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WvW Change Requests


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just change the reward track to GoB part 1-4, then all 4 must be completed to form one perfect GoB.i drooled for the Fractal legendary backpack inspite of the 2 leg backpack i have, the pvp and wvw ones, let them take time on our mode, they didnt have to use the LFG to start getting it, its up to them how they will get the Gift of Battle without doing any battle at all.But the hackers though, they get the awesome Gift of Exploitation in WvW, its a godly item.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:Ahhh.. But an unmotivated player that wanders out of spawn becomes a nice bag. Oh. It also adds 10 minutes to my participation timer as well.

I hope we end up on the same merged server so I can be someone else's loot bag, rally bot, and PPK~ :star:

See? That doesn't bother me. I don't stress over people coming into WvW and trying it. I welcome them. Along with trying to help if they'll have it. If they won't take help that's ok too.

It's a mode I enjoy. I hope others will as well. :sunglasses:

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:Ahhh.. But an unmotivated player that wanders out of spawn becomes a nice bag. Oh. It also adds 10 minutes to my participation timer as well.

I hope we end up on the same merged server so I can be someone else's loot bag, rally bot, and PPK~ :star:

See? That doesn't bother me. I don't stress over people coming into WvW and trying it. I welcome them. Along with trying to help if they'll have it. If they won't take help that's ok too.

It's a mode I enjoy. I hope others will as well. :sunglasses:

Tried it. Hated it. Still do.I'd pay you for your Gift, if I could. I fritter away that sweet, sweet PvE money, you farm the nublets for lulz, we'd both win. :P

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@Rauderi.8706 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:Ahhh.. But an unmotivated player that wanders out of spawn becomes a nice bag. Oh. It also adds 10 minutes to my participation timer as well.

I hope we end up on the same merged server so I can be someone else's loot bag, rally bot, and PPK~ :star:

See? That doesn't bother me. I don't stress over people coming into WvW and trying it. I welcome them. Along with trying to help if they'll have it. If they won't take help that's ok too.

It's a mode I enjoy. I hope others will as well. :sunglasses:

Tried it. Hated it. Still do.I'd pay you for your Gift, if I could. I fritter away that sweet, sweet PvE money, you farm the nublets for lulz, we'd both win. :P

I like that term 'nublets'. I'm gonna use that. :smile:

Oh. If it's any consolation, the only thing I am waiting on to build 2 more is the GoE.

I am at 70% and just can't bring myself to finish the hearts and POIs...

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@Shostie.6435 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Has it actually hindered
from getting their legendary?

No really, I am curious if anyone spent like 1500 gold, got to the WvW stage and saw that they had to play WvW for like... a couple of days... and that's when they just said
"kitten it aint doing this kitten I am throwing away my precursor this isnt worth it I'm not making this legendary anymore"
and just gave up on it.

Anyone care to step forward?

It's not the only factor, but the WvW requirement has been a significant obstacle for me. Throwing away a precursor is stupid hyperbole, but I've got precursors that have been sitting in the bank for years (I wasn't in a rush, I was taking my time). I've got the materials and funds on hand to build a couple legendaries, but I have no interest in playing WvW, whatsoever. I haven't complained about it because ArenaNet makes the rules, but it is frustrating. I was planning on spending the several thousand Badges of Honor I have on Gifts of Battle (could have bought 10+), but the vendor was removed and I had no idea that was going to happen. Chastise me for not knowing about the change if you want, but I've got too much going on in my life to devote much attention to GW2 news and rumors.

Sell the mats and precursors and BUY a legendary then.

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@"Strider Pj.2193" said:It's interesting. You can tell when this thread was moved from 'general discussion to 'WvW'.

You mean when all the complaints about the complaints began with unvisionary statements like:"You don't see me complaining about having to do boring PvE" (which is totally a complaint) or"I have to do 40 hours of exploration (slow much?) and WvW only needs 5? (also a lie)"instead of progressive ideas like "let everyone do what they want and exchange rewards freely"? :bleep_bloop:

I am at 70% and just can't bring myself to finish the hearts and POIs...

I feel for ya, I really do. Even lots of PvE folks are just so. tired. of those hearts. And if you've done 'em once, I really think there should be a mark on your account that increases their completion rate by 20-100%....And if you have that world completion star, that one Ash Legion heart should be finished automatically

Hang in there, though. 30% more, and you'll have the two Exploration you need.Meanwhile, I need at least 3 more Battle. T_T Pleeease, ANet, make the guild alliances a priority so I can drag my guild into my awful scrubness.

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@Neural.1824 said:

@MithranArkanere.8957 said:I see no problem in making players participate in a mode to get a legendary weapon. And it doesn't take too long to get one.There's a problem but it isn't that.

The problem is actually in PvP. While one has to do WvW to get a legendary weapon, they can skip PvP altogether.

I think maybe the issue there is that because of the mechanics of PvP, the Legendary Weapon, beyond the appearance, is not of any additional purpose in PvP (because stats are fixed, and, if I understand it correctly, you can swap runes out to your hearts content between matches, which is a function of the weapon in PvE/WvW).

Legendary weapons were going to be initially all about the skin anyways. And unlike armors, legendary weapons are still sen by the enemy even with standard models.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:

@"Celsith.2753" said:Ok. I tried map exploration and hated it too, can I has a different way of doing world completion?

See, y'think that's cute and sarcastic, but my unsarcastic answer has always been "YES!"And it's not like you can't buy waypoints and hero challenges already.

But I will always, always advocate a Gift exchange as a way to trade off Gifts of Battle or Exploration.It could be a vendor that swaps x=4 Battle for 1 Exploration.Or just make Gifts tradeable. The PvP tokens that contribute to Glory and the
other WvW tokens (why are we doing this twice, ANet?)
are also purchaseable from the trading post.I say let players do what they like more (at least in the domains of PvE v PvP v WvW) and stop trying to drag players who
don't want to be there
into players
who don't want unmotivated allies

Actually when a wvw player made a thread asking about the possibility of adding a way to buy heart completion with other ingame currency, karma etc, or even from the gemstore, a whole host of pve players said he was lazy and hearts were somehow fun - not to me when i've done it 10x but hey - so not cute and sarcastic, more, whats good for the goose..

I'd like to use various game mode currencies to acquire other game mode gifts, regardless of which. Or make the specific ones all tradeable, like GoB, GoE.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Optimator.3589 said:Gift of Maguuma Mastery or Gift of Desert Mastery is FAR more painful than anything else in legendary crafting. We have to play your game mode for god knows how many hours to grind these things out for 2nd gen leggies, or we have to do 17 million hearts for a GIft of Exploration....yeah, no sympathy. You PvEers can play our game mode for like 5 hours, get your Gift of Battle, and be on your way.Imagine that you had already played PvE to earn the Gift of Maguuma Mastery. You had it sitting in your bank when ArenaNet decided to change the Legendary crafting formulas, replacing the Gift of Maguuma Mastery with something that required you to spend more time in PvE. How would you feel about that?

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

Ahh, but badges of honor are actually sellable now through the badges of tribute. And there are a lot of other items.

There was no devaluation of currency (and it clearly wasn't 'massive'). If anything, I have more options now, including food, tools, etc.

Link included.

Certainly if currency is actually devalued in the future, an in game mail would be a way to fix it, but going back to a greater-than-two-year-old event and trying to 'fix' it now is certainly a fruitless exercise.

Can you quote where I said ArenaNet should "go back to a greater-than-two-year-old even and 'fix' it"? I don't recall expressing anything of the sort, but my memory is getting fuzzy in my old age.

I would if you could quote where I said you did.You implied it.
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@Ayrilana.1396 said:Yes, there are a ton of media but the ones I'm referring to are very narrow. These forums and reddit are where people tend to get their information and it was discussed there.

That's where some players get their information. Some, not all. Most get their information through the game, itself.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:No. Don't dodge the question. Why was this change any different from other changes Anet has made? Hiding behind a logical fallacy isn't going to help you here.

Pointing out logical fallacies is not "hiding". Your argument has no merit. And I already answered that question, anyway. You even quoted it, so your response is nonsensical twice over.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Economic value? They had very little as they couldn't be converted to gold at a rate that matters. Massive devaluations? No, not really. HoT added a lot more uses for that currency such as the ability to buy food and utility buffs. I want to say that the ability to buy discounted cultural armor came with HoT but I have a feeling it was added later. They're also needed for guild upgrades as well the legendary backpack. So they still have a ton of value except for those who only cared about legendary weapons.Gold is not the only commodity of value. Time also has value. Your time may have very little economic value, but that's not true for everyone.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

Duration is irrelevant. The problem was ArenaNet got the message out to only a small portion of the player base. If a player never gets the message, it doesn't matter if ArenaNet gives 1 week notice or 1 year notice. The result is the same, a lack of action due to a lack of information.

The information was sent out to every player. Some choose to not partake of the information provided.Incorrect. The information was not sent out to every player. It was broadcast using mediums that most players rarely view.

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@Shostie.6435 said:

Ahh, but badges of honor are actually sellable now through the badges of tribute. And there are a lot of other items.

There was no devaluation of currency (and it clearly wasn't 'massive'). If anything, I have more options now, including food, tools, etc.

Link included.

Certainly if currency is actually devalued in the future, an in game mail would be a way to fix it, but going back to a greater-than-two-year-old event and trying to 'fix' it now is certainly a fruitless exercise.

Can you quote where I said ArenaNet should "go back to a greater-than-two-year-old even and 'fix' it"? I don't recall expressing anything of the sort, but my memory is getting fuzzy in my old age.

I would if you could quote where I said you did.You implied it.

So I'll take that as a no.

You inferred it.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

Ahh, but badges of honor are actually sellable now through the badges of tribute. And there are a lot of other items.

There was no devaluation of currency (and it clearly wasn't 'massive'). If anything, I have more options now, including food, tools, etc.

Link included.

Certainly if currency is actually devalued in the future, an in game mail would be a way to fix it, but going back to a greater-than-two-year-old event and trying to 'fix' it now is certainly a fruitless exercise.

Can you quote where I said ArenaNet should "go back to a greater-than-two-year-old even and 'fix' it"? I don't recall expressing anything of the sort, but my memory is getting fuzzy in my old age.

I would if you could quote where I said you did.You implied it.

So I'll take that as a no.

You inferred it.In other words you brought it up for no reason, whatsoever.
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