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the condition in spvp is ok you just need to l2p

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As someone that plays a condi(sorta) main,There is a huge difference between condi and power damage and most of it has to do with the reapplication capabilities of the top performing condi classes. It’s not about how much you can cleanse, it’s about how fast can your opponent reapply said condi back on you as a function of condi cleanse cds.

Naturally there’s also the L2P issue of when do you cleanse. Most people would see 5 condis pop on them and drop a cleanse, not bothering to see what is actually being applied and to what intensity.

I do understand that there has to be a golden medium, you can’t increase the time to reapply drastically or condi specs will cease to exist, but keeping some of these CDs in their current state is borderline silly. Perhaps raising condi durations even further at the expense of CD increase for the skills that apply ‘em might work at least to an extent. I’m just speculating here, I haven’t really done any actual math, just saying it how I see it.

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@DragonFury.6243 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Not opening an obscure link.

And it's difference not 'deference'.

And you saying there's no 'deference' between the title and content of your own thread is possibly the best was ever to exist to shoot down your own post.

And it's way not 'was'This is the best 'was' to respond to English teacher like you!

Lol.../few more chars

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@DragonFury.6243 the conditions dmg in sPvP is good itself yea BUT you talk about learn how to remove conditions. Moste classes dont have more than 1-2 condition remove skills (probalby see warrior with 1 condition clear/2-3 condition remove) plus you could clear how often you want the enemy conditions player will always get you the same condition stack that you cleaned one second before. Let`s take a look what you have to deal vs power builds you have Thougness, Vitality, healing, Kiting, Doge big bursts, Protection, Aegis on the other side to deal with conditions you have condition clear(that be absolutly useless this days) resistance and okay you could say kiting and dodge but if you get conditions its probalby useless as well cause of it hit you what ever you do. So to say conditions and power dmg be good balanced be not that true you have a lot more things that will safe you vs power builds than vs condition builds.

P.S Sry about my bad english ^^

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Let`s take a look what you have to deal vs power builds you have Thougness, Vitality, healing, Kiting, Doge big bursts, Protection, Aegis

More than half of these things also work against condi damage.

okay you could say kiting and dodge but if you get conditions its probalby useless as well cause of it hit you what ever you do.Not true.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

Let`s take a look what you have to deal vs power builds you have Thougness, Vitality, healing, Kiting, Doge big bursts, Protection, Aegis

More than half of these things also work against condi damage.

okay you could say kiting and dodge but if you get conditions its probalby useless as well cause of
it hit you what ever you do.
Not true.

You can mitigate the power damage with toughness / protection and weakness vs conditions cleansing utilities /traits /sigils and runes

You can completely reduse the power damage with utilities/traits that make damages received = zero vs resistance

Vitally / kiting /dodges and invulnerable same for power and condition

But the none damaging or the cover ups conditions don't help the power builds as much as the condition builds (by a lot)

And the condition weapons attacks uploaded with more damage than the power weapon e.g. 8 stacks of fire from mirage torch vs what power off hand weapon?

The power AOE usually 180 to 220 radius and the condition AOE usually over 280 radius

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@"DragonFury.6243" said:But the none damaging or the cover ups conditions don't help the power builds as much as the condition builds (by a lot)

This really isn't true.

And the condition weapons attacks uploaded with more damage than the power weapon e.g. 8 stacks of fire from mirage torch vs what power off hand weapon?

Of course you chose mirage. Yes we all know mirage is broken. This is about conditions in general.

The power AOE usually 180 to 220 radius and the condition AOE usually over 280 radius

Just straight up not true if you are attempting to generalise.

You're doing the common thing of "these outlier condi builds are op therefore all conditions are op and need nerfing / more counters. "

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Either make the application just a tad bit slower, like 20% slower or give more condi cleanses to some professions (e.g. Revenant). The issue, in my opinion, is that a lot of power builds rely on some combos for their burst dmg that have higher CDs than the combo condi bursts from condi builds... In other words, if the enemy is witty and dodges your power burst, you (as a power player) need to wait a tad bit longer and try to do sustain dmg and mitigate incoming damage, while condi burst dmg is on an overall lower CD which makes playing against a witty player much easier. They avoid your initial combo condi burst or cleanse it and you have to wait less to reaply it than what a power build would have to wait to try its burst combo again. This may be just my bias tho.

All in all, I think condis are near to perfect overall. Just a tad bit slower application IMO and it will be golden. Also... nerf mirages (just the visual clutter for kittens sake) and give Revenants condi cleanse on legend swap.

Also, boon corruption shouldn't be a thing.. like really, really... reaaaaaaally.

Lastly... give me 1 million gold and double ONLY MY STATS, and the game will be balanced. Thanks. (yea, I'm that bad :( )

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"DragonFury.6243" said:But the none damaging or the cover ups conditions don't help the power builds as much as the condition builds (by a lot)

This really isn't true.and This really isn't true eitherpower benefit from the function of the none damaging conditions same as conditions build but the condition builds use them as cover ups for their damaging condition and that will decrease the effect of cleansing that power builds have while the toughness and protections remain unchangedyou may say boon removal then i ll say condition removal you may say boon corrupt the i ll say condition convertso in the end condition builds use the none damaging conditions to interfere with cleansing (AKA damage mitigation) while power builds don't (AKA damage mitigation remain unchanged )

And the condition weapons attacks uploaded with more damage than the power weapon e.g. 8 stacks of fire from mirage torch vs what power off hand weapon?

Of course you chose mirage. Yes we all know mirage is broken. This is about conditions in general.This is about conditions in general may be you forget about Blowtorch,Zealot's Flame,Zealot's Fire,Bonfire,etc because i don't have the time you can visit wiki and learn more

The power AOE usually 180 to 220 radius and the condition AOE usually over 280 radius

Just straight up not true if you are attempting to generalise.radius wise range condition is the same as range power but in melee condition is not the same as power if you disagree give an exampleYou're doing the common thing of "these outlier condi builds are op therefore all conditions are op and need nerfing / more counters. "the condition is op why did you see the image i posted the damage can kill a player with 20k HP 5 times

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I think it's fine too but like if you're going to condi burst me super hard i'd rather you have less sustain so it becomes more of a hit and kill or miss and die. Talking mainly about condi mirage. I'll take 10 burnstacks 20 confusion and 15 torment on me if you stop blinding on shatter and stunbreaking on evades. Missing a burst for mirage just isnt as punishing enough. Scourge has a good balance of damage vs survivability and same with condi DD.

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While I do not PvP you all have that damage breakdown chart. After every death condition versus power look at that chart. Both of the numbers will generally be higher then your health given the fact you have things like heals and regens in between.

If the Condition damage death breakdown is higher then the Power damage breakdown in sum total damge then it means you need more condition applied to you to be killed then power damage. If this is a significantly higher number then Condition damage relative to power damage is in fact lower as it means you have MORE time and more outlets to recovery.

If someone really wanted to test this class versus class and across a whide spectrum of builds (ie more condition cleanses taken or less taken and so on) , you will get a much better idea of the relative nature of Condition versus Power damage builds along with which of the sources of damage can be more easily avoided or mitigated. Of all the charts I have seen people post so far from PvP , the Condition damage total is significantly higher then the power damage total. This suggests more condition damage needed to kill someone then power damage and/or it suggests those fights go on longer.

If you find a specific class against which Condition damage is very close to power damage over the same period of time prior to a kill AND where the cleanses one takes make a minimal impact, it then you have a particular skill or profession that might need looking into as being overtuned. I am pretty certain there are far fewer of these OP skills/builds versus the inability to mitigate any of said Condition damage then people are suggesting.

There could certainly might be other reasons for the numerical discrepancies in Death Breakdown charts that I may not have considered and would welcome other input but that there might be three professions in sum total that use Condition builds that people constantly refer to as OP (Mesmer. Scourge , Thief) does not make it so. Those might stick out only because they are the professions that have condition builds that are AS viable as a power build within their same profession. They also might stick out not because of total condition damage output , but because of what the rest of the build offers. In the case of s/d condition thief as example , it the ability to avoid countering with ports in and out on #2 but that said, if they can do this on POWER as well with yet more damage per port or dodge then it not an issue with condition damage.

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@babazhook.6805 said:If the Condition damage death breakdown is higher then the Power damage breakdown in sum total damge then it means you need more condition applied to you to be killed then power damage. If this is a significantly higher number then Condition damage relative to power damage is in fact lower as it means you have MORE time and more outlets to recovery.If the image I posted make you think that I needed more conditions damage to kill me than power well that because I dodge the main burst and kits 24/7 and the results is what you see now I have a lot of death breakdown images when I took more than 45k power damage to die keep in mind protection decrease the power damage by 33%And condition damage meant to deal damage over a long period of time that why conditions stats have more toughness and vitality that will help them to tank so they apply the condition damage while the power builds have to invest in precision and ferocity and that make them more glassy

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@DragonFury.6243 said:

@babazhook.6805 said:If the Condition damage death breakdown is higher then the Power damage breakdown in sum total damge then it means you need more condition applied to you to be killed then power damage. If this is a significantly higher number then Condition damage relative to power damage is in fact lower as it means you have MORE time and more outlets to recovery.If the image I posted make you think that I needed more conditions damage to kill me than power well that because I dodge the main burst and kits 24/7 and the results is what you see now I have a lot of death breakdown images when I took more than 45k power damage to die keep in mind protection decrease the power damage by 33%And condition damage meant to deal damage over a long period of time that why conditions stats have more toughness and vitality that will help them to tank so they apply the condition damage while the power builds have to invest in precision and ferocity and that make them more glassy

The amount of damage you might manage to mitigate prior to it landing is not really relevant. When a death breakdown chart shows you took 22000 POWER damage before you died or you took 79000 condition damage before you died it showed that in spite of all the damage you AVOIDED it take more than 3 times as much Condition damage to get through to eat away at your healt pool and down you.

That you might have dodged a big hit from a power attack is NOT relevant to amount of damage taken anymore then avoiding a Condition spike via dodge is. That protection prevents 33 percent of power damage is no more relevant than the fact that resistance prevents 100 percent of condition damage when it comes to the amount of damage that GETS through to kill you. That you can cleanse a stack of conditions after it may of ticked 3 times on a Condition load of 10 seconds acts like a dodge and prevents 70 percent of that Conditions load of damage is not relevant to damage taken in order to down you. In this death breakdown charts all of the MISSED damage from cleanses/dodges/resistance and the like is also left out of the final result.

The point about Ferocity and precision being needed in a power build is also not relevant to the discussion. All it shows is Power builds have more ways of increasing their damage output then a Condition build has. Part of the reason a condition build might take three times as much damage applied in order to down an enemy over a power build is because investing in ferocity and precision makes that damage MUCH burstier resulting in a quicker down of the enemy.

That said , as far as the types of damge being received goes by a Condition build in tankier gear as opposed to a Power build in Glassier gear goes , the added Toughness is only of use against Power builds. The Condition damage build gets just as much protection from Conditions from its toughness while wearing dire, as does a Power build does against Conditions while wearing Zerker.

Given the fact that a power build CAN deliver faster burstier damage in one go, a Condition damage would just be unable to sustain itself long enough against that burst were they not able to count on that added toughness. Again there might well be outlier skills that can chain together Conditions at such a rate that a death breakdown chart would show a person consistently dying to the same amount of total damage as a power build and if so that suggests there a problem with that skill.

Obviously this just applies to WvW and PvP.

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@babazhook.6805 said:The amount of damage you might manage to mitigate prior to it landing is not really relevant. When a death breakdown chart shows you took 22000 POWER damage before you died or you took 79000 condition damage before you died it showed that in spite of all the damage you AVOIDED it take more than 3 times as much Condition damage to get through to eat away at your healt pool and down you.This really isn't completely true. because 22000 power damage = to 22000 condition damage . you must add that power spike damage wont allow to heal much but in the condition damage case you can heal multiple tims because its damage over timekeep in mind damage wise power = condition

That you might have dodged a big hit from a power attack is NOT relevant to amount of damage taken anymore then avoiding a Condition spike via dodge is. That protection prevents 33 percent of power damage is no more relevant than the fact that resistance prevents 100 percent of condition damage when it comes to the amount of damage that GETS through to kill you. That you can cleanse a stack of conditions after it may of ticked 3 times on a Condition load of 10 seconds acts like a dodge and prevents 70 percent of that Conditions load of damage is not relevant to damage taken in order to down you. In this death breakdown charts all of the MISSED damage from cleanses/dodges/resistance and the like is also left out of the final result.i mentioned protection not to compare it to resistance but to explain to you my death breakdown can have 45k power damage because 33% of the damage get mitigatedand you should not compare resistance to protection you shoild compare it to utility and traits that decrease the power damage to 0

The point about Ferocity and precision being needed in a power build is also not relevant to the discussion. All it shows is Power builds have more ways of increasing their damage output then a Condition build has. Part of the reason a condition build might take three times as much damage applied in order to down an enemy over a power build is because investing in ferocity and precision makes that damage MUCH burstier resulting in a quicker down of the enemy.This really isn't true either . power build need precision and may be ferocity to increase their damage output Condition build has only one and its equal to both precision and ferocity and its called Expertise

That said , as far as the types of damge being received goes by a Condition build in tankier gear as opposed to a Power build in Glassier gear goes , the added Toughness is only of use against Power builds. The Condition damage build gets just as much protection from Conditions from its toughness while wearing dire, as does a Power build does against Conditions while wearing Zerker.true if their was no none damaging conditions

Given the fact that a power build CAN deliver faster burstier damage in one go, a Condition damage would just be unable to sustain itself long enough against that burst were they not able to count on that added toughness. Again there might well be outlier skills that can chain together Conditions at such a rate that a death breakdown chart would show a person consistently dying to the same amount of total damage as a power build and if so that suggests there a problem with that skill.

Obviously this just applies to WvW and PvP.true cant agree more with that.

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This really isn't true either . power build need precision and may be ferocity to increase their damage output Condition build has only one and its equal to both precision and ferocity and its called Expertise

It does not matter HOW total damage output arrived at. All that matters is what that damage output is.

I am just going to throw out some numbers for the purpose of example. The numbers are immaterial , just the point I am making.

Condition build assume in a SINGLE attack I can apply Conditions enough to output 5000 damage. This requires no investment in anything but Expertise and Condition damage.

Power damage build. I can throw out 5000 damage in a single attack. I can do this by only investing in POWER. I can also, at the expense of Toughness and or Vitality invest in Ferocity and Precision. This investment will increase my damage to 10000 damage.

The Condition damage build can only do 5000 damage in single attack no matter the stats invested in.The Power damage build can do damage between 5000 and 10000 in a single attack but the higher damage comes with being glassier.

That there more WAYS to increase damage in a Power build does not mean Power therefore weaker as long as the upper damage it can output is higher then the maximum that condition build can achieve. If by investing in Precision and Ferocity that Condition build can now output 10000 in condition damage in a single attack then in order to do that it would make the same sacrifices to survival as would power and there no real debate .

The only issue arises when the SINGLE attack of a condition build outputs as much damage as that POWER attack that has invested in Precision and ferocity. Here however you then have to factor in cleanses.

There a reason most power builds do not use Soldiers and that is because while they might be able to deliver 5k in damage in a single attack simply by investing in power ,when they do come up against another power build in Zerker that Zerker build will output more damage then the added toughness and vitality of the Soldiers build will mitigate. Obviously it not an either or and those power builds will go throw all manner of iterations to arrive at a build that suits their purposes when it comes to the amount of extra damage they want to squeeze out versus the ability to withstand a hit but that a Condition build does not make those choices is NOT material if their upper damage limit has a lower ceiling.

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@babazhook.6805 said:Condition build assume in a SINGLE attack I can apply Conditions enough to output 5000 damage. This requires no investment in anything but Expertise and Condition damage.

Power damage build. I can throw out 5000 damage in a single attack. I can do this by only investing in POWER. I can also, at the expense of Toughness and or Vitality invest in Ferocity and Precision. This investment will increase my damage to 10000 damage.

The Condition damage build can only do 5000 damage in single attack no matter the stats invested in.The Power damage build can do damage between 5000 and 10000 in a single attack but the higher damage comes with being glassier.

That is not really true.

direct dmg is increased by power, precision and ferocity.condition dmg is increased by condition dmg and expertise.

The main issue I see is that there are a lot of builds able to deal bursts of condition dmg without having to trait for critical hits. While a build that focus on direct dmg bursts need to be really glassy.

The best way to solve the issue in PvP/WvW without making condi builds useless in PvE again is, IMO, to make precision (critical hits) relevant to condi burst specs.Make traits that increase the dmg of conditions (poison for thieves, burn for guards, etc) to apply the increased dmg only on critical hits.Make traits that increase the stacks of conditions (bleeds on chill for necros, poison on immob for thieves, confusion on blind for mes, etc) apply the extra conditions only on critical hits.

This way, specs that run vipers or sinister, will remain with their high burst capacity, as they should (no vit/though) while specs that run trailblazers, carrion, and other mix of condi and defensive stats will have reduced burst capacity.

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@lLobo.7960 said:

@babazhook.6805 said:Condition build assume in a SINGLE attack I can apply Conditions enough to output 5000 damage. This requires no investment in anything but Expertise and Condition damage.

Power damage build. I can throw out 5000 damage in a single attack. I can do this by only investing in POWER. I can also, at the expense of Toughness and or Vitality invest in Ferocity and Precision. This investment will increase my damage to 10000 damage.

The Condition damage build can only do 5000 damage in single attack no matter the stats invested in.The Power damage build can do damage between 5000 and 10000 in a single attack but the higher damage comes with being glassier.

That is not really true.

direct dmg is increased by power, precision and ferocity.condition dmg is increased by condition dmg and expertise.

The main issue I see is that there are a lot of builds able to deal bursts of condition dmg without having to trait for critical hits. While a build that focus on direct dmg bursts need to be really glassy.

The best way to solve the issue in PvP/WvW without making condi builds useless in PvE again is, IMO, to make precision (critical hits) relevant to condi burst specs.Make traits that increase the dmg of conditions (poison for thieves, burn for guards, etc) to apply the increased dmg only on critical hits.Make traits that increase the stacks of conditions (bleeds on chill for necros, poison on immob for thieves, confusion on blind for mes, etc) apply the extra conditions only on critical hits.

This way, specs that run vipers or sinister, will remain with their high burst capacity, as they should (no vit/though) while specs that run trailblazers, carrion, and other mix of condi and defensive stats will have reduced burst capacity.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I kinda like that idea a lot. If it’s actually manageable on their end without major rewrite to the code.

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@lLobo.7960 said:

@"babazhook.6805" said:Condition build assume in a SINGLE attack I can apply Conditions enough to output 5000 damage. This requires no investment in anything but Expertise and Condition damage.

Power damage build. I can throw out 5000 damage in a single attack. I can do this by only investing in POWER. I can also, at the expense of Toughness and or Vitality invest in Ferocity and Precision. This investment will increase my damage to 10000 damage.

The Condition damage build can only do 5000 damage in single attack no matter the stats invested in.The Power damage build can do damage between 5000 and 10000 in a single attack but the higher damage comes with being glassier.

That is not really true.

direct dmg is increased by power, precision and ferocity.condition dmg is increased by condition dmg and expertise.

The main issue I see is that there are a lot of builds able to deal bursts of condition dmg without having to trait for critical hits. While a build that focus on direct dmg bursts need to be really glassy.

The best way to solve the issue in PvP/WvW without making condi builds useless in PvE again is, IMO, to make precision (critical hits) relevant to condi burst specs.Make traits that increase the dmg of conditions (poison for thieves, burn for guards, etc) to apply the increased dmg only on critical hits.Make traits that increase the stacks of conditions (bleeds on chill for necros, poison on immob for thieves, confusion on blind for mes, etc) apply the extra conditions only on critical hits.

This way, specs that run vipers or sinister, will remain with their high burst capacity, as they should (no vit/though) while specs that run trailblazers, carrion, and other mix of condi and defensive stats will have reduced burst capacity.

There is nothing UNTRUE in what I said. Damage is an absolute and whether three stats needed to get damage or one stat needed to get damage is not material as long as the one that needs three sstats has a higher ceiling.

It sort of like saying this. If we measure wealth in the number of cows a person has. One guy is given 5 cows and one guy givn 20 cows. It dos not matter that they guy with 20 guys needs a bigger barn or more hay to feed them, he still has more cows.

Now it could well be TRUE that a given build or skill Lays down too many Conditions or condition damage in a single attack but that an issue with that particular skill and not with Conditions versus Power in general.

To your point on making precision useful in more condition builds. I have suggested soemhing like this myself and this does indeed already exist amoong a number of builds. Warrior Condition is helped by precision as example. What I have suggested is more "two phased skills" much as you have.

As example for Death Blossom I have whave suggested 2 stacks per target baseline and an added one stack per target if there a crit. THAT said this might well mean boosting overall damage wherein it might become a 2+2 with 2 stacks per target baseline 2 more stacks per trget if a crit happens.

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@"babazhook.6805" said:There is nothing UNTRUE in what I said. Damage is an absolute and whether three stats needed to get damage or one stat needed to get damage is not material as long as the one that needs three sstats has a higher ceiling.

Sorry, what I mean to say was that when you say in your post is that a condition build will do X amount of damage "no matter the stats invested in" is incorrect.A skill that deals a condition will deal more dmg with that condition if you have more condition dmg and duration stats. Like you mentioned at the start of your post.

In any case...I think adding on-crit effects to base skills is not necessary. The key, IMO, is to move the application of some traits, specially traits that add conditions or augment their dmg.Some classes already have such traits (ele burning precision, engi incendiary powder, etc). Classes that don't have such a limitation on their condition augmenting traits (thief, mirrage, burn guard) create a situation where people can have tanky stats and still deal condi bursts. By changing a few traits to require a critical hit, you require the player to invest in offensive stats to deal the full (or current) dmg. So you keep the pve dmg potential, but reduce the dmg potential of traiblazer/carrion, etc.

A look at mirage (the condi pvp buid):-The pledge - torch skills cause extra burn

  • Maim the disillusioned - Shatters cause extra torment
  • duelist discipline - pistol attacks cause bleeding
  • blinding dissipation - shatters cause blind
  • ineptitude - blinds cause confusion

Now, if all those traits required a critical hit to inflict all those extra conditions. The current condi burst the mesmer can do would only be possible with a offensive ammulet (viper or sinister) and not with carrion. This would balance the pvp/wvw aspect of the building (maybe setting it in line with other duelist builds) while not affecting the pve dmg builds.

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