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Elementalist Patch Changes 08/28


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I like the move of ferocity to air trait line and the changes to aura weapon skills and the buff to cleansing fire.

Not very happy with the change to one with fire, the cleanse on aura burst should have gone to another line (tempest or water) as fire already have cleansing fire.

Sword and dagger buffs are ok, but nerf to riptide is too much. Staff still need more condi application (IMO).

Hope they are aiming for a tempest rework soon, like they did for herald and DE.Imagine if overloads ware more active and worked more like necro shroud instead of just a long casting aoe....

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@C Cspace Cowboy.5903 said:

@Torzini.1523 said:Hmm, nobody is talking about the buffs to Lava Font and Eruption. Is it just me or do those seem quite nice, at least for Staff Weaver in PVE? They more than make up a bit for the recent Meteor Shower nerf. (I don't play Sword Weaver so I can't comment on those changes.)

But at the same time they nerfed Elements of Rage (precision instead of ferocity). Overall, though, it should be slight dps boost.

Oh, ffffs. I missed that, thanks for pointing it out. Why'd they have to go and change that.

They didn't really nerf it but moved the stats into Air traitline... Basically they want you to take Air traitline over Arcane

They added precision to EoR as permanent bonus, but removed temporary bonus when attuned to air (in both air spec and weaver spec) and changed it to ferocity.

Basically we get a bit more precision and a bit less ferocity from weaver (barely 1% crit chance/damage), but precision is permanent while ferocity requires swapping to air (which is very situational on staff build).

Meanwhile air spec got free 16% crit damage while having fury (perma in pve; minor trait as well) and 12% while attuned to air.

So in total, air/weaver gets 20% crit damage in air and 16% all the time. Power sword might be a very good pick now actually.

Staff weaver got a net 20% crit damage nerf. Every single rotation, pve, wvw, etc.. dual attunes to fire to cast font and meteor. By doing so you lose 20% crit damage directly off the top.

Changing EoR from ferocity to precision was useless because with fury you were crit chance capped anyways. Now more so.

Having to use Aeromancers training over tempest defense for the ferocity loss from EoR means you now also lose an extra 10% damage buff.

How you think this wasn't a shadow nerf is beyond me.

20% from what? Weaver gives same amount of ferocity as last patch, but requires having air equipped on either hand.

Precision buff is actually nice since crit rate on staff wvw build is always low and in pve you dont need to worry about spotter.

Tempest defense also has unreliable modifier, which you used (and still use) in very specific builds and encounters.

Every build that used air is buffed due to free ferocity. Pve builds have slightly better benchmarks, especially power sword. Bunker weaver might feel a bit weaker, but lightning rod will certainly see more action, maybe even earth/fire variant. Daggers just got straight up buffed, but probably not enough to become relevant.

In the worst case (pve) ele is in same state like last patch.

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Seems like buff mostly though the crit dmg nerf on weaver its a bit anoying (all though weaver seems more like a cele class then dmg so getting crit dmg was a bit over the top).I like to see how the aura trick works and how they make each wepon chose a bit more of a chose dagger main hand is the cc wepon dagger off hand is the healing foces is boon support warhorn is def its staff that dose not fit earth aura is good for deal with ranged attks but staff not realy a melee support tool that earth aura becomes. Maybe adding more though into aura effects with the wepon at hands would fit better so staff earth aura dose something different then warhron earth aura. I love the ideal of aura effect like this a lot.

I like to play with the update before realty going after things one way or another.

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@yusayu.3629 said:Good buffs for Sword Weaver, Raging Storm giving a free 240 Ferocity seems like a nice boost for air line too.

Been running air line in WvW. The ferocity is insane (compared to pre-patch) with a herald in the party for fury if you're running weaver.

180 ferocity from aeromancer's training (so run weaver in air+earth or air+fire)240 ferocity under fury120 ferocity from Elemental Polyphony

total = 540 ferocity ---> 36% crit damage

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Its ok but things mostly feel the same i guess d/d tempest support got a buff as well as solo melee ele but its still a melee mages class with out powerful boons so its still not that much of a game changer.Staff weaver is net the same it seems you can go a bit more hp and get away from the power to vit for the more crit chase. Core got a buff but i realy do not see ppl runing fire air arcain staff eles over fire air weaver any time soon.

It was a start there still major thing missing from the ele support kit and staff is mostly the same but with the number moved arone.

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The air buff in theory sounds good for core d/d ele. But you lack sustain, damage is small compared to the META and lack of stabilty/stunbreaks. You're still a going to die in WVW. It's just you can out play all eles with more effort. Good for mostly ele vs weaver 1v1 fights. You won't survive fighting a Soulbeast or a Holo at your skill level let alone a mirage. Core ele d/d needs lots of work.

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