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Renegade Healer


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Considering that renegade comes with a group heal skill and a steal life elite. How do people feel about a Renegade/Ventari healer that also buffs party dmg.

Just wouldnt be sure if to run a condi/healing power set or go power/healing power cause staff seems like the best constant heal weapon for Rev.
You also have the potential to ditch any Prec stats as if running certain traits youll always be at Around 73% crit chance I believe.

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Healing Rev builds are the wild west of theorycrafting. I'm not sure anyone has figured out the "best way" to do it. But if I were to compare the two... When you trade away Herald, you're giving away two things.

First, the heal on shield off-hand. Having the heal on the off-hand means you can either run a condi set with mace/shield or a power set with sword/shield. You don't have to sacrifice heals when swapping weapons.

Second, the ability to stack a bunch of boons before the fight. This pre-stacking is important, particularly because most of your time as healing rev is spent in Ventari anyway. There's little reason to swap to any other stance.

The Renegade gets a group heal on it's heal skill, and the life siphon from Soulcleave is real, but using these skills is obtuse. You can swap to Kalla from Ventari to use these skills, but it isn't going to heal more than simply camping Ventari. Orders from above can increase the amount of alacrity given out, but it is a minor bonus, and if energy is tight then you won't get to use it. The only other advantage is that Soul Cleave can give the team around 4.5k extra DPS while also healing for 1k health per second.

But give it a shot. You lose little from actually trying the build out.

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In raids you cannot stack boons prefight. They wipe all boons on the start of a fight.

Kalla Ventari heal rev has some awesome bonuses for your raid sub group. You can either maintain full Alacrity uptime or help with Might and protection uptime. Paired with a dpsish Firebrand who is runjing just enough duration to maintain perma quickness, and you have your chronomancer backup composition, save for missing Distortion.

If maintained well, Kallas elite is a huuuuge damage buff for multihit allies, and allows for gorsevals retaliation from his ground pound phase to be completely ignored.

If we ever get a healing power, condition damage, Condition duration stat combo, the build could easily be a meta option.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:It actually has really good synergy with ventari, probably better than most others. It can be played offensively as well and maintain near perfect alacrity between Orders from Above and Ventari

94% alacrity to be precise

Edit: I'm going to post a full theory crafted build later because i feel I've found an optimal way to play support renagade for raids

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I'm going to experiment with the build myself. I'll miss the boon duration and all the boons from herald, but in theory if I can maintain weapon swaps I can buff overall healing.

Sword/Sword + Staff, full Zealots, Water Runes, Water + Transference Sigil

Devastation: Vicious Lacerations, Assassin's Presence, Swift TerminationSalvation: Nourishing Roots, Invoking Harmony, Selfless AmplificationRenegade: Wrought-Iron Will, All for One, Righteous Rebel

The rotation is fairly simple. Swap legends whenever possible to keep Invoking Harmony maxed out. When in Ventari, use Orders when off cooldown and Natural Resonance when available. Swap to Kalla when off cooldown and use the heal skill + Soul Cleave. Primarily sword auto and sword 2 for damage, block with sword 4, swap to staff for more heals and to shred bars.

The hard part about this build is that it wants to do 3 things, but can only do one. Keeping Alacrity up means you'll do lower damage and can't burst heal. Reserving for bursting heals when necessary loses out in damage and alacrity. Using Soulcleave maxes out damage, but you lose alacrity and heals overall. Currently I'm going to try and do 1 and 3 by spamming the heal skills with youthful abandon, and swap to Kalla whenever possible. Hopefully I won't end up in a situation where the combination of Breakrazor, Soul Cleave, and a 155% modifier on heals won't be enough.

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Just got through running it in t4 fractals. You know, it is hard to appreciate just how many knockbacks there are in this game until they disable your summons. Then, you realize that nearly every attack by Ensolyss and Siax is a knockback. Also the Fire Shaman spams knockbacks. Also the Tentacles and Jade Golems spam cc. Also the Moss Heart. And Artsariiv. And Arkk. Also... basically every fractal.

All theorycrafting went down the drain as soon as contact was made with the enemy. The summons do not provide additional DPS or healing because they cannot stay on their feet long enough to do so. Alternating between being a healing rev and being a DPS rev as needed, I've found that the summons are wholly unreliable in any circumstance where you'd actually need a heal, or even any circumstance when you'd just like to do some damage. They are slow to cast, slow to activate on their own, highly vulnerable to disruption, and if they get pushed out of range they'll root away from combat, being an utter waste of time. They can be neither tactical nor pivotal.

That aside, healing Renegade suffers from the same problems that healing Herald does. You need to be on a team that is competent enough to recognize that the ventari tablet is not a banshee out to eat their soul. If your teammates scatter around randomly while flailing with ranged weapons, you'll never be able to support the group in a meaningful manner. The summons do not fix this problem.. It is cruel irony that the healing spec is wholly ineffective in teams that would need it the most.

It is my advice to let the Renegade stance sit on the bench, unless you are in circumstances where your team is competent enough to receive the buffs while also fighting an enemy that does not use a lot of CC. I.E. nowhere in fractals. Other than those circumstances, Jalis will net you more DPS and Herald will give better support options.

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While playing the beta I noticed the psynergy and made a post in the previous forum. It's not a druid in terms of group buffs, but I think it's definitely better than herald if you know how to use it. So that makes it second-best option.

For it to be as meta as druid, we'd likely need to see some changes, like providing 100% alacrity uptime as easy as chrono can and not being so energy inefficient (haven't tested the orders from above change, but REALLY anet why give revenant alacrity to not be able to 100% it) or spirits affecting up to 10 people. But it has great psynergy with quickness firebrand to provide the missing alacrity.

I'm quite eager that they buff some bit healing renegade to see different compositions than mirror comp.

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@Ertrak.9506 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:It actually has really good synergy with ventari, probably better than most others. It can be played offensively as well and maintain near perfect alacrity between Orders from Above and Ventari

94% alacrity to be precise

Edit: I'm going to post a full theory crafted build later because i feel I've found an optimal way to play support renagade for raids

I'm interessed about that, did you finished your build?

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:Haven't tried, but can Renegade minions stay active while in another legend? Seem low duration. Also don't see the synergy. Energy cost of Tablet and all. I say Renegade may be good for defending other real healers like Druid and Ele.

Yes all non sustained summons work when switching legend :) (so all except Soulcleaver)

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@maxinox.6283 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:It actually has really good synergy with ventari, probably better than most others. It can be played offensively as well and maintain near perfect alacrity between Orders from Above and Ventari

94% alacrity to be precise

Edit: I'm going to post a full theory crafted build later because i feel I've found an optimal way to play support renagade for raids

I'm interessed about that, did you finished your build?


The idea here is that since all of your energy is going into your utilities, use the strongest DPS AA that the rev has access to, ie the sword. To add to this, since the rev has such strong healing, you don't need to have maxed out healing power to get crazy healing.

This build provides 94% alacrity uptime (when played correctly), ferocity aura, very strong healing, very strong CC, and utility based on the encounter.

With this build, kalla can be swapped out for malyx for resistance (sloth or Matthias for example).

Rotation (for highest DPS support):

Start on ventari, spam natural harmony until you run out of energy -> swap legends.Use f4 (Orders from Above), wait for energy to reach 50% and use kalla's elite. swap to ventari ASAP.Spam Natural harmony again. Note keep using natural harmony as much as possible until legend swap comes off CD. Once it does, wait to swap until one more use of natural harmony, then swap. This is key to keeping alacrity over 90%Repeat

Try to move the tablet as little as possible so you can keep energy use for natural harmony, OfA, and kalla's elite/resistance.

Edit: I forgot sigils, use transference (10% heal effectiveness)/concentration (33% boon duration on swap)

Gear can be swapped for power/concentration/healing power stat combo (I forget the name) based on preference.

This build is designed for raid comp:1: chrono/druid/dps war (banners)/2dps2: FB/renegade/Soulbeast dps (spirits)/ dagger-dagger mightstack deadeye (reddit build getting 27k dps w/ 25 might on 10 ppl), 1 dps

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@Ertrak.9506 said:Start on ventari, spam natural harmony until you run out of energy -> swap legends.Use f4 (Orders from Above), wait for energy to reach 50% and use kalla's elite. swap to ventari ASAP.Spam Natural harmony again. Note keep using natural harmony as much as possible until legend swap comes off CD. Once it does, wait to swap until one more use of natural harmony, then swap. This is key to keeping alacrity over 90%Repeat

How does using Kalla's Elite do anything in this situation? You'll literally summon it to have it disappear immediately.

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@NinjaSonic.1392 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:Start on ventari, spam natural harmony until you run out of energy -> swap legends.Use f4 (Orders from Above), wait for energy to reach 50% and use kalla's elite. swap to ventari ASAP.Spam Natural harmony again.
keep using natural harmony as much as possible until legend swap comes off CD. Once it does, wait to swap until one more use of natural harmony, then swap.
This is key to keeping alacrity over 90%

How does using Kalla's Elite do anything in this situation? You'll literally summon it to have it disappear immediately.

it doesn't in regards to alacrity. it takes 5 seconds after using OfA to reach 50% energy, of which using the elit will drain 50% energy in about 5 seconds. Guess what, that lines up nicely with the legend swap CD.

its just a small party-wide dps buff and helps keep the party HP topped off while you're not on ventari

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@Ertrak.9506 said:

@NinjaSonic.1392 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:Start on ventari, spam natural harmony until you run out of energy -> swap legends.Use f4 (Orders from Above), wait for energy to reach 50% and use kalla's elite. swap to ventari ASAP.Spam Natural harmony again.
keep using natural harmony as much as possible until legend swap comes off CD. Once it does, wait to swap until one more use of natural harmony, then swap.
This is key to keeping alacrity over 90%

How does using Kalla's Elite do anything in this situation? You'll literally summon it to have it disappear immediately.

it doesn't in regards to alacrity. it takes 5 seconds after using OfA to reach 50% energy, of which using the elit will drain 50% energy in about 5 seconds. Guess what, that lines up nicely with the legend swap CD.

its just a small party-wide dps buff and helps keep the party HP topped off while you're not on ventari

Can i ask why your build has boon duration utility and sigil and not just more healing or damage? Boon duration does not factor at Alacrity uptime. Renegade has not that much boons to give(only some protection and stuff from your dodges) and I find that those stats could be spent on more healing or damage(force or healing on swap and go for bountiful oil or just some sharpening stone). Also you are running assassin's annihilation for surviablity I presume?

Also Harrier stat does actually nothing on this build except dps loss, this build has shit boons. Otherwise I may try this build, looks interesting as 2nd option healer with firebrand on same party.

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@Caccis.9087 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:

@NinjaSonic.1392 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:Start on ventari, spam natural harmony until you run out of energy -> swap legends.Use f4 (Orders from Above), wait for energy to reach 50% and use kalla's elite. swap to ventari ASAP.Spam Natural harmony again.
keep using natural harmony as much as possible until legend swap comes off CD. Once it does, wait to swap until one more use of natural harmony, then swap.
This is key to keeping alacrity over 90%

How does using Kalla's Elite do anything in this situation? You'll literally summon it to have it disappear immediately.

it doesn't in regards to alacrity. it takes 5 seconds after using OfA to reach 50% energy, of which using the elit will drain 50% energy in about 5 seconds. Guess what, that lines up nicely with the legend swap CD.

its just a small party-wide dps buff and helps keep the party HP topped off while you're not on ventari

Can i ask why your build has boon duration utility and sigil and not just more healing or damage? Boon duration does not factor at Alacrity uptime. Renegade has not that much boons to give(only some protection and stuff from your dodges) and I find that those stats could be spent on more healing or damage(force or healing on swap and go for bountiful oil or just some sharpening stone). Also you are running assassin's annihilation for surviablity I presume?

Also Harrier stat does actually nothing on this build except dps loss, this build has kitten boons. Otherwise I may try this build, looks interesting as 2nd option healer with firebrand on same party.

You could go for more healing or damage, and yes I know that alacrity is a buff, not a boon lol.

The point of the harrier (thanks btw) is for protection uptime/resistance if u need malyx (situational) which honestly, I foresee enemy condi spam becoming more abundant in future raid wings, or at least the next one.

Additionally, you don't need more healing than the build already has. Thanks to the crazy amount of modifiers from traits/food you already have a high amount of healing.

Full zealot for increased dps or, if you really wanted to go overkill for more carry potential, full magi are certainly viable variants. It really just comes down to preference/situation.

P.S. Assassin's annihilation: I really didn't know what to do with these traits honestly. None of them really help for what the build's intention is so I kinda just picked the bottom one for the survivability. I guess top would be more dps but...idk really.

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@lagrimabendita.8763 said:Hello

Why are you not use invocation traits it has more synergy with the healing/support part? . Also why are you not using shield?

Raid groups want your assassin's presence, so I guess you gotta sacrifice providing fury and better healing, since salvation and renegade are mandatory.

Also, shield is herald's spec weapon, so you can't use it as a renegade.

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@Ertrak.9506 said:

@NinjaSonic.1392 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:Start on ventari, spam natural harmony until you run out of energy -> swap legends.Use f4 (Orders from Above), wait for energy to reach 50% and use kalla's elite. swap to ventari ASAP.Spam Natural harmony again.
keep using natural harmony as much as possible until legend swap comes off CD. Once it does, wait to swap until one more use of natural harmony, then swap.
This is key to keeping alacrity over 90%

How does using Kalla's Elite do anything in this situation? You'll literally summon it to have it disappear immediately.

it doesn't in regards to alacrity. it takes 5 seconds after using OfA to reach 50% energy, of which using the elit will drain 50% energy in about 5 seconds. Guess what, that lines up nicely with the legend swap CD.

its just a small party-wide dps buff and helps keep the party HP topped off while you're not on ventari

I guess maybe I'm just not following what you're saying. It sounds like you're using OfA, then waiting for your energy to regen to 50%, using Kalla's Elite then immediately swapping. If that's the case it doesn't do anything because Kalla's elite doesn't work like the other 4 "spirits" it constantly drains energy and also disappears once you swap from Kalla's stance?

Or do you mean use OfA, then immediately use her elite and swap as soon as your legend swap is off CD? I think I'm just hung up on what you mean by " wait for energy to reach 50%"

EDIT: I just tested it (still in Viper's gear but going OfA > Soulcleave's Summit to 0 energy happens almost exactly as legend swap comes off CD.

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@Akeno.4962 said:

@lagrimabendita.8763 said:Hello

Why are you not use invocation traits it has more synergy with the healing/support part? . Also why are you not using shield?

Raid groups want your
assassin's presence
, so I guess you gotta sacrifice providing fury and better healing, since salvation and renegade are mandatory.

Also, shield is herald's spec weapon, so you can't use it as a renegade.


In terms of what you bring to help the group invocation doesn't do all that much. Fury is already covered by druids/deadeye/warriors and the fury is only granted to the rev. the healing increase from the grandmaster only applies when above 50 energy, which with this rotation, never happens so it end up being a wasted trait.

@NinjaSonic.1392 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:

@NinjaSonic.1392 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:Start on ventari, spam natural harmony until you run out of energy -> swap legends.Use f4 (Orders from Above), wait for energy to reach 50% and use kalla's elite. swap to ventari ASAP.Spam Natural harmony again.
keep using natural harmony as much as possible until legend swap comes off CD. Once it does, wait to swap until one more use of natural harmony, then swap.
This is key to keeping alacrity over 90%

How does using Kalla's Elite do anything in this situation? You'll literally summon it to have it disappear immediately.

it doesn't in regards to alacrity. it takes 5 seconds after using OfA to reach 50% energy, of which using the elit will drain 50% energy in about 5 seconds. Guess what, that lines up nicely with the legend swap CD.

its just a small party-wide dps buff and helps keep the party HP topped off while you're not on ventari

I guess maybe I'm just not following what you're saying. It sounds like you're using OfA, then waiting for your energy to regen to 50%, using Kalla's Elite then immediately swapping. If that's the case it doesn't do anything because Kalla's elite doesn't work like the other 4 "spirits" it constantly drains energy and also disappears once you swap from Kalla's stance?

Or do you mean use OfA, then immediately use her elite and swap as soon as your legend swap is off CD? I think I'm just hung up on what you mean by " wait for energy to reach 50%"

EDIT: I just tested it (still in Viper's gear but going OfA > Soulcleave's Summit to 0 energy happens almost exactly as legend swap comes off CD.

Swap from ventari > use OfA immediately (legend swap CD at 10s; energy is at 25) > 5s wait (energy now at 50; legend swap CD now at 5s) > kalla's elite for last 5 seconds.

The idea is to have Soulcleave's summit reach 0 energy exactly as legend swap is off CD for optimized uptime of the skill alongside everything else.

it works pretty nice from what i've seen.

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