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Question about charr physic.


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Hello there all lore masters! I have question, silly one for sure but it's just tickle my curiosity. So I was wandering thru Ebonhawke fortress and noticed Separatist Propaganda posters with charr drawing and as I am big fan of charr and I even am a charr (NO I AM NOT A FURRY OR ANYTHING >.< ) I started to wondering... Do I really have such a big TONGUE? I know charrs are mix of many animals so a big snake like tongue wouldn't be a surprise but I checked the wiki article about charr physiology and found nothing about their tongues. Don't get me wrong A-Net if you read this, I would find this awesome and amusing if i could show someone a nasty scary tongue with emote or something and not only with a charr (we definitly need more emotes btw ,..,). So my question to you guys is do charrs have little rough cat tongues or wierd long snake-like tongues. p.s. sorry for my english it's not my native but i think you'll get the point. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Separatist_Propaganda

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I got your point, but If I would never see a charr except that picture i could say that they have a horns of a devil to emphasize that they are evil and that they don't have them for real and yet they really have horns. It's fantasy game after all and there's still no proof so why shouldn't it be possible.

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@Heraldusluminare.2946 said:Well IIRC correctly, the in-game model for my charr has pretty normal looking, cat-like tongues when they speak.

I mean, I guess I've never looked too closely at it, but in my mind, Charr have regularly looking feline tongues. I think having a snake's tongue woukd be too whack for me. Lol.

As @Heraldusluminare.2946 said, charr have feline tongues. There is even the possibility of social grooming as indicated by this piece of dialogue:

! Upon arriving back in the main lab! Veteran Adamant Team Lead: Rytlock Brimstone.! Rytlock Brimstone: That's "Tribune" to you, soldier.! Veteran Adamant Team Lead: Not any more, it's not.! Veteran Adamant Team Lead: You've ignored numerous requests from the Black Citadel to account for your time in the Mists and explain this new...magic.! Veteran Adamant Team Lead: Thus, you've been stripped of your rank and are hereby charged with dereliction of duty.! Veteran Vikon: You're to come with us, Rytlock... Sir.! Rytlock Brimstone: And if I don't?! Veteran Adamant Team Lead: We've been authorized to use force.! Veteran Vikon: But we'd hate to cause a scene.! Rytlock Brimstone: I'm sure you would, pup.! Rytlock Brimstone: Getting this assignment, you two must either be the best warriors in the Iron Legion, or the ones with the worst luck...! Rytlock Brimstone: So?! Veteran Adamant Team Lead: Top of my class.! Veteran Vikon: But it's starting to feel like both...! Character name: Rytlock?! Rytlock Brimstone: It's okay, Commander. I'll straighten this out. It appears I underestimated the citadel's response.! Rytlock Brimstone: Hope you enjoy the medal I'm earning you today, soldier. You get to return with Rytlock Brimstone in tow.! Veteran Vikon: Without a fight?! Rytlock Brimstone: Depends on my travel accommodations.! Veteran Vikon: You can have my seat!! Veteran Adamant Team Lead: C'mon, Vikon, you gonna groom him too?! Rytlock Brimstone: Sorry I'll miss out on all the fun, Commander. I'll catch up with you as soon as I'm able.

so the split tongue in the propaganda poster (caption:"no peace with beasts!") is not meant to reflect reality, but rather invoke the mental image of a snake.The accusation, that the charr were "speaking with a forked tongue", was levied by the separatists against the legions, as the separatists claimed the charr were going to invade when the humans laid down their arms. As this Separatist Sympathizer told us.

! (To charr characters)! (Separatist Sympathizer) I'm never going to make peace with your kind. You can go choke on the treaty.! (Charr PC) Huh? I thought you would like the treaty. My race couldn't crack Ebonhawke. From my point of you, you win.! (Separatist Sympathizer)This is a charr trick. You're going to march in one night and kill us all in our sleep. I know it.! (Charr PC) What you're talking about would bust the cease-fire and burn the treaty. Your side got Ebonhawke and the land around it. The legions have pulled back and left you alone. Sounds like a victory to me.! (Separatist Sympathizer)I still don't trust you, but maybe this treaty isn't so bad. We'll get our land again, but you'll still be on our old land. I guess I'll have to live with that.! (Charr PC)Take care.

Also, Ebonhawke is worth a visit for any charr character, if only to see how much the local humans like you. I mean there's one NPC, who threatens to skin the charr character alive. This dialogue really shows the tension between the High Legions and Ebonhawke. Fields of Ruin is a good zone, since it allows you to explore the end of the human charr war.

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Hah! The grooming part is good and it's close but is it really a certain proof? As i I said it's fantasy game so why this one charr couldn't groom Rytlock with fork tongue? And as Heraldusluminare (sorry i am not so common with forum and don't know how to tag xd) said he saw charr having feline tongue, what IIRL you mean or can you post it somehow coz when i looking on my character or some other pictures i see only some red pixels that is hard to call a tongue. ^^

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@"Biziut.3594" said:Hah! The grooming part is good and it's close but is it really a certain proof? As i I said it's fantasy game so why this one charr couldn't groom Rytlock with fork tongue? And as Heraldusluminare (sorry i am not so common with forum and don't know how to tag xd) said he saw charr having feline tongue, what IIRL you mean or can you post it somehow coz when i looking on my character or some other pictures i see only some red pixels that is hard to call a tongue. ^^Hey, now that you bring up that character model, have you tried to emote?Go into a vacant guildhall (Everyone of us has at least one inactive guild, right?) and try to get a glimpse of a charr's tongue.Let's see./talk may get you the best chances, but there's also /cheer /threaten and /laugh .Any one of these may get your charr's mouth open for long enough to discern some details.There are some videos around too. Like

.If the shape of the tongue conforms to the shape of the mouth, then it looks something like
, but the details are hard to make out.
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Well i don't see even normal tongue while trying out emotes but then again my graphic isn't that great. I agree with you that shape of the mouth definitly fits the lion tongue you posted but imagine A-Net showing us in next episode scene like Rox getting kitten on Braham for all the mental harm he's doing to us and to express that she's showing him long snake-like tongue. Lot's of ppls would be mad i guess but how would you prove A-Net that this is not how the charr look like? xD

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@"Biziut.3594" said:Well i don't see even normal tongue while trying out emotes but then again my graphic isn't that great. I agree with you that shape of the mouth definitly fits the lion tongue you posted but imagine A-Net showing us in next episode scene like Rox getting kitten on Braham for all the mental harm he's doing to us and to express that she's showing him long snake-like tongue. Lot's of ppls would be mad i guess but how would you prove A-Net that this is not how the charr look like? xD

Good question! Let's take a look at the concept art, to be extra certain.There's a picture of a charr cub, where we can see a lion like tongue.

There's a render of a female charr doing the /threaten emote, which tells us, that charr may have red, or reddish tongues.

But there's also this image of what is maybe Rytlock. The tongue here seems inconclusive. It could either be a rolling tongue like this, or something else. What irritates me in this picture is how the tongue cicles downwards.

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Hah! Nice found! Would be nice to know if that lil cub is a work of A-Net artist then it would be definitly point for you. After seeing female charr I was thining "ok it's settled it definitly is lion tongue but when i saw Rytlock i got totally confused like you i guess, It's eighter circling lion tongue, snake one (don't really look like one), or just some other kind again. I start to think that maybe they are like horns, or ears on sylvari each one is original. xD Hmm guess we shall never find the truth until Gaile enters and says something like "You guys really have kitten in your heads of course its Lion/Snake/Pigeon/Daschund tongue" Hah!

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Meh thought it's forgotten topic but well I should change title for "What shape of tongue charrs have" or something like that. I know it's a propaganda poster, but I also know It's a fantasy game so charr tongues don't have to be based on felines. But getting to the point I am looking for PROOF (A-Net artist concept art, in game note, in game dialogue, etc) on how charr tongues look like and not thing to BELIEVE (its' propaganda poster, WW2 propaganda, it would make little sense, heraldy pisc from our world, lion pictures).

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I know, I see it and I get it coz I think the same but the thing I ask for is not conjecture or expectation "It must be feline coz most parts are feline". I ask for proof (A-Net artist concept art, in game note, in game dialogue, etc.) if any exist but it seems it's not.

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I hate to disappoint you, Biziut, but I don't think you're going to get much on that front. In the grand scheme of things, the shape of a creature's tongue is pretty low, so unless a charr is going to blow a raspberry, you'll either have to rely on the charr models and their emotes, or reasonable assumptions about basic biology.

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Thank you, @"deatine.2498" ! This was the picture we needed to absolutely confirm, beyond unreasonable doubt*, that charr do, in fact have tongues similar to big cats.In any case, can you tell my how you got that image up? I couldn't use the image tag, when I attempted to post an image from the wiki.Since we got that question solved, maybe we can try to unravel another mystery about the charr?

*In online communication, including RP, the burden of proof can sometimes exceed the requirements of reasonable doubt especially when someone has made up his or her own mind and wants to stick to it. The category unreasonable doubt will accept no less than full confirmation with evidence, and even then, only grudgingly.

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@Biziut.3594 said:I got your point, but If I would never see a charr except that picture i could say that they have a horns of a devil to emphasize that they are evil and that they don't have them for real and yet they really have horns. It's fantasy game after all and there's still no proof so why shouldn't it be possible.

The tongue is just to make them more evil-ish through that propaganda, and yes, charr do have horns, that just -conveniently- sums up to the whole purpose of that absurd propaganda.

Edit: Oh, and about the grooming part, there is a funny piece of dialogue that, indeed, confirms that Charr do groom.Party Politics chapter on LWS2:

Talking to that nobleman.(gasp) Six above! Such style, such class! I simply must know who does your hair.

->I self-groom. (if charr)->I just get a lot of sun. (otherwise)

Really? I must look into this right away. Come fall, I wouldn't be surprised if Divinity's Reach citizens were all flaunting your style!->That would be...interesting.

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