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As a beginner in this game, play as an engineer and reached level 80, which armor should i buy on TP

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You can buy a set of Berserker-stat armor from the TP; search for "Nika's" in the Trading Post for the armor set, and "Charrzooka" is currently the cheapest Berserker-stat rifle on the TP as of time of writing. As for trinkets, buy Ruby Orichalcum jewelry from the TP.

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@Rhodanthe.6581 said:Assuming that i have 1000 gold and i want to kill NPC enemies in this game easily, which armor and weapon should i buy if i play as an engineer? I know nothing about crafting.

Ascended armor and Vipers stats is out the window then if you don’t want to craft.

Speaking of core engineer builds;If you play as a power DPS, you’ll need berserker gear for highest output. The cheapest berserker armor on the TP is a named set called ‘Nika’. You would use Rifle with this build.If you want to play as condition damage, you’re only choices if you still don’t want to craft really are Rampager or Dire for a tougher choice. You would use dual pistols with this build.

Scrapper (HoT Elite) is more of a bruiser spec rather than outright dps.Holosmith (PoF Elite) is a damage spec, utilising Berserker stats.

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Don't buy zerker armor in the TP you can get exotic gear for karma in grenths temple on the last orr map. Also you can buy pieces on the first HoT map for map currency. Takes a little bit longer to get but imo buying it from the TP is a waste of gold.

Edit:If you are in an guild ask a guildmate who can craft medium armor if he would craft the most expensive pieces for you in exchange for the materials. Will be as fast as buying in the TP but cheaper if you only need to buy the material.

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@SunTzu.4513 said:Don't buy zerker armor in the TP you can get exotic gear for karma in grenths temple on the last orr map. Also you can buy pieces on the first HoT map for map currency. Takes a little bit longer to get but imo buying it from the TP is a waste of gold.

Edit:If you are in an guild ask a guildmate who can craft medium armor if he would craft the most expensive pieces for you in exchange for the materials. Will be as fast as buying in the TP but cheaper if you only need to buy the material.

If you are a new player, chances are you don't have a ton of karma. 252,000 Karma just for 6 pieces of armor (double this if you buy the 6 pieces of Trinkets too, but can't get them in berserker stats from temples) is quite a lot compared to ~12g the Nika 6 piece set will cost. This is a fraction of the cost to crafting the Berserker set. Why would that be a better idea? Berserker's Emblazoned set will cost between 7-10g per piece in materials.Another option would be to farm the Citadel of Flame dungeon for tokens or do the reward tracks in WvW/PvP for Armor and weapon boxes. There are other tracks which reward stat selectable Exotic armor/weapons, which can be researched via the wiki.

Bladed armor boxes are an option too for Berserker gear, but you can't buy the chest piece, and each box costs 500 Airship Parts. This is assuming the OP did buy Heart of Thorns.

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I think it depends on what type of player you are. When I got my first character to level 80 I had barely any gold and enough karma for 2 full sets of Temple armour because I'd taken quite a while leveling and done a lot of events along the way and hadn't saved/farmed gold, so for me buying with karma was the obvious choice. But exotics on the TP are cheaper these days, and if you've leveled quickly you may well have more gold than karma, certainly more options for earning gold quickly.

As for stats on an engineer the main thing you want to think about is whether you need condition damage or not. If you're using dual pistols most of your damage will come from conditions rather than direct damage so power will only have a minimal effect on how fast you kill things. If you're using a rifle or mainly using kits which don't cause many conditions then power is a better choice.

You can see all the stat combinations here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations#Three_attributesBe aware that they're not all equally easy to get. Sinister for example has to be crafted, and needs Charged Ambrite which is both expensive/rare and time-gated. Rabid, Dire or Beserker's are all pretty safe choices though.

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@Danikat.8537 said:I think it depends on what type of player you are. When I got my first character to level 80 I had barely any gold and enough karma for 2 full sets of Temple armour because I'd taken quite a while leveling and done a lot of events along the way and hadn't saved/farmed gold, so for me buying with karma was the obvious choice. But exotics on the TP are cheaper these days, and if you've leveled quickly you may well have more gold than karma, certainly more options for earning gold quickly.

This is true, but my, have times changed. What with the Karma nerf and then DR being placed on it. Now we get more liquid gold than ever before so buying the named drops from someone else (Via the TP) is the most cost effective thing to do, if you haven’t stockpiled dungeon tokens, PvP/WvW armor/weapon boxes or farmed Verdant Brink to oblivion.

As for stats on an engineer the main thing you want to think about is whether you need condition damage or not. If you're using dual pistols most of your damage will come from conditions rather than direct damage so power will only have a minimal effect on how fast you kill things. If you're using a rifle or mainly using kits which don't cause many conditions then power is a better choice.

Condition Engi still uses kits (Bomb and Grenade), you have to take into account the ramp up time for it though, especially if you can't get hold of Viper gear or, second best, Sinister. For general Open World playing, power is easier and faster to gear up and get into. I used to love my power Juggernaut build for event farming. It is still viable (because OW anything goes really)

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@Danikat.8537 said:I think it depends on what type of player you are. When I got my first character to level 80 I had barely any gold and enough karma for 2 full sets of Temple armour because I'd taken quite a while leveling and done a lot of events along the way and hadn't saved/farmed gold, so for me buying with karma was the obvious choice. But exotics on the TP are cheaper these days, and if you've leveled quickly you may well have more gold than karma, certainly more options for earning gold quickly.

I did the same! I bought it from the Temple of Melandru because it gave you the most vitality, which I figured was important since it was the most important stat in basicaly every other RPG I'd played. Then I wondered why everyone else did so much more damage than me...

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@Rhodanthe.6581 said:Assuming that i have 1000 gold and i want to kill NPC enemies in this game easily, which armor and weapon should i buy if i play as an engineer? I know nothing about crafting.

I was about to give a longer and detailed answer for this, but then I made the mistake and checked the forum account. It is the same guy who asked for purchasing Zojia gear and asked if a ton of gold helps a new player. From my current point of view, we have another Instant Level 80 boost victim who probably bought tons of gold for gems. Is this really what you want ANet? It is profit for sure, but this guy will probably quit within a few weeks. He is confused already and picked one of the most difficult classes in the game.

@Rhodanthe.6581: Please slow down for your own sake. Guildwars 2 is a wonderful game with an excellent combat system and a beautiful world to explore. Stepping into it, boosting a character to level 80, buying top gear and expecting to rock the place is not going to work here. We are not pay to win. Just slow down and look what you have.

Create a new character and pick a class you think is fun and interesting. If it is engineer, so be it. If you want to go for an easy start, pick a warrior or guardian for melee damage or a ranger for ranged damage. Level that class manually without boosts or scrolls, play the story and explore the game. It does not take ages. We do not have a leveling curve, it is actually a leveling line. That means you do not notice a drastically increase in gaining experience. We also have a scaling system, which allows you to play where you want to. You can reach level 80 by hanging around in level 1-15 zones the entire time if you want to.

By leveling your character, you slowly learn the combat system and get an idea about other classes. If you meet a person who is playing another class and you would like to play that, you can do that too. We have enough character slots. The game also helps you with gearing up during leveling. Purchasing gear every 10-15 levels from TP may help you optimizing your damage, but it will not give you the ultimate advantage.

When you reach level 80 with your preferred class, you know how you want to play it. Then your questions will be "I am a level 80 engineer. I like to play with the flamethrower. Can you suggest me a good build for PvE? And what set should I use with it? Can I buy it from TP?"

If you proceed on the path you have chosen, you will not enjoy this game and probably quit in a few weeks. ANet may still make a lot of profit, but we lose a member of our community before we even had a chance to meet him, which is just sad. Think about it.

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I may be the odd one out here but I'd never suggest someone pick a different profession just because it's easier, in any game.

I was given that advice too - always play a basic fighter first because it's easier, only play something else once you've gotten most/all the way through the game on that. Fortunately it was Baldur's Gate I was playing at the time, a game where you have to control your whole party no matter what you pick. I soon found I was spending far more time managing the casters than my character and enjoying it more, so I rerolled as a cleric and never looked back.

I absolutely agree that if someone is struggling to get anywhere (and I mean anywhere, not just 1 story step or boss) then switching professions could be an option, but I wouldn't recommend it immediately for all new players because easy professions can also be dull or simply not suit everyone's play style and then you run the risk of people thinking they don't like the game and never getting far enough to discover the professions they really enjoy.

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