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Animations/emotes and backpacks/weapons


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When performing any /emote your backpack and weapons disapearYet, when you zoom into first person mode, and back out, they re-appear (clientside only).This way you can take screenshots of your characters with their backpacks visible, and their weapons sheathed, or even drawn if you like.


My query is, if the engine has little to no trouble with performing emotes without hiding the gear, why can’t we have a tickbox that says ‘hide gear when emoting’.It would be so great if we could take screenshots of our characters with backpacks, without having to quickly zoom in and out of first person mode to reveal the gear we’re wearing.

A similar behavior ocurs when using tonics.When transformed into.. say.. an ohlmakan sand elemental (love the skin, btw) you can perform a /dance, or a /sit.In most cases, the transformed individual will do a speed up emote, for 1 second, and then break it off. So the model is trying to perform the emote, but will fail after the animation starts. Being able to perform emotes when wearing tonics would be a great addition, too.

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@"Lancaeron.1524" said:It does the same thing in the original Guild Wars, so no.... It is NOT a bug! It has been there intentionally, since the original release, of Guild Wars, back in 2005! Install Guild Wars, and you'll see I speak the truth.

While it is from GW1, in GW2 you can unequip and requip the weapons and backpacks and they will show during emotes(especially idle animation emotes, like "crossarms", so its something that is possible, just not currently allowed.

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  • 9 months later...

Why are backpacks hidden at all during emotes??? There doesn’t need to be an option for this — we can already hide our backpack. Many of these wouldn’t even clip and I would tolerate that better than having the backpack just disappear. For fun I decided to make a largos character with the backpack / glider combo but having his fins randomly disappear destroys the concept. :( Please fix this! <3

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@mortrialus.3062 said:You can also unequip then reequip them to make them appear. With this method it isn't just client side either.

It does reappear after the emote; the problem for me is having the back piece disappear during the emote. I don’t see how this would be good for any character, but especially for one where it is integral to their identity, as the largos wings are for my largos character. :anguished:

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