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A different approach


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In GW1 PvP certain skills are forbidden.

Further, combinations of skills are forbidden. You may not slot more than x reputation skills for example.

Why doesn't ANET make it possible to forbid specific trait and/or skill combinations? This would be surgical, instead of the blunt instrument of a general nerf. You could disable a specific build, rather than reworking a skill that multiple builds use.

On the whole, that should make balancing much easier, by making it specific to problem builds.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:

@Darknicrofia.2604 said:Lol, the forbidden skills are all PvE skills in GW1.

There was no such thing as a forbidden skill in GW1 outside of those nonsense things like bearform etc.

Quite a few skills are not permitted to work in PvP. Healing Seed is an example.

This only came in later, somewhere between EotN and GW2. Most people here never experienced it, including myself.EotN was solid storywise but all those PvE reps and skills were bloody stupid.

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There isn’t a precedent set forth in Gw2 of them doing that, which is the more relevant thing, especially since in Gw2 they don’t have skills that function completely differently between the different game modes.

Shouldn’t try to compare Gw1 to Gw2 they are completely different.

This just boils down to players needing to adapt and learn and improve in competitive environments

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@"Ithilwen.1529" said:In GW1 PvP certain skills are forbidden.

Further, combinations of skills are forbidden. You may not slot more than x reputation skills for example.

Why doesn't ANET make it possible to forbid specific trait and/or skill combinations? This would be surgical, instead of the blunt instrument of a general nerf. You could disable a specific build, rather than reworking a skill that multiple builds use.

On the whole, that should make balancing much easier, by making it specific to problem builds.

Okay, lets say Anet start doing this and they banish some skills/traits/etc from sPvP...who would decide what is OP and deserve to be banned or not? The Devs? I honestly have no faith on them anymore, considering the abomination that some specs were when PoF got released, i am sure that the Devs have no clue of what is powerful or not...the community? You had people defending pre-nerf, SB, Scourge and Mirage, using the good old, "l2p, git good and adapt", so dont think is a good idea to lol

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:My point is that there is a precedent for ANET to ban certain skills and/or traits from PvP.This would allow removal of problem builds in a more surgical fashion than an overall nerf.

They removed the core from the amulet, so you can't longer combine stats.They removed a lot of stat combinations, and nerfed others. This make tons of amulest so useless that most of classes can only get decent performance of 1-3.They removed tons of tons of runes, and nerfed the most prominent ones. Most used sigils were removed and the remained ones are so watered down that you can play fine without them.Most of classes only have 1-2 viable builds and some just don't have a place in the meta.

In biology is well known that life enhances the chances of support life. Lack of biodiversity kills life. And in build diversity GW2's PvP is in historic minimums despite they already released the core game + two expansions.

Why not instead ban 4 classes and make mandatory to play each member of a team with a random class with fixed loadout? The game isn't chocking because some builds are too powerfull, but because there's so poor variety than classes can't develope builds to counter the meta.

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