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Serious look at D/D weaver post buffs?


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Buffs helped a ton. Survivability, damage and disruption is really high with lightning rod plus it's fun as fuck to play.

Worst matchup is holosmith.

Can hold its ground against mesmer, reaper, scourge, spellbreaker, soulbeast.

Autowin vs anything melee ranged with poor access to stability.

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@Abelisk.4527 said:And all the haters will come and say it's trash. D/D /D/F weaver has always been interesting but unoptimized.

it is trash. how do you expect to hold points when you're just sliding around all the time? its sustain is also still trash compared to sword

the only thing it's got going is nobody knows how to play against it so you can win against people that dont know what your skills do, much like those trash power scourges that goes into lich form and do high burst dps carrying games in plat because people dont know to avoid the lich form autos and focus them down.

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Everyone on the forums says its trash... I play D/D tempest myself and agree that Holo is by far the worst match up (seems to be leagues ahead of other classes with that AoE CC damage)... I'm tempest because I want to bring AoE cleanses and utility support.

some priceless comments: If an elementalist does good in a game, it's because everyone else is trash.... Which makes killing that person all that much sweeter hehe...

Keep at it dude :heart:

@LazySummer.2568 said:

@Abelisk.4527 said:And all the haters will come and say it's trash. D/D /D/F weaver has always been interesting but unoptimized.

it is trash. how do you expect to hold points when you're just sliding around all the time? its sustain is also still trash compared to sword

the only thing it's got going is nobody knows how to play against it so you can win against people that dont know what your skills do, much like those trash power scourges that goes into lich form and do high burst dps carrying games in plat because people dont know to avoid the lich form autos and focus them down.

I don't bother dodging them, literally just pop a Magnetic Aura with Aura share and laugh as they kill themselves or are forced out of Lich... But don't see many of those, most seem to pack the shout elite.

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@LazySummer.2568 said:

@Abelisk.4527 said:And all the haters will come and say it's trash. D/D /D/F weaver has always been interesting but unoptimized.

it is trash. how do you expect to hold points when you're just sliding around all the time? its sustain is also still trash compared to sword

the only thing it's got going is nobody knows how to play against it so you can win against people that dont know what your skills do, much like those trash power scourges that goes into lich form and do high burst dps carrying games in plat because people dont know to avoid the lich form autos and focus them down.

The sword sustain is literally riptide into earth 2, that's all it has.

D/D has steam surge into combo finishers too, 3 evades (burning speed, steam surge, mud slide), considerably more cc, more mobility (magnetic leap) and point blank aoe damage. Outside flames uprising, sword aoe output is really subpar.

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@Razor.6392 said:

@Abelisk.4527 said:And all the haters will come and say it's trash. D/D /D/F weaver has always been interesting but unoptimized.

it is trash. how do you expect to hold points when you're just sliding around all the time? its sustain is also still trash compared to sword

the only thing it's got going is nobody knows how to play against it so you can win against people that dont know what your skills do, much like those trash power scourges that goes into lich form and do high burst dps carrying games in plat because people dont know to avoid the lich form autos and focus them down.

The sword sustain is literally riptide into earth 2, that's all it has.

D/D has steam surge into combo finishers too, 3 evades (burning speed, steam surge, mud slide), considerably more cc, more mobility (magnetic leap) and point blank aoe damage. Outside flames uprising, sword aoe output is really subpar.

Steam Surge's field is basically nonexistant because it's only 2s. You have to have been camping fire/water already to make use of that field or take unravel or other utilities just to combo it. Riptide is also on a lower cd compared to steam surge and can be further reduced by trait whereas Steam Surge can't. Also notice how all your evades and literally every single one of your useful skill is on #3, multiple of them on double attune too (eg. burning speed, shocking aura, magnetic leap). Now combine that with having bunch of dash skills that can't have their range shortened so it's hard to land your attacks and hold points and you have the trash called dagger weaver. Core or Tempest dagger is better because they don't have these issues (although these 2 are still trash compared to meta builds).

All the dagger's #1 & #2 attacks are useless except air. Then you look at sword weaver and you can see how basically every single #1~3 skill is useful (except the water's autos and Aqua Siphon and Rust Frenzy but you just dont double attune) so you're way more adaptable to situations. It's not like dagger's aoe is that big to make that much of a difference to me. If you need to cleave on downstates, I'm pretty sure sword's Pyro Vortex trumps all dagger skills and you can easily interrupt res attempts by just swapping to air #2 whereas you don't have that option in dagger.

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D/D lightning rod looks interesting, care to share a build? I assume air, arcana (only way to get prot), Weaver, which feels a little weak on cleanse, or air/water/weaver, which feels lacking on prot.

I am skeptical about D/D, but I guess with enough defensive utilities you might be able to come up with a rotation.

One of the biggest weaknesses to dagger Weaver, is that while it has a good number of evades and a water field, it requires a lot of setup to get anything out of it. Sword works well with Weaver because, not only are Riptide and Earth 2 great sustain, they are also #2 skills available on-demand as soon as you swap into water and Earth from any element. Weaver defenses just feel too clunky to be an effective bruiser with any other weapon, leaving you wide open to basically any burst at many time periods.

I'll at least try it before completely dismissing it. What really changed last patch that made the Weaver version of this build good? Most of the changes to dagger seemed pretty minor compared to help dagger needed for pvp.

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@BlackBeard.2873 said:D/D lightning rod looks interesting, care to share a build? I assume air, arcana (only way to get prot), Weaver, which feels a little weak on cleanse, or air/water/weaver, which feels lacking on prot.

I am skeptical about D/D, but I guess with enough defensive utilities you might be able to come up with a rotation.

One of the biggest weaknesses to dagger Weaver, is that while it has a good number of evades and a water field, it requires a lot of setup to get anything out of it. Sword works well with Weaver because, not only are Riptide and Earth 2 great sustain, they are also #2 skills available on-demand as soon as you swap into water and Earth from any element. Weaver defenses just feel too clunky to be an effective bruiser with any other weapon, leaving you wide open to basically any burst at many time periods.

I'll at least try it before completely dismissing it. What really changed last patch that made the Weaver version of this build good? Most of the changes to dagger seemed pretty minor compared to help dagger needed for pvp.

Air 323, arcane 321, weaver 133ToF, unravel (i know), lightning flash, weave selfavatar amuletscholar runeenergy sigil with whatever you want

try it, it's a lot of fun.

as for the changes dagger received:

  1. air #2 gives fury on hit now, which synergizes with raging storm.
  2. mud slide causes an aoe knockdown on impact
  3. plasma burst does 100% more damage
  4. grinding stones reduces phys damage
  5. auras have a transmute skill now, and d/d has access to 2 auras (one of them being an extra lightning rod proc).
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@BlackBeard.2873 said:D/D lightning rod looks interesting, care to share a build? I assume air, arcana (only way to get prot), Weaver, which feels a little weak on cleanse, or air/water/weaver, which feels lacking on prot.

I am skeptical about D/D, but I guess with enough defensive utilities you might be able to come up with a rotation.

One of the biggest weaknesses to dagger Weaver, is that while it has a good number of evades and a water field, it requires a lot of setup to get anything out of it. Sword works well with Weaver because, not only are Riptide and Earth 2 great sustain, they are also #2 skills available on-demand as soon as you swap into water and Earth from any element. Weaver defenses just feel too clunky to be an effective bruiser with any other weapon, leaving you wide open to basically any burst at many time periods.

I'll at least try it before completely dismissing it. What really changed last patch that made the Weaver version of this build good? Most of the changes to dagger seemed pretty minor compared to help dagger needed for pvp.

the dagger changes went well with both tempest and weaver.. doesnt seem like much but made a huge difference (ty anet)

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@Razor.6392 said:

@Arheundel.6451 said:I never see any of these eles with these amazing builds..are people playing another game?

be the change you want to see?

i posted the build above, feel free to try it.

Why this much effort? There is nothing for you in the end...we all play the game to relax and enjoy ourselves so why go the extra mile to get the same or slightly less result? In the end if people want to tryhard in a videogame by all means it's your choice but pls....let's stop trying to pass your idea as a wise or sensible one because sadly it's not.

With so much work in my RL and barely the time to play 5-6 hrs per week..I have decide to play something that require the least brain power but still yield huge reward, the whole game has been tuned to be that : low risk=high reward.......nobody pay us to play high risk/low-medium reward

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I had a look at it. :wink:

Positive things:

  • Damage is more reliable. A lot of dual skills are AOEs, that's great. I always ask for that for sword... :lol:
  • More stuns and stuff (mud slide especially and that... water... air thingy?).
  • Air AA is still noice. Air 2 has improved a bit too with fury.
  • Generally feels more damage oriented.

Now the problems:

  • Few condi cleanse, even if you go with water (less regeneration). Does not work with necros, mirages and stuff.
  • Way waaaay less sustain. Less blast options for the short water field. Riptide could easily be blasted 3 times (dodge, earth 2, 4, 5), steam surge with a maximum of 1 (dodge if you go to earth, plasma burst if you were in fire/water, not water/fire and go into air). Longer CDs too.
  • Despite the neat Air AA, all other AAs just suck badly.
  • Aura change does not matter for the build, because dual attuning really hurts just like with sword.

So as I expected - it can fill a team fighter or +1 role, but only poorly. Low mobility, no range, burst kinda lacks. In team fights you need a FB or tempest (lol) to cleanse. Duels might work against some classes (holo for example) but clearly worse than all the other duelists.

I would wipe the ground with it on my sage's weaver. Can be situational, when the enemy team has drooids, holos and thieves. But overall less versatile than sword. Steam surge and mud slide are fun though and especially the added damage can be nice if you're up for some fun. I imagine it will be veeery tough in higher tiers - prove me wrong if you can. :smile:

€: Btw. because I didn't really play dagger mainhand in a looong time, I hate the change that you can't reduce the range of your slides with that camera trick anymore. :angry:

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