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What’s the story with the 2v2 map?


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Hey, everyone, it’s been quite a while since I’ve played GW2, but my friend and I check in every so often to see changes to the game. The main thing we’ve been keeping an eye on is New game modes and see if Arenas would ever be released.

With this new upcoming PvP features post, I saw something about a 2v2 arena map. Anyone know what the plan is here, is it worth looking into?

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I may have missed something, but if you are referring to the 2v2 maps currently implemented they are hotjoin only and are awkward to get into so the community seemingly has abandoned them. Popular rooms would bottle neck only a select few people to play, or a tyrannical host would just kick whomever they wanted for a slot and would take forever till you got a turn unless you joined another room, and even then the same limiting problems would persist.

If they are in fact making a new 2v2 map, hopefully it will be supported with some way to queue into them so we no longer have an awkward honor system to even get a decent match.

The balance right now will just be FB + Nec, so they need to fix that first.

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@Daishi.6027 said:I may have missed something, but if you are referring to the 2v2 maps currently implemented they are hotjoin only and are awkward to get into so the community seemingly has abandoned them. Popular rooms would bottle neck only a select few people to play, or a tyrannical host would just kick whomever they wanted for a slot and would take forever till you got a turn unless you joined another room, and even then the same limiting problems would persist.

If they are in fact making a new 2v2 map, hopefully it will be supported with some way to queue into them so we no longer have an awkward honor system to even get a decent match.

The balance right now will just be FB + Nec, so they need to fix that first.

As in fix that to be another class + another class? Balance has gone haywire since HoT (it was not that good before but it would probably be with the current other modifications to pvp) and they might never get it right.

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@"Jalal.6783" said:stop talking about this nonsense. It's going to be scourge firebrand every match

This is indeed true of the current balance. However, balances changes over time. Do you believe that 2v2 will never work, whatever balance decisions they make in the future, even possibly tailored to game modes (such as 2v2)?

I'd rather they propose new game modes first, then adjust progressively according to the player feedback they might get. Firebrand + scourge is too strong? Then nerf some of their traits, but only for 2v2. Stealth is a problem? Proceed similarly, and so on.

Just my 2c, but one who never attempts anything in the first place, is unlikely to find success in his "endeavors" :)

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@Jalal.6783 said:stop talking about this nonsense. It's going to be scourge firebrand every match

Or not. As a power reaper or power scourge i tend to eat alive FB heal bots. Then my other friend i que with can deal with a squishy no heal codi one shot off scourge with whatever he feels like.

2v2 would be fun but it hasn't actually been done right just like TDM was half butt done in gw2 and had no chance.

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