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AFKers in sPvP needs to get BANNED HARD


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People are afking and they dont give a shit

Why? Because there's no consequences.

Just had a guy ragequit because he went in alone at mid before anyone got there and died instantly.

Need some proper response here from aNet seriously it's fucked up

Bring in some GMs to monitor this shit

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Leaving is a huge problem. Sure if they are logged off long enough you don't get punished, but the enem still gets a free win so it has impact.

And unranked is terrible, almost every match has a leaver. Of course they don't care there because dishonor ticks down while logged off..

Anet should put a penalty on future reward gains for leavers.

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It's all these stupid pve players who don't give a crap if they win or lose just the pips. They somehow get carried into gold and screw up matches for everybody. They are actually the biggest problem right now. I've had multiple matches where they openly admit to just being there to pip farm, some said they can't stand pvp.

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I had a necro in my last placement match afk and bm our team at the very beginning of the match once we lost the mid fight.

0-80 and he just stood there.

I should not get these retards in plat 3. Ban them or PvP is a joke.

Either that or introduce a voting system so that if 4 people on your team vote to kick someone because they're afk, it automatically logs them off the game. Ty

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Anet's team works on giving us the best possible experience in game, but they are spread thin at the moment.Problems like these that are very hard to "catch" with software tend to linger for a while.There is no reliable way for Anet to recognize afkers - people who want to troll do bare minimum of movement/damage, so it would require a match replay, watched by admin, to determine did a player willingly throw a match. And even then, it would be a judgement call in a lot of cases. I believe that is the reason why Anet at the moment takes no action against percieved AFKers/wintraders and such.

But.Be sure to report that type of behavior - from your post it sound like you had one of those blatant afkers on your team - while Anet never comments with possible solutions that are in the works for problems like these, they do work on them. Remeber the banwave some months ago? Anet bid their time, cathched cheaters red handed, and BOOM.

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There's no good solution for this aside from having an employee to actively monitor ranked games 24/7. Players who may, unfortunately, have a connection problem/dc will be punished unfairly otherwise.

I do have to admit though, out of the 10 unranked games I played last night, 9 of them had 2 or more AFK's after the first brawl in mid. I won't even dare queue ranked while mirage remains in its broken state.

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Why would it be unfair to punish players who have a connection issues and dc in ranked matches?

First, they still ruin the game for the other 4 (debatably 9) other players in the match.

Second, if they have connection issues, they shouldn't be playing ranked in the first place.

Third, if they have connection issues, they probably won't be able to log on for the duration of their dishonor anyways.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Why would it be unfair to punish players who have a connection issues and dc in ranked matches?

First, they still ruin the game for the other 4 (debatably 9) other players in the match.

Second, if they have connection issues, they shouldn't be playing ranked in the first place.

Third, if they have connection issues, they probably won't be able to log on for the duration of their dishonor anyways.

In general I've had between 30-50ping and almost ZERO connectivity issues. I have had a my service randomly cut out, server error, and or had the power cycle in the house/area for 5-10 seconds and then it's instantly back up, one time spot DC's can and will happen. Now what sucked is that even though I was out of the game for 10-15 seconds, I was given dishonor for no reason, and couldn't connect back to the game meanwhile I'm happily running around in PvE maps with dishonor and no further connection issues.

You can bet your bottom dollar this will continue to happen, and if people get banned because of it they will leave and or most certainly complain!

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Afkers are paying players too. Instead of a working report system and dishonor system. We have what we have since pvp brings in no money profits. Time isnt worth being spent on improving pvp its better spent on making shiny buy able objects.

The highlight of pvp here was When the Glory vendors were around or seasons 1-4.

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@Ziggityzog.7389 said:Afkers are paying players too. Instead of a working report system and dishonor system. We have what we have since pvp brings in no money profits. Time isnt worth being spent on improving pvp its better spent on making shiny buy able objects.

The highlight of pvp here was When the Glory vendors were around or seasons 1-4.

Quick question: why is the thought of people that like PvP don't spend any money on gems and stuff? I PvP and spend money. Not sure how many other people like crushing skulls of their opponents looking like crap (let's face it, one of the biggest endgame in GW2 is fashion).

Also, I PvP for pips as well. But I tryhard because you get more for winning. So the complains that people playing for pips are all bad is wrong as well.

Edit: That said, I'm all for changing the rewards. So if you loose, you don't get any pips. I think that's fair and will make people actually try. Will probably create another salty river on these forums, but hey, there are other ways to farm stuff in this game at least. And only one sPvP mode.

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