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[SPOILER] Ending of PoF - About Aurene


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Neither Kralkatorrik nor Aurene absorbed the god of war's magic. Balthazar was stripped of that magic before Rytlock met him, and made into a near mortal state.

What Kralkatorrik and Aurene absorbed was instead the magic of the bloodstone and from Primordus and Jormag.

So expect some Icebrood-risen-mordrem-destroyer-branded foes in the coming Living World.

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:Neither Kralkatorrik nor Aurene absorbed the god of war's magic. Balthazar was stripped of that magic before Rytlock met him, and made into a near mortal state.

What Kralkatorrik and Aurene absorbed was instead the magic of the bloodstone and from Primordus and Jormag.

So expect some Icebrood-risen-mordrem-destroyer-branded foes in the coming Living World.

interesting he got destroyer and icebrood while they're alive. I'd love a story where they wake up and get mad that Kralk's using their power.

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:Neither Kralkatorrik nor Aurene absorbed the god of war's magic. Balthazar was stripped of that magic before Rytlock met him, and made into a near mortal state.

What Kralkatorrik and Aurene absorbed was instead the magic of the bloodstone and from Primordus and Jormag.

So expect some Icebrood-risen-mordrem-destroyer-branded foes in the coming Living World.

In LS3 Balthazar uses Divine Magic. He's still a God and have godly power.Even Abaddon was enchained in GW1 and powerless, We killed him before he was unchained.In theory, Balthazar has had more time to recover than Abaddon and definitely more powerful of the god of secrets.

Kralkatorrik absorb only the residual energy.In Facing the truth we know the residual energy of Abaddon accellerate the awaking process of elder dragons.

So Aurene absorbs the divine power of Balthazar become a godness like Kormir befor her, instead Kralkatorrik absorbs ALL residual energy.

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For as far as I remember, Abaddon was imprisoned, but not stripped off power?Whereas Balthazar was indeed stripped of most (if not all) his godly power, he still had power, but was not godlike anymore, Hence Aurene and indeed Kralkatorik did indeed absorb power, but not divine power.So both of them became stronger, but one became a god.

What I am wondering though, if Balthazar was stripped of power before imprisonment, and if there are always meant to be 6 gods, did the other 5 replace him already? And if so, by whom?

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@nihavel.6592 said:

@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:Neither Kralkatorrik nor Aurene absorbed the god of war's magic. Balthazar was stripped of that magic before Rytlock met him, and made into a near mortal state.

What Kralkatorrik and Aurene absorbed was instead the magic of the bloodstone and from Primordus and Jormag.

So expect some Icebrood-risen-mordrem-destroyer-branded foes in the coming Living World.

In LS3 Balthazar uses Divine Magic. He's still a God and have godly power.Even Abaddon was enchained in GW1 and powerless, We killed him before he was unchained.In theory, Balthazar has had more time to recover than Abaddon and definitely more powerful of the god of secrets.

Kralkatorrik absorb only the residual energy.In Facing the truth we know the residual energy of Abaddon accellerate the awaking process of elder dragons.

So Aurene absorbs the divine power of Balthazar become a godness like Kormir befor her, instead Kralkatorrik absorbs ALL residual energy.

Except Kormir explicitly stated that Balthazar was stripped of his power. In Season 3 it is a plot point stating that Balthazar lost his divinity. Hell, unlike Kormir we can look at Balthazar even at the very end. This is the entire reason why he needed that bloodstone and Elder Dragon magic.

He had a little bit of magic left, but just that - a very little bit. Enough to spark Sohothin once more. He didn't even have enough power to free himself, unlike Abaddon. The power we see him with in Season 3 was from the Bloodstone, not his divine magic; though the latter probably mixed in with the former a bit.

Whereas Abaddon was never stripped of his power. He was imprisoned at full strength, but had a multitude of locks blocking his power which he had slowly unlocked during the course of Nightfall. When we fought Abaddon, he was at 3/8th of his power, roughly.

Also, Kralktorrik absorbed most of the magic, not just the residual energy. Aurene only absorbed magic in the center - just enough to save the Pact Commander from the fallout. This is visually very apparent if you looked around yourself.

The residual energy that Kormir talked about would be a lot less magic, and may not actually have been in relation to Abaddon's death but his earlier acts of merging Torment and Tyria together.

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  • 1 month later...

@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

@nihavel.6592 said:

@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:Neither Kralkatorrik nor Aurene absorbed the god of war's magic. Balthazar was stripped of that magic before Rytlock met him, and made into a near mortal state.

What Kralkatorrik and Aurene absorbed was instead the magic of the bloodstone and from Primordus and Jormag.

So expect some Icebrood-risen-mordrem-destroyer-branded foes in the coming Living World.

In LS3 Balthazar uses Divine Magic. He's still a God and have godly power.Even Abaddon was enchained in GW1 and powerless, We killed him before he was unchained.In theory, Balthazar has had more time to recover than Abaddon and definitely more powerful of the god of secrets.

Kralkatorrik absorb only the residual energy.In Facing the truth we know the residual energy of Abaddon accellerate the awaking process of elder dragons.

So Aurene absorbs the divine power of Balthazar become a godness like Kormir befor her, instead Kralkatorrik absorbs ALL residual energy.

Except Kormir explicitly stated that Balthazar was stripped of his power. In Season 3 it is a plot point stating that Balthazar lost his divinity. Hell, unlike Kormir we can look at Balthazar even at the very end. This is the entire reason why he needed that bloodstone and Elder Dragon magic.

He had a little bit of magic left, but just that - a very little bit. Enough to spark Sohothin once more. He didn't even have enough power to free himself, unlike Abaddon. The power we see him with in Season 3 was from the Bloodstone, not his divine magic; though the latter probably mixed in with the former a bit.

Whereas Abaddon was never stripped of his power. He was imprisoned at full strength, but had a multitude of locks blocking his power which he had slowly unlocked during the course of Nightfall. When we fought Abaddon, he was at 3/8th of his power, roughly.

Also, Kralktorrik absorbed most of the magic, not just the residual energy. Aurene only absorbed magic in the center - just enough to save the Pact Commander from the fallout. This is visually very apparent if you looked around yourself.

The residual energy that Kormir talked about would be a lot less magic, and may not actually have been in relation to Abaddon's death but his earlier acts of merging Torment and Tyria together.

please explain, how did Balthazar reignite Sohothin without any divine magic?

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:Neither Kralkatorrik nor Aurene absorbed the god of war's magic. Balthazar was stripped of that magic before Rytlock met him, and made into a near mortal state.

What Kralkatorrik and Aurene absorbed was instead the magic of the bloodstone and from Primordus and Jormag.

So expect some Icebrood-risen-mordrem-destroyer-branded foes in the coming Living World.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'd point out that we never Balthazar using any magic resembling Jormag's. Before making definitive predictions I think we need to understand more about the different kinds of magical energies and how they relate to dragons, gods, and each other.

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@DarcShriek.5829 said:please explain, how did Balthazar reignite Sohothin without any divine magic?

Why would Sohothin require divine magic to be reignited? Maybe he used normal demigod fire magic to do so, or maybe he stole the flames first and then "gave them back" when he "reignited" the sword.

@Tamias.7059 said:I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'd point out that we never Balthazar using any magic resembling Jormag's. Before making definitive predictions I think we need to understand more about the different kinds of magical energies and how they relate to dragons, gods, and each other.

There's not really a "prediction" here.

I entered the caldera and didn't go up in smoke, so I'd call that a success. Taimi met me, her own protective shields holding as well. With her help, I made my way down to the lava chamber at the heart of the volcano. Balthazar was there! He planned to acquire all the magic from both Primordus and Jormag, and he didn't give a hoot whether Tyria was destroyed in the process.


And during that mission, we see plenty of shots of both Primordus' and Jormag's energy going through the machine and, in turn, Balthazar. If he absorbed one (which we know he did) then he should have absorbed the other too. Given that he took bloodstone magic and used that to create powerful fire, it's clear that he wasn't after solely fire magic.

[...] it's important to remember that Balthazar's power level is not at the same level when the other gods stripped him of his power and chained him in the Mists. The power [balthazar] wields in PoF is what he's regained since absorbing a bloodstone and Taimi's machine.


Lastly, in the end cinematic, which we've been told by devs hints at the magic that Kralkatorrik has absorbed, we see ice blue crystals among the formations Kralkatorrik creates. How else would he have gotten Jormag's magic to make such?

Just because Balthazar doesn't go around using ice magic doesn't mean he didn't have power absorbed from Jormag. His flames in the first place were never akin to flames we see coming from destroyers and if you think about it, he should also have some magic from Zhaitan and Mordremoth given that both Primordus and the Maguuma Bloodstone absorbed a good amount of the two dead Elder Dragons' magic. But we never see him using plant or death magic either. Either this means that Balthazar is incapable of using non-fire magic even if he absorbs magic naturally aligned with other spectrums or he actively chose to only use fire magic.

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I think it is necessary some kind of "balthazar magic evolution" ontology.

it's still kind of obscure as it evolves between the end of FlashPoint and PoF:Did he steal artifacts from the relics of the Gods at Sirens Landing?Is there any kind of "natural growth" of his power?

of course we assume that he is an ancient God, and had enough knowledge of magic manipulation, is rather easy for Balthazar.

In addition to reviving Sohothin, let's remember that he opens portal for mists with ease, in addition to fooling Palawa Joko and thereby creating the Forged.

This opens windows for more complex explanations than stealing sources of magic here and there. I assume that basically, Balthazar's knowledge was the great facilitator of his power growth.

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That is something that upset me you know.

Back when Abaddon died, someone HAD to take on the power or it would go out of control. What is this with Balthazar? He died and nothing happened to his power? Who is the new God? Surely not the dragons.

So, yeah... the story in this game is so thin compared to GW1 that it gets upsetting.

Anyways the thing that made sense is that the commander was the closest human so he would become the new God of War, but it's not like he/she isn't OP as it is.I swear, did the people who write the story for GW2 actually at least played GW1? I genuinely would like to know because there's so many plot holes, it's infuriating.

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@Nemmar.8491 said:That is something that upset me you know.

Back when Abaddon died, someone HAD to take on the power or it would go out of control. What is this with Balthazar? He died and nothing happened to his power? Who is the new God? Surely not the dragons.

So, yeah... the story in this game is so thin compared to GW1 that it gets upsetting.

Anyways the thing that made sense is that the commander was the closest human so he would become the new God of War, but it's not like he/she isn't OP as it is.I swear, did the people who write the story for GW2 actually at least played GW1? I genuinely would like to know because there's so many plot holes, it's infuriating.

Quick post since I'm lacking in time at the moment, but this is actually something that's been discussed elsewhere. The impression seems to be that Balthaddon's divine power had already been taken away before he arrived on Tyria. What we see from his explosion is what he'd absorbed from the bloodstone and Taimi's device along with the residual power he was left with after losing his divinity.

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@Nemmar.8491 said:That is something that upset me you know.

Back when Abaddon died, someone HAD to take on the power or it would go out of control. What is this with Balthazar? He died and nothing happened to his power? Who is the new God? Surely not the dragons.

So, yeah... the story in this game is so thin compared to GW1 that it gets upsetting.

Anyways the thing that made sense is that the commander was the closest human so he would become the new God of War, but it's not like he/she isn't OP as it is.I swear, did the people who write the story for GW2 actually at least played GW1? I genuinely would like to know because there's so many plot holes, it's infuriating.

It's pretty clearly presented that Balthazar wasn't a god anymore by the time he appeared. Somehow his divinity was taken from him. All of the power that we have seen him weilding has been Tyrian magic, from the Bloodstone or elder dragons. Somehow the other gods either replaced him already or did something else with his magic. So, when he died, Kralkatorrik merely consumed what was left, which was a large amount of Tyrian magic.

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@Narcemus.1348 said:

@Nemmar.8491 said:That is something that upset me you know.

Back when Abaddon died, someone HAD to take on the power or it would go out of control. What is this with Balthazar? He died and nothing happened to his power? Who is the new God? Surely not the dragons.

So, yeah... the story in this game is so thin compared to GW1 that it gets upsetting.

Anyways the thing that made sense is that the commander was the closest human so he would become the new God of War, but it's not like he/she isn't OP as it is.I swear, did the people who write the story for GW2 actually at least played GW1? I genuinely would like to know because there's so many plot holes, it's infuriating.

It's pretty clearly presented that Balthazar wasn't a god anymore by the time he appeared. Somehow his divinity was taken from him. All of the power that we have seen him weilding has been Tyrian magic, from the Bloodstone or elder dragons. Somehow the other gods either replaced him already or did something else with his magic. So, when he died, Kralkatorrik merely consumed what was left, which was a large amount of Tyrian magic.

How did he light sohothin, if he was totally stripped of his powers. Obviously, something was left. How much we don't know, but some of his godhood definitely remained.

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

@DarcShriek.5829 said:please explain, how did Balthazar reignite Sohothin without any divine magic?

Why would Sohothin
divine magic to be reignited? Maybe he used normal demigod fire magic to do so, or maybe he stole the flames first and then "gave them back" when he "reignited" the sword.

@Tamias.7059 said:I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'd point out that we never Balthazar using any magic resembling Jormag's. Before making definitive predictions I think we need to understand more about the different kinds of magical energies and how they relate to dragons, gods, and each other.

There's not really a "prediction" here.

I entered the caldera and didn't go up in smoke, so I'd call that a success. Taimi met me, her own protective shields holding as well. With her help, I made my way down to the lava chamber at the heart of the volcano. Balthazar was there!
He planned to acquire all the magic from both Primordus and Jormag,
and he didn't give a hoot whether Tyria was destroyed in the process.

And during that mission, we see plenty of shots of both Primordus' and Jormag's energy going through the machine and, in turn, Balthazar. If he absorbed one (which we know he did) then he should have absorbed the other too. Given that he took bloodstone magic and used that to create powerful fire, it's clear that he wasn't after solely fire magic.

[...] it's important to remember that Balthazar's power level is not at the same level when the other gods stripped him of his power and chained him in the Mists. The power [balthazar] wields in PoF is what he's regained since absorbing a bloodstone and Taimi's machine.

Lastly, in the end cinematic, which we've been told by devs hints at the magic that Kralkatorrik has absorbed, we see ice blue crystals among the formations Kralkatorrik creates. How else would he have gotten Jormag's magic to make such?

Just because Balthazar doesn't go around using ice magic doesn't mean he didn't have power absorbed from Jormag. His flames in the first place were never akin to flames we see coming from destroyers and if you think about it, he should also have some magic from Zhaitan and Mordremoth given that both Primordus and the Maguuma Bloodstone absorbed a good amount of the two dead Elder Dragons' magic. But we never see him using plant or death magic either. Either this means that Balthazar is incapable of using non-fire magic even if he absorbs magic naturally aligned with other spectrums or he actively chose to only use fire magic.

He stole the flames? Isn't that a bit far fetched? Especially if you take the position that he was stripped of his powers.

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@DarcShriek.5829 said:

@Narcemus.1348 said:

@Nemmar.8491 said:That is something that upset me you know.

Back when Abaddon died, someone HAD to take on the power or it would go out of control. What is this with Balthazar? He died and nothing happened to his power? Who is the new God? Surely not the dragons.

So, yeah... the story in this game is so thin compared to GW1 that it gets upsetting.

Anyways the thing that made sense is that the commander was the closest human so he would become the new God of War, but it's not like he/she isn't OP as it is.I swear, did the people who write the story for GW2 actually at least played GW1? I genuinely would like to know because there's so many plot holes, it's infuriating.

It's pretty clearly presented that Balthazar wasn't a god anymore by the time he appeared. Somehow his divinity was taken from him. All of the power that we have seen him weilding has been Tyrian magic, from the Bloodstone or elder dragons. Somehow the other gods either replaced him already or did something else with his magic. So, when he died, Kralkatorrik merely consumed what was left, which was a large amount of Tyrian magic.

How did he light sohothin, if he was totally stripped of his powers. Obviously, something was left. How much we don't know, but some of his godhood definitely remained.

Even if a slight amount of his divine power remained, he was still no longer the God of War anymore. His domain and a vast majority of his power was drained and transferred elsewhere (where, we don't know). And, as stated before, it is always possible that when Sohothin landed near him, he drained the magic from it to try and free himself. When he saw that it wasn't enough, he used it as leverage with Rytlock.

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@DarcShriek.5829 said:

@DarcShriek.5829 said:please explain, how did Balthazar reignite Sohothin without any divine magic?

Why would Sohothin
divine magic to be reignited? Maybe he used normal demigod fire magic to do so, or maybe he stole the flames first and then "gave them back" when he "reignited" the sword.

@Tamias.7059 said:I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'd point out that we never Balthazar using any magic resembling Jormag's. Before making definitive predictions I think we need to understand more about the different kinds of magical energies and how they relate to dragons, gods, and each other.

There's not really a "prediction" here.

I entered the caldera and didn't go up in smoke, so I'd call that a success. Taimi met me, her own protective shields holding as well. With her help, I made my way down to the lava chamber at the heart of the volcano. Balthazar was there!
He planned to acquire all the magic from both Primordus and Jormag,
and he didn't give a hoot whether Tyria was destroyed in the process.

And during that mission, we see plenty of shots of both Primordus' and Jormag's energy going through the machine and, in turn, Balthazar. If he absorbed one (which we know he did) then he should have absorbed the other too. Given that he took bloodstone magic and used that to create powerful fire, it's clear that he wasn't after solely fire magic.

[...] it's important to remember that Balthazar's power level is not at the same level when the other gods stripped him of his power and chained him in the Mists. The power [balthazar] wields in PoF is what he's regained since absorbing a bloodstone and Taimi's machine.

Lastly, in the end cinematic, which we've been told by devs hints at the magic that Kralkatorrik has absorbed, we see ice blue crystals among the formations Kralkatorrik creates. How else would he have gotten Jormag's magic to make such?

Just because Balthazar doesn't go around using ice magic doesn't mean he didn't have power absorbed from Jormag. His flames in the first place were never akin to flames we see coming from destroyers and if you think about it, he should also have some magic from Zhaitan and Mordremoth given that both Primordus and the Maguuma Bloodstone absorbed a good amount of the two dead Elder Dragons' magic. But we never see him using plant or death magic either. Either this means that Balthazar is incapable of using non-fire magic even if he absorbs magic naturally aligned with other spectrums or he actively chose to only use fire magic.

He stole the flames? Isn't that a bit far fetched? Especially if you take the position that he was stripped of his powers.

Given that we see him siphoning magic through devices (see: Taimi's Machine) or rituals (see: Maguuma Bloodstone), it is not far fetched at all to believe that Balthazar had stripped Sohothin of magic, which would mean extinguishing Sohothin's flames.

It's less far fetched than assuming he needed to be a full fledged god and use divine magic in order to reignite Sohothin.

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One thing I see coming up a lot is this idea that stripping Balthazar of his powers means he's now unable to accomplish anything magical... but that's obviously not true. We're not gods, but members of the playable races are capable of much greater feats than just lighting a sword. The fact that Balthazar has lost any innate power inherent to his godhood shouldn't mean that he isn't able to tap into the same external sources of magic that we are- quite the contrary, Taimi makes clear in S3E5 that he's skilled in working with magic on a level that even the asura prodigy can't understand, as you'd expect of a being that's been around for well over two thousand years and was part of imposing rules on the basic function of magic that held strong for fully half of that timespan.

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