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Oceanic/SEA servers, and how GW2 jeopardises it from happening


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@Abyssisis.3971 said:Ive played other games in both NA and SEA region and id pick good performance anyday, if given the choice, alot of SEA region players would play in SEA region as well, yes the servers would be small, but on the plus side there would be no blobs zerging around lagging everything. Haha

People always say they’d agree to a compromise but will then usually demand what they didn’t get soon after. We’ve seen it at least once in this game already.

For the moment, you’re also assuming that players evenly spread out over what may be very likely only three servers.

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I'm pretty sure A-net tried in GW1 and didn't success despite being instanced game. Japan and Korean Taiwan was there a couple year. A-net could'nt make much holding on those Asian region.

A-net won't try again unless there a major Partner step in do it on Local server.

Best cause Scenario that A-net will make instanced content like Raid, SPVP to be able to play locally.

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@Sleepwalker.1398 said:You guys are expecting too much from Anet.They can't even give us free items from Kung Fu Tea promo and you expect them to setup servers for SEA/OCX.

It's cuz Anet is too nice. They thought the world wouldn't abuse the promotion. Guess once the promoters finally left lion's arch, they realized how many freeloading turds they have in game because they failed their own RL expectations.

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