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Would be a general Damage nerf good for the PvP


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Hey guys! The title of this discussion would see you my question! Would be a general Damage nerf (PvP only) good for the PvP-Game mode? I see so many oneshot builds this time in the meta and its not rly funny to play vs them! It's like who oneshot you first? The biggest absurd thing be that conditions are not rly work like they should work. They should kill you after time and not like one burst and your down. The condition damage at least be the reason why Anet buff Power builds to oneshot! So my suggestion for the pvp balance be cut off the pvp from the pve and balance them right! That will bring back the fun in pvp cause you dont get a oneshot from all builds and it will be not as frustrating as it be nowdays. Here are some Builds that could oneshot you:

Hammer-Core Guardian (could oneshot you in less then 2 seconds after port you cant reaction fast enough)Greatsword-Core Guardian (be rly glassy i think this dont be a hard problem in pvp)Power Mirage (daze spaming plus mutch invulnerability, blindness, stealth and ports)Condition Mirage (made too mutch stacks of confusion in less then 3 seconds)Core Warrior (maybe with Rampagne and Berserker's Power )Spellbraker (too fast mightstacking with the Magebane Teager / the full counter should stun only one targed maybe the one who hit in the full counter)Deadeye ( this specialization should not be playable in pvp cause it will be too broken if he oneshot all your enemys and have perma stealth)Freshair ele (have mutch speed blindness and oneshot you easily)Holosmith (not that a problem but have too many stuns)Soulbeast (pets = 10k dmg outputt/longbow= 10k dmg outputt / Wordly impakt = 10k dmg outputt that shit plus unblockable hits for 4 seconds i think nothing to say more right?)

P.S: Sorry about my bad english! And probably there are too many stuns ingame too!

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According to the "feedback" I got in my thread the answer obviously is no.Just dodge it 4Head.

But srsly tho.Yes, the amount of burst being flung around is absolutely ridiculous. But beware of calling a "burst combo" a oneshot.You will hurt a lot of feelings around here, cause people dont like it when their skillful chaining of skills are reduced to a mere gimmick.

Now I dont mind classes having high dmg combos.Its just that on a DPS spec, literally every single skill is its own burst respectively.Even defensive skills are dps boosts now.Like Reposting shadows for example: "Hey, here is an evade that cures movement impairing conditions, stunbreaks and gives you endurance. On top of that you get 8 might and fury.

Also yes, Aoe (Soft)CCs for everybody.

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I do not think nerfing the damage on all classes is the answer. Tank builds will run rampant. Sitting on points with no counter play.

I am of the opinion of increasing hp pools across the board. Mostly everything else went through power increase since game release, while everything else increased. This will also maintain the damage to sustainability ratio, while reducing the impact of burst. It is also makes much harder to die from one condi overload.

Also, this may help build diversity. Right now all builds except SB and maybe necro, must use an amulet with hp. This can open amulet diversity.

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@Solori.6025 said:

@Jannie.2975 said:Just deal with the Mesmer and all will be fine.

. . .So people have discovered that mesmer is not the only class that can one shot or burst someone in a ridiculously short amount of time...It took a while but we are finally here.

I main Chronomancer.It is not only about the Mesmer oneshots. One major problem is the Chronomancer, where one takes 1-2 chronomancer into endgame content for the boon sharing. I am no friend of boon sharing because one single chronomancer or two add so much dps to all the others around. I believe that boons should be rare boni that get triggered when the player manages to use specific skills in succession for example as an added reward. I don't like it that boons are permanent buffs to entire parties and these buffs are not minor. These boons are ridiculously overpowered.I also don't like it that this boon sharing is so dominant in the game that many other classes and specializations simply do not find any place in endgame content. There are the kings and queens in endgame content, they are few in number, and the vast number of classes with their specializations never get to raid or to play T4 fractals at all.I personally am sick and tired of the Mesmer, considering it as a toxic and sickening class in all aspects. I believe that GW2 would be a much better game if the Mesmer did not exist.

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@Jannie.2975 said:

@Jannie.2975 said:Just deal with the Mesmer and all will be fine.

. . .So people have discovered that mesmer is not the only class that can one shot or burst someone in a ridiculously short amount of time...It took a while but we are finally here.

I main Chronomancer.It is not only about the Mesmer oneshots. One major problem is the Chronomancer, where one takes 1-2 chronomancer into endgame content for the boon sharing. I am no friend of boon sharing because one single chronomancer or two add so much dps to all the others around. I believe that boons should be rare boni that get triggered when the player manages to use specific skills in succession for example as an added reward. I don't like it that boons are permanent buffs to entire parties and these buffs are not minor. These boons are ridiculously overpowered.I also don't like it that this boon sharing is so dominant in the game that many other classes and specializations simply do not find any place in endgame content. There are the kings and queens in endgame content, they are few in number, and the vast number of classes with their specializations never get to raid or to play T4 fractals at all.I personally am sick and tired of the Mesmer, considering it as a toxic and sickening class in all aspects. I believe that GW2 would be a much better game if the Mesmer did not exist.

I mean.It sounds like you simply don't like the game, to be honest.Also, does it make sense to you to main a class you don't like and want deleted?Because that's some next level masochism

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@Solori.6025 said:

@Jannie.2975 said:Just deal with the Mesmer and all will be fine.

. . .So people have discovered that mesmer is not the only class that can one shot or burst someone in a ridiculously short amount of time...It took a while but we are finally here.

I main Chronomancer.It is not only about the Mesmer oneshots. One major problem is the Chronomancer, where one takes 1-2 chronomancer into endgame content for the boon sharing. I am no friend of boon sharing because one single chronomancer or two add so much dps to all the others around. I believe that boons should be rare boni that get triggered when the player manages to use specific skills in succession for example as an added reward. I don't like it that boons are permanent buffs to entire parties and these buffs are not minor. These boons are ridiculously overpowered.I also don't like it that this boon sharing is so dominant in the game that many other classes and specializations simply do not find any place in endgame content. There are the kings and queens in endgame content, they are few in number, and the vast number of classes with their specializations never get to raid or to play T4 fractals at all.I personally am sick and tired of the Mesmer, considering it as a toxic and sickening class in all aspects. I believe that GW2 would be a much better game if the Mesmer did not exist.

I mean.It sounds like you simply don't like the game, to be honest.Also, does it make sense to you to main a class you don't like and want deleted?Because that's some next level masochism

I know the class I am judging. Truth is not partial. What I said is the truth and this truth won't change, no matter what my class choices are. This has nothing to do with masochism. Forgive me my honesty. What else can I say? I main Chronomancer, I play it mostly, yet I know that the class that I am playing is harmful and bad for the game.

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As long as people are giving up defenses to go damage it is fine. I'd rather they fix the bugged full counter animation, stuck in walls glitch, stun through dodge etc.

To me limiting instant.casts and skills that do both offense and defense are better options. The "one shot" builds are pretty limited.

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@witcher.3197 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Part of what makes gw2 cool to me is the freedom that we have in making our toons full glass to full tank. So my vote is no. One shot builds have their weaknesses too.

The problem is that almost everything is a oneshot build now. Even kitten condi builds, and those were supposed to deal damage OVER TIME!

I honestly don't know where these oneshot builds everybody's talking about are. It makes me sad when I keep hearing about them.I remember my first few PvP games here. I was defeated in about five seconds after meeting the enemy and didn't really know what to do. Since then I've realized that you're always going to be defeated in five seconds if you act like a test golem.Thus, when I see complaining about oneshot builds, I see new players who still think they should be able to facetank everything get outplayed. In reality you need to learn to take initiative and not just eat damage. Every profession (except maybe revenant) has enough tools to either survive oneshot builds or engage them first and punish them.

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@Jannie.2975 said:

@Jannie.2975 said:Just deal with the Mesmer and all will be fine.

. . .So people have discovered that mesmer is not the only class that can one shot or burst someone in a ridiculously short amount of time...It took a while but we are finally here.

I main Chronomancer.It is not only about the Mesmer oneshots. One major problem is the Chronomancer, where one takes 1-2 chronomancer into endgame content for the boon sharing. I am no friend of boon sharing because one single chronomancer or two add so much dps to all the others around. I believe that boons should be rare boni that get triggered when the player manages to use specific skills in succession for example as an added reward. I don't like it that boons are permanent buffs to entire parties and these buffs are not minor. These boons are ridiculously overpowered.I also don't like it that this boon sharing is so dominant in the game that many other classes and specializations simply do not find any place in endgame content. There are the kings and queens in endgame content, they are few in number, and the vast number of classes with their specializations never get to raid or to play T4 fractals at all.I personally am sick and tired of the Mesmer, considering it as a toxic and sickening class in all aspects. I believe that GW2 would be a much better game if the Mesmer did not exist.

I mean.It sounds like you simply don't like the game, to be honest.Also, does it make sense to you to main a class you don't like and want deleted?Because that's some next level masochism

I know the class I am judging. Truth is not partial. What I said is the truth and this truth won't change, no matter what my class choices are. This has nothing to do with masochism. Forgive me my honesty. What else can I say? I main Chronomancer, I play it mostly, yet I know that the class that I am playing is harmful and bad for the game.

Yea, thats not what I asked. Why play a class you obviously don't enjoy? I think in a pve instance boon share mesmer should be toned down. I do agree with that, but like your other thread. You seem to not like mesmer to its core functionality. So why play a class you obviously don't like?

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@Airdive.2613 said:

@Sampson.2403 said:Part of what makes gw2 cool to me is the freedom that we have in making our toons full glass to full tank. So my vote is no. One shot builds have their weaknesses too.

The problem is that almost everything is a oneshot build now. Even kitten condi builds, and those were supposed to deal damage OVER TIME!

I honestly don't know where these oneshot builds everybody's talking about are. It makes me sad when I keep hearing about them.I remember my first few PvP games here. I was defeated in about five seconds after meeting the enemy and didn't really know what to do. Since then I've realized that you're always going to be defeated in five seconds if you act like a test golem.Thus, when I see complaining about oneshot builds, I see new players who still think they should be able to facetank everything get outplayed. In reality you need to learn to take initiative and not just eat damage. Every profession (except maybe revenant) has enough tools to either survive oneshot builds or engage them first and punish them.

Most people are referring to one shot spikes. Easy example is deadeye. The one shot won't happen until they have full malice. Which means you were in combat beforehand and taking damage.They have extreme cases like ranger. Oneshotting groups with Worldy Impact. Etc etc.The damage of this game has exceeded what we originally thought possible and honestly should be impossible. For condi and power. But this is the result of years of negligence in both of the competitive environments and years of bandaid fixes that have not touched the real issue of stacking modifiers which continue to be added. Until PvP is totally split and rebalanced the issue of one shot or extreme power damage and even sustain will continue to be a problem. As a poster above said defenses would also have to be adjusted. Or else we would go back to months of bunker meta with unkillable classes.

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My biggest thought on this topic is that nerfs should come in gradual adjustments on a weekly basis, not heavy-handed, meta-changing baseball bat swings. So with that in mind, here's what I'd suggest:

Shaving the damage of ranged weapons (looking at rangers, deadeyes and greatsword mesmers here) to the point that they can't blow you up fully unless they're within a reasonable range of you. I'd also suggest doing the same with skills used right out of stealth, in one key way: Giving them qualifiers so they're not braindead. Thief backstab is a good mechanic. Mesmer summoning four berserker phantasms in and out of stealth is not. My 2C there.

I'm not saying these are impossible to fight, or even difficult to fight, but if you're locked in a 1-on-1 with a scourge, and you don't see a ranger approach from behind objects and he uses a massive combo on you for 12+k, it's game over. There's very little counterplay in certain situations.

Full disclosure, I play Holo, and I also think the range of our AOE knockdown needs a shave-down, as well as a small decrease on the damage of the autoattack. I think if everybody acknowledged that each class has a few things that could be shaved, we'd come from a better point of conversation.

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@Airdive.2613 said:

@Solori.6025 said:They have extreme cases like ranger. Oneshotting groups with Worldy Impact.

Eh. I don't think this trick can work more than, okay, two times during a particular PvP match. After it happens to you once, you know what to watch out for and whom to focus.

To clarify while worldly impact is AOE, but the modifiers only work on the intended target.

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@Sampson.2403 said:Part of what makes gw2 cool to me is the freedom that we have in making our toons full glass to full tank. So my vote is no. One shot builds have their weaknesses too.But you cant be full tank anymore, Anet deleted all the tank amulets, runes and sigils. They also nerfed a lot of defensive and healing skills. Plus a lot more boon hate.

I really hate the direction PvP took after HoT

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