you into more groups. I was just wondering if Guardians will get the cold shoulder just like Thieves and Necros lol. From my understanding Firebrands have good DPS but I'm not sure where it is on the chart and don't want to make the same mistake and play Necro because the game is so unfair in PvE where everyone should just roll Weaver because they deal so much more damage.

Also as a side note, the developers decided to nerf the Thief (Deadeye) even though it had the worst DPS performance in PvE. I don't understand why make the disparity between the top DPS and lowest DPS even worst? Now the Deadeye deals 25k compared to the Ele's 37k. One DPS class shouldn't outperform another DPS class by nearly 50%. Sorry guys, as a thief player it was a nerf not warranted. Deadeye PvE DPS was already at a bad state. It was on par with the Necro but now it is the worst. > @Sephylon.4938 said:

Depends how luch li or kp you have. Most pug groups are rather difficult to deal with

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@Imperadordf.2687 said:Guardians won't get autokicked but there are some encounters that you need to change your build.

For example, at Gorseval, playing Condi FB isn't as good as playing Power DH.

Another example, you will be better off playing Condi FB at Cairn than Power DH.

By the way Renegerity exists c: Quickbrand/Renegerity combo can replace Chronomancers.

Oh wow time to hop on my Revenant lol. I never knew that thanks for the information!

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@Opopanax.1803 said:If you are that worried about classes that are viable, why not go druid, ele, or chronomancer since you say those are all you see? That way you wont be guessing and will have a class that you know will be in the meta.

I have the classes that you mentioned, but I'm choosing the classes that I really like first and have been playing for years. I want to see if they are viable. The classes that i've mentioned are already built and I have legendary armor in the works for them. For the Chronomancer, I'll need 5 new trinkets though. I decided to put that on hold just encase I can play my Guardian which I've grown fond of. Thanks for the advice! To answer your question about instantly switching to a META class, it'll take a lot of practice and change of gear to put into that class. I would love to switch immediately to a Mesmer, but unfortunately time is scarce on my side. It would be easier once I finish building my light legendary armor so that I could simply switch stats rather than farm several new sets for an alternative character. The same goes for the other classes.

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@ChronosCosmos.9450 said:

@Imperadordf.2687 said:Guardians won't get autokicked but there are some encounters that you need to change your build.

For example, at Gorseval, playing Condi FB isn't as good as playing Power DH.

Another example, you will be better off playing Condi FB at Cairn than Power DH.

By the way Renegerity exists c: Quickbrand/Renegerity combo can replace Chronomancers.

Oh wow time to hop on my Revenant lol. I never knew that thanks for the information!

Well, don't get your hopes up too much: that combo is very niche and, in normal circumstances, substantially weaker than chrono+druid. If you're interested in that stuff, I'd recommend learning normal FB/DH first and then look out for a partner/static that will go along with such experiments.

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@CptAurellian.9537 said:

@Imperadordf.2687 said:Guardians won't get autokicked but there are some encounters that you need to change your build.

For example, at Gorseval, playing Condi FB isn't as good as playing Power DH.

Another example, you will be better off playing Condi FB at Cairn than Power DH.

By the way Renegerity exists c: Quickbrand/Renegerity combo can replace Chronomancers.

Oh wow time to hop on my Revenant lol. I never knew that thanks for the information!

Well, don't get your hopes up too much: that combo is very niche and, in normal circumstances, substantially weaker than chrono+druid. If you're interested in that stuff, I'd recommend learning normal FB/DH first and then look out for a partner/static that will go along with such experiments.

Ah, I understand. Will do so.

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@"Imperadordf.2687" said:Core Guardian : Playable, but not exactly viable

Dragonhunter : Has a META Power DPS build.

Firebrand : Has a META Condition DPS build and a Tank/Support build.

The support build is used only when there is an Alacrity Renegade in the squad. Basically it isn't used :no_mouth:

Though DH and FB have "meta" builds neither of them are considered top tier.

Ele did just receive a substantial nerf though with tempest defense going from 20%-10%. Not something you'd see on a golem benchmark but it will be significant on actual fractal and raid dps performance.

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@Snowjob.7245 said:

@"Imperadordf.2687" said:Core Guardian : Playable, but not exactly viable

Dragonhunter : Has a META Power DPS build.

Firebrand : Has a META Condition DPS build and a Tank/Support build.

The support build is used only when there is an Alacrity Renegade in the squad. Basically it isn't used :no_mouth:

Though DH and FB have "meta" builds neither of them are considered top tier.

Ele did just receive a substantial nerf though with tempest defense going from 20%-10%. Not something you'd see on a golem benchmark but it will be significant on actual fractal and raid dps performance.

Condition Firebrand Unscathed Contender was right before Staff Weaver on Small Hitbox. Condi FB is top tier right now. Can't say the same about DH though. You're right. But there's no reason at all to kick DHs from a group.

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Firebrand is THE most fun class I've played on GW2, and honestly most fun over most classes i've played in every other MMO, and barring the garbage korean grind fest ones, I've played them all.

Stick with a condi Firebrand, and you will feel richly rewarded. It's excellent DPS, excellent survivability, excellent adaptability, and great graphical effects and aesthetics. 10/10 would FB again.

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@Martimus.6027 said:Firebrand is THE most fun class I've played on GW2, and honestly most fun over most classes i've played in every other MMO, and barring the garbage korean grind fest ones, I've played them all.

Stick with a condi Firebrand, and you will feel richly rewarded. It's excellent DPS, excellent survivability, excellent adaptability, and great graphical effects and aesthetics. 10/10 would FB again.

I can agree with this statement except Chanter from Aion was probably a tad more fun (just something about swapping between DPS, off healer, and off tank while swapping what boons to give out in the same encounter was amazing). Guardian is a great class that you can make do practically everything bar Alacrity though some things are way tougher to pull off than on the meta classes.

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@"CptAurellian.9537" said:You may also be interested in joining raid trainings. There's a bunch of raid training guilds around that have a good reputation. SC lists two, but I know there are others. You'll find them if you search.

Oh wow, thanks for the links. Never knew that we had a dedicated training guild lol. Will check them out.

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Guardians are great for raiding. As previously mentioned they have both good condi and power builds. If any group is kicking you for being a guardian it's not a group you wanted to be in anyway. Just be aware that as Dragonhunter that you are probably going to be expected to do a lot of special roles in a fight due to your superior survivability and mobility e.g. cannons on Sabetha.

Tbh I don't understand kicking you for thief. Yes their benchmark on a golem is low but in actual combat a daredevil has a solid skill set that means it's gonna be consistent and able to keep doing damage while others are losing damage with their dodging etc. I don't know how deadeye is now but I understood the recent changes were a buff for raiding situations not a nerf?. Having an all weaver group requires perfect play from everyone to be doing top dps and not dying. Unless you are in a top raiding group and you are trying to save 30 seconds off of a boss kill to reach a record I would much rather have a consistent group that doesn't wipe for half an hour before getting the kill.

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@Eruaph.4039 said:Guardians are great for raiding. As previously mentioned they have both good condi and power builds. If any group is kicking you for being a guardian it's not a group you wanted to be in anyway. Just be aware that as Dragonhunter that you are probably going to be expected to do a lot of special roles in a fight due to your superior survivability and mobility e.g. cannons on Sabetha.

Tbh I don't understand kicking you for thief. Yes their benchmark on a golem is low but in actual combat a daredevil has a solid skill set that means it's gonna be consistent and able to keep doing damage while others are losing damage with their dodging etc. I don't know how deadeye is now but I understood the recent changes were a buff for raiding situations not a nerf?. Having an all weaver group requires perfect play from everyone to be doing top dps and not dying. Unless you are in a top raiding group and you are trying to save 30 seconds off of a boss kill to reach a record I would much rather have a consistent group that doesn't wipe for half an hour before getting the kill.

Thanks for your consideration. Yeah I'm loving Guardian right now and still learning some of the raids. I still need to learn Dragon Hunter for power only raids. Still iffy on some of the roles but will get use to it. For people kicking me as a thief, I'm not sure why. I used the D/D condition spread and sometimes will get replaced by another class. I get kicked more on power thief than condition thief lol. Thief is really fun and strong in PvP and WvW though so still love me some thief play.

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Guardian is good for those who want to PUG but not join a "hardcore" raiding guild.DPS-wise it's not the best. It gets outDPSed by other builds like Holo and Weaver, but brings enough utility to not warrant a kick.The DPS is very easy for DH, a bit harder for condi FB.Guardian is a good class if you're looking to minimize the cost of funding (the support build is useful for WvW, and although it's not optimal compared to Tempest and Druid, it still works for small man parties like T4 fractals if the rest of your members are DPS). Also your fractal build as DH works for open world and raid.It's probably the best class to start as a new player that scales well into "end game".

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