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Riptide. Just why?


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@Alehin.3746 said:

@Alehin.3746 said:Nice overreaction, but they didn't even nerf the evade duration or recharge, and you still have the water field to leap and blast on.

You missed the point: it didn't need to be nerfed.

It didn't, but ele also got other positive changes, so it's fair. Look at the entire ele section, a lot of sword stuff got buffed, they buffed tempest and they also buffed d/d weaver. As someone that play other builds than the "le dodgerino bunkerino pvp build xDD", i'll take those changes over riptide any day.

what are those "lot of sword buff"?the THIRD attack on double air attunement auto chain? yes, great agains golems!

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This is actually my first time on here. Well at least writing in the forums and when I saw this thread I had to comment. I started to main weaver because I liked the game play. It felt like I was actually working hard when in pvp. At least after maining necro and Druid. Yes I know I'm despicable. Is Anet the only gaming company that nerfs things that don't need nerfing and buffing things that are borderline obnoxious?? If you play weaver riptide nerf is pretty big. Yes let's make a spec people really don't like playing into something people won't want to play. Good job. Meanwhile Mesmer buffs, Necro buffs, Warrior buffs, no Deadeye nerfs, happy for guardian and their "new" staff!

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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Alehin.3746 said:Nice overreaction, but they didn't even nerf the evade duration or recharge, and you still have the water field to leap and blast on.

You missed the point: it didn't need to be nerfed.

It didn't, but ele also got other positive changes, so it's fair. Look at the entire ele section, a lot of sword stuff got buffed, they buffed tempest and they also buffed d/d weaver. As someone that play other builds than the "le dodgerino bunkerino pvp build xDD", i'll take those changes over riptide any day.

what are those "lot of sword buff"?the THIRD attack on double air attunement auto chain? yes, great agains golems!Pyro vortex (air/fire 3) got buffed too, and they also swaped precision traits to ferocity.


@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Widmo.3186 said:Not much changed,some buff @ air 1 and 3 (rarely used with non lightning sw/d but still).Riptide wasn't meant to do any healing since February patch

Use that logic you're using on Riptide on every "bit of healing" skill of ele and you'll end up with one health pool, some evades and luck to survive.

Same for damage. Every little bit they buff/nerf counts, specially when all the spec does in pvp is survive on a side node.

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@Alehin.3746 said:

@Alehin.3746 said:Nice overreaction, but they didn't even nerf the evade duration or recharge, and you still have the water field to leap and blast on.

You missed the point: it didn't need to be nerfed.

It didn't, but ele also got other positive changes, so it's fair. Look at the entire ele section, a lot of sword stuff got buffed, they buffed tempest and they also buffed d/d weaver. As someone that play other builds than the "le dodgerino bunkerino pvp build xDD", i'll take those changes over riptide any day.

what are those "lot of sword buff"?the THIRD attack on double air attunement auto chain? yes, great agains golems!Pyro vortex (air/fire 3) got buffed too, and they also swaped precision traits to ferocity.


@Widmo.3186 said:Not much changed,some buff @ air 1 and 3 (rarely used with non lightning sw/d but still).Riptide wasn't meant to do any healing since February patch

Use that logic you're using on Riptide on every "bit of healing" skill of ele and you'll end up with one health pool, some evades and luck to survive.

Same for damage. Every little bit they buff/nerf counts, specially when all the spec does in pvp is survive on a side node.

How that logic of yours works?If "all the spec does in pvp is survive on a side node" a nerf to healing is a nerf to the core purpose of the class, but a buff(?) to damage is just an incrementation of nothing useful. Or am i wrong?

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That’s what they are ineptly trying to do,exchange some healing to damage (no one asked for it,but w/e).ANet balance is simple they nerf one thing and buff the other hoping math does „-1+1=0” and people start making different builds.Riptide was hard nerfed previously,now it’s just an addition (200 less healing,use once 1st skill and its almost the same).

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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Alehin.3746 said:Nice overreaction, but they didn't even nerf the evade duration or recharge, and you still have the water field to leap and blast on.

You missed the point: it didn't need to be nerfed.

It didn't, but ele also got other positive changes, so it's fair. Look at the entire ele section, a lot of sword stuff got buffed, they buffed tempest and they also buffed d/d weaver. As someone that play other builds than the "le dodgerino bunkerino pvp build xDD", i'll take those changes over riptide any day.

what are those "lot of sword buff"?the THIRD attack on double air attunement auto chain? yes, great agains golems!Pyro vortex (air/fire 3) got buffed too, and they also swaped precision traits to ferocity.


@Widmo.3186 said:Not much changed,some buff @ air 1 and 3 (rarely used with non lightning sw/d but still).Riptide wasn't meant to do any healing since February patch

Use that logic you're using on Riptide on every "bit of healing" skill of ele and you'll end up with one health pool, some evades and luck to survive.

Same for damage. Every little bit they buff/nerf counts, specially when all the spec does in pvp is survive on a side node.

How that logic of yours works?If "all the spec does in pvp is survive on a side node" a nerf to healing is a nerf to the core purpose of the class, but a buff(?) to damage is just an incrementation of nothing useful. Or am i wrong?

"Being alive on a side node" is all it can do, but not the core purpose of the class. Most the healing s/d weaver gets come from healing ripple, soothing mist, blast/leap on water fields and regeneration. The small healing lost on healing riple is nothing, because the class still can heal itself a lot, the damage buff means more because the class didn't had much damage. Do you get what i mean now?

Maybe i'm just lucky, but i've been having no problem staying alive with marshal/wizzard amulet.

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@shinta.8906 said:watching the balance team buff sword damage is like observing a man pour syrup on pancakes without squeezing the bottle.

Worse, it's like he's drenching his eggs and bacon while almost completely missing the pancakes... And his dog is chewing on the edge of his pancakes without him even realizing it.

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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:The base healing was never the point of the skill, the evade and water field are the reasons the skill is so strong.

Oh yes? So why it needs a nerf?

Because the sustain on ele is ridiculously high. I would've targeted the evade / cooldown and not the heal, but whatever. When you buff the damage on a class like ele, you need to reduce it's sustain, we do not want another celestial ele build.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:The base healing was never the point of the skill, the evade and water field are the reasons the skill is so strong.

Oh yes? So why it needs a nerf?

Because the sustain on ele is ridiculously high. I would've targeted the evade / cooldown and not the heal, but whatever. When you buff the damage on a class like ele, you need to reduce it's sustain, we do not want another celestial ele build.

But... they didn't buff the damage... and don't say "pyro vortex" now, that's becoming a meme like shatterstone buffs...

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:The base healing was never the point of the skill, the evade and water field are the reasons the skill is so strong.

Oh yes? So why it needs a nerf?

Because the sustain on ele is ridiculously high. I would've targeted the evade / cooldown and not the heal, but whatever. When you buff the damage on a class like ele, you need to reduce it's sustain, we do not want another celestial ele build.

Earthen Vortex: The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds in PvP only.

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The heal of riptide was trasfered to the new aura mechanic(Water 4), and it's more overpowered than before cause we still have the evade time + the little heal amount of riptide, PLUS a new big heal skill. Also we got huge damage buffs. So stay away of your 10+ lvl 80 characters, choose one of them and masterice it through years, then come back and deliver wise words to us.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:The base healing was never the point of the skill, the evade and water field are the reasons the skill is so strong.

Oh yes? So why it needs a nerf?

Because the sustain on ele is ridiculously high. I would've targeted the evade / cooldown and not the heal, but whatever. When you buff the damage on a class like ele, you need to reduce it's sustain, we do not want another celestial ele build.

i was one of the advocats for nerfing riptide in hopes they buff the damage u know. nerf happened but the buff didnt equally.

sustain of weaver isnt that high if u know what you do. it can not sustain a competent +1. its also widely understood as subpar to any other pvp build out there.. dont waste your stuff in obvious evade frames than you good to go.

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@"Capodicapis.6819" said:The heal of riptide was trasfered to the new aura mechanic(Water 4), and it's more overpowered than before cause we still have the evade time + the little heal amount of riptide, PLUS a new big heal skill. Also we got huge damage buffs. So stay away of your 10+ lvl 80 characters, choose one of them and masterice it through years, then come back and deliver wise words to us.

I like how you ask me to "masterice" one class to deliver wise words to you, while you call what ele got "huge damage buffs".You're awesome man, so much knowledge, much wow!

Edit. i also like the word "overpowered" associated to Ele's!

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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@"Capodicapis.6819" said:The heal of riptide was trasfered to the new aura mechanic(Water 4), and it's more overpowered than before cause we still have the evade time + the little heal amount of riptide, PLUS a new big heal skill. Also we got huge damage buffs. So stay away of your 10+ lvl 80 characters, choose one of them and masterice it through years, then come back and deliver wise words to us.

I like how you ask me to "masterice" one class to deliver wise words to you, while you call what ele got "huge damage buffs".You're awesome man, so much knowledge, much wow!

Edit. i also like the word "overpowered" associated to Ele's!

Ele is op when you learn to play it correctly and have proper stat combination. For me is the most overpowered class of them all, been playing only ele for 6 years, got 2 legend tittles in the supposed "ele are so so bad, eles are garbage" times.......the problem is that finding a good ele is like to find a needle in a haystack. Today i got 6 best stats inside a ranked match, top damage, top heal, top revive, top defender, top attacker, etc. So yes, ele is overpowered for me.

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@shinta.8906 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:The base healing was never the point of the skill, the evade and water field are the reasons the skill is so strong.

Oh yes? So why it needs a nerf?

Because the sustain on ele is ridiculously high. I would've targeted the evade / cooldown and not the heal, but whatever. When you buff the damage on a class like ele, you need to reduce it's sustain, we do not want another celestial ele build.

i was one of the advocats for nerfing riptide in hopes they buff the damage u know. nerf happened but the buff didnt equally.

sustain of weaver isnt that high if u know what you do. it can not sustain a competent +1. its also widely understood as subpar to any other pvp build out there.. dont waste your stuff in obvious evade frames than you good to go.

"Don't waste your stuff in obvious evade frames" I play hammer guardian, I can obviously beat eles that simply spam. However, the ones that actually evade in reaction to my bursts, no way.

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