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Is Blackgate dying?


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@"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:Clearing up misconceptions about my alliance and its effectiveness. To beat down BG, requires commanders of all timezones to focus BG relentlessly. It requires a lot of overtime and making sure you have hand offs and secure coverage holes. Yes my alliance has commanders in each timezone, but we're not solely responsible for SBI+ kainengs performance. We might have the knowledge to empower and inspire but this is a server wide effort and "we" my alliance couldn't have done this without the help of the SBI natives and the ones who came to Kaineng.

My alliance reformed at around 150 players or less. Now, its greater than that as the reason we even moved to kaineng in the first place is to prepare our alliance for the future system. This BG 2v1 is literally icing on the cake for most of us. Its a thing to reinvigorate ourselves and get people trying and playing to win again. So far this has worked wonders as all the guilds of my alliance have become fully healthy again and we're once again having the a great time in this game.

I didn't know Obama played gw2.

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@Nikola.3841 said:

@Shagaliscious.6281 said:Now BG knows what it feels like to be the #3 server in tier 1. Getting aj'd by 2 servers 24/7. Sucks, doesn't it?

You really think anyone on BG care? Lol, I only regret that I don't have decent guild to join and fight, biggest BG WVW guildcan currently field 10 people at once at most...you're basically fighting pugs whole week, and can't even have better KDRdespite assjamming all the time

Not on any of the servers that is aj'ing you, try again kid. I just love this since you and SoS always did the same shit to the #3 server. You guys always won by sunday, because SoS would camp air keep, and wait until #3 server had no coverage to take earth keep and tier it up, while BG did absolutely fuck all to SoS in EBG. You were content with having T3 fire keep, T3 Bay, all 3 keeps in your BL T3, and a T3 corner in EBG, because it ensured you got first place. Oh, I forgot you guys always came and pushed earth keep whenever SoS did...

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@morrolan.9608 said:

@"Darksun.4702" said:Despite what you may choose to think, BG winning without even trying every week made it unbelievably boring for most people. Everyone sneers at BG PPTing, but most organized groups weren't even trying to PPT. After all, why PPT when you've already won by Monday? The PPT mostly came about as a result of wanting to have things to do.

Yeah well every time Mag has played BG recently BG guilds have camped MagBL knowing full well that Mag will do little to defend it. They literally sit on the BL doing nothing until a random Mag group tried to take objectives back. That is not trying to find things to do, it is ppting for the sake of ppting.

You just feel that way because you've decided to succumb to peer pressure and hate red BL like everyone else on your server. It's become part of your server pride to hate on Red BL for no reason other than because everyone else does, but that's Mag for you. Baaaa baaaa, bro. Many of our commanders and players actually like red BL. Shocking, I know. We actually play on a BL we enjoy playing on. There may never be Mag players on Red BL, but there were always SOS players to fight during NA prime. And what does PPTing for the sake of PPTing even mean? You think we're excited to win by 60 skirmish points instead of 55? The last time we spent any mental focus on PPT was when SOS was pushing us for the win. And the time before that was when pips came out and overall activity jumped to a recent high.

"Fighting" Mag has been awful for ages anyway. They just sit in SMC and pug cloud you with the map queue. It's so boring for an organized group to focus one person down at a time while sustaining. Mag says they want fights, but they really just want to pew pew and tag people in the hopes of overwhelming the opponent with their numbers and getting bags.

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@Kolmena.2416 said:Blackgate was winning every WvW match-up until now. Why is the server in 3rd place on this current match-up? Did guilds leave or what? I'm planing on playing the game again and my account is on Blackgate but if it's gonna be a dead server which server should I go to?

They're trying to follow SoS into T2 so they can kill us again... bahahaaaa

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@wootrick.4168 said:No, really. We're not kidding. There's been a general level of excitement and server pride this week on BG that I haven't seen in a long time. Tags have been running overtime.....for what? So we can lose slightly less spectacularly than we already are? There is no salvaging the score at this point, we just genuinely are having fun and enjoying the bags.

Yeah it takes weeks of losing to break BGs spirit.

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@Nikola.3841 said:

@"Shagaliscious.6281" said:Now BG knows what it feels like to be the #3 server in tier 1. Getting aj'd by 2 servers 24/7. Sucks, doesn't it?

You really think anyone on BG care?

100 percent there are people on that server that care a great deal. But now we get PR Wars 2 where we get assured that really no one on BG cares about winning in the slightest and it's just fun for everyone there to finally get a good fight.

Well, can't really call this mess a "good fight" as I played way better pvp games, but its decent compared to utter boredom of winning at Sunday already.Still wish there would be something like 8vs8 scene in DAOC, if anyone notices something like that somewhere, please send me PM :)

How long have you been on BG?

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@"Darksun.4702" said:It's so boring for an organized group to focus one person down at a time while sustaining. Mag says they want fights, but they really just want to pew pew and tag people in the hopes of overwhelming the opponent with their numbers and getting bags.

Cloud can beat most "organized" groups though because most organized groups just move in a ball and put their damage at their feet. This is an inferior strategy to cloud and that's why it's possible to beat organized groups with no commander and no coms. What's really amazing is that more servers don't try cloud after losing to it consistently.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@"Darksun.4702" said:It's so boring for an organized group to focus one person down at a time while sustaining. Mag says they want fights, but they really just want to pew pew and tag people in the hopes of overwhelming the opponent with their numbers and getting bags.

Cloud can beat most "organized" groups though because most organized groups just move in a ball and put their damage at their feet. This is an inferior strategy to cloud and that's why it's possible to beat organized groups with no commander and no coms. What's really amazing is that more servers don't try cloud after losing to it consistently.

Most servers don't have the skill to have most of their players do this, or they do, but everyone is selfish in how they play. One thing I admire about Mag is that they jump on a friendly that gets downed, and rez him, whereas most servers someone goes down, and everyone runs away.

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