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Mirage Theorycraft Thread


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Now that GW2Skills.net has updated to include the elite specs, post your Mirage PvX theorycrafts here!This is mine (only tested in PvE, but intended for PvP/WvW):http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAnf8ansICVohdoBGMDMMjFYDzf/NAPglTgdzvhMAcBeJA-jZhAQBA4EAsxDCwGeCA5rMwP2fAAI took Domination for signets, weakness, and a ton of vulnerability spam, allowing me to get creative with my sigil choices (compared to relying on Sigil of Fallibility). Confounding Suggestions might end up being better though instead of Rending, but we’ll see.Dueling helps upkeep blind very often, while being able to dish out a lot of confusion stacks. It’s evident that we won’t be able to generate a ton of clones like Chrono, so Illusionary Retribution and Maim the Disillusioned won’t be as potent with Mirage.For Mirage, I went semi-defensive and offensive. You will be able to hit more w/ Axe, meaning more mind games (8 sec CD on retargetting skill), and have 40% condi reduction for nasty conditions (bleed, burn, confusion, torment) though it would be nice if that was condi dmg reduction instead. Finally we have an on-demand stun break via Mirage Cloak as well as supplemental condition clear.Weapons:• sword for mobility via ambush, defense; pistol for offense and CC• axe for offense, retargetting; torch for defense and offenseUtilities:• SotE for phantasm regen, signet synergy• Signet of Midnight for blind/conf, stealth, stunbreak, signet synergy• Signet of Illusions for more blind/conf, extra Distortion, Domination synergy, extra vigor proc for more condi dmg uptime, signet synergy• Illusionary Ambush for mind games, universal illusions gap closer, mirage cloak synergy (regen+superspeed), can be replaced by Blink for more mobility but at the cost of less offense, or Portal for teamplay• Jaunt for a bit more mobility, kiting, condition clearing, condition spiking, jukingYour job is to +1 and teamfight. Slower than a Thief but has more group damage. Vuln spam makes targets easier to kill, condi spam is an added bonus. It’s like a mix of Warrior, Rev, and Thief (and I guess Mes). If you want less damage then take Carrion, at the cost of hybrid power pressure.Because you’re missing blocks (which Chrono has a ton of), you must rely on retargets, damage evasion by kiting, and mind games. You really need to get used to the sword ambush as well, since you should use it to kite, not as a gap closer. Rely on Illusionary Ambush for gap closing, as well as Axe 3. You can play defensively or offensively, or of course depending on what is going on.

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Axe3 is not a reliable gap closer. It can put you further from your target than when you started, especially if you use it with out of range. IAmbush won't always hit and puts you out of Axe Ambush range, sometimes. This means you not only have to spam 1 while using it, but you also need to get lucky in targeting/ranges (and usually one axe will just miss/dissipate because of this).

You could use either of the skills into a Jaunt to ensure damage output, but your reaction time will have to be godly and you lose the element of surprise by Jaunting.

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@Dondagora.9645 said:One thing I don't see talk about is Crystal Sands, which doesn't seem to have a target limit that I've seen, AKA Mass Confusion builds for WvW?

It's total garbage.

The shards are projectiles, which right there makes the skill basically unusable. However, the shards also get caught and disappear on basically any terrain, plus they have a really small hitbox that means you'll rarely catch more than 1 or 2 people per shard. Due to that small hitbox, the shotgun sweet spot is essentially non-existent, and lastly it's incredibly underwhelming damage. 1 stack of confusion even across a perfect spray of say 18 people (3 per shard) is awful.

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My plan is to play around with something like this for WvW solo roaming fun and dueling:


Sadly haven't been able to play doing the beta weekends this time around, but had 2 hours on one of the stress tests. The idea is to shatter a lot and ignore the "make clones deal dmg" concepts they have tried to create. There is a looot of clones spamming in it with Sword 1 ambush, sword 2, and sword 4 (Clone on block).I have filled it up with moblity and juking, which I hope will be as fun as it look, I just wish Jaunt get buffed to 600 or 800 range.Don't think it will work as good as my Chronomancer setup, but it gonna be a lot of fun to jump around all the time :dizzy:

Might swap dueling for Inspiration or maybe chaos for dueling, but will have to play around a bit :)

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Currently I plan on something like that for WvW raoming.

Personally with Elusive Mind (a very strong trait imo) and Jaunt I feel like not needing to run inspiration. So I can go with a high risk high reward variant of game play with theoretically great mobility. I was contemplating to go double sword like Amadeus, but I wanna try the heavy reflecting route with Evasive Mirror (thematically fitting with Elusive Mind^^) and experiment with Pistol. The potential to shot... I mean shut down enemies with pistol and the corresponding cool down reduction on interrupts sounds nice to me. Sword Clone ambush interrupts, while not gaining trait bonuses, hopefully will affect the pistol cool downs too. If it doesn't work out I may go Sword offhand still.

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@TyPin.9860 said:Currently I plan on something like that for WvW raoming.

Personally with Elusive Mind (a very strong trait imo) and Jaunt I feel like not needing to run inspiration. So I can go with a high risk high reward variant of game play with theoretically great mobility. I was contemplating to go double sword like Amadeus, but I wanna try the heavy reflecting route with Evasive Mirror (thematically fitting with Elusive Mind^^) and experiment with Pistol. The potential to shot... I mean shut down enemies with pistol and the corresponding cool down reduction on interrupts sounds nice to me. Sword Clone ambush interrupts, while not gaining trait bonuses, hopefully will affect the pistol cool downs too. If it doesn't work out I may go Sword offhand still.

Looks like a interesting build as well! The in combat mobility of Mirage is what I'm looking forward to the most, it seems like we will get a ton of fun juking! :D Jaunt is nice because you can cast spells and jaunt on the same time (Used it to precast Sword 5 to get a hit with the phantasm), and I could see that working great with some of the GS burst setup!If off hand sword dosn't work out, my second option were actually to try it with Pistol instead haha, so I like that you went with that! Gonna toy with Evasive Mirror aswell, because that in combo with master of manipulation and mirror heal gonna make deadeyes cry yummy salty reflect tears <3Hope it works out for you! Seeing your runes of the traveler made my shed salty tears of our lost built in Chronomancer 25% move speed =( Here hoping for them mounts in WvW!

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this is a potentially interesting power mirage build I put together using chaos and illusions. I went with mender's and leadership runes to capitalize on the regen output to help with conditions. however the build is a gs/staff setup because I want to experiment with phantasmal force, might on shatter, and receive boons from phantasm on shatter. for chaos I went with bountiful because that might be amplified by the illusion trait. overall the idea was to use gs phantasms as the primary damage output, using the staff to generate might on them and generating the phantasmal force. will it work I'm not sure yet but I think it could be an interesting take to a phantasm playstyle


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this is my build for pvphybrid dmg and good sustain on pointhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW3cnELDdohFqB2qBMMjlhjCd0ioTzMAWgGyv67+wH-jJxHQBA4iAIvyA+Y/hE+EAAAlots of regen and vigor - less condi dmg, more dodge and evade and condi cleanselots of protection and retaliation with chaos stormcan handle the all might ventari with stability rotation and evade frame .easy and fast 25 might stacks so 900 condi dmg (750+150)weak to condi burst and lack of swiftness off fight.when runes be available use weaver

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For WvW [url=http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsfRnknBlphNqBWLDMMjlTDzvBOBzgkBgFwypcE0cSAA-jVCGABlpP4gnAQgq/QkyjoUiNlSQAOEAut/A+nAAyAUNGA-w]this[/url] is what I am planning to run, possibly switching to DE in solo depending on how it behaves. So long as I keep at least 1 dodge and a teleport I should be able to run from everything that isn't daredevil if needed especially zergs.

For group I'd switch traveler runes to hoelbrak as someone else will hopefully supply the swiftness and probably jaunt for MI so I get a -40 condition duration, tons of stunbreaks and high amounts of dodge. If things get too much for us MI for 5s and gtfo, probably be a Druid or scrapper around so they can restealth a little further if needed.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@Dondagora.9645 said:One thing I don't see talk about is Crystal Sands, which doesn't seem to have a target limit that I've seen, AKA Mass Confusion builds for WvW?

It's total garbage.

The shards are projectiles, which right there makes the skill basically unusable. However, the shards also get caught and disappear on basically any terrain, plus they have a really small hitbox that means you'll rarely catch more than 1 or 2 people per shard. Due to that small hitbox, the shotgun sweet spot is essentially non-existent, and lastly it's incredibly underwhelming damage. 1 stack of confusion even across a perfect spray of say 18 people (3 per shard) is awful.

Yup. I do think that the power damage needs to be moved to the AoE field itself, double, or even triple, the amount of shards and increase their hitboxes slightly. That would make it a decent skill.

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I imagine the playstyle is to stick close to opponent and keep evading while ambush and shattering etc, try to daze and stack vulnerability. I've never been good enough at using the builds I theorize at its max potential so I wouldn't know how this is... there are probably a lot more tweaks like gear that can optimize it and it's all over the place... let's say for roaming or something

  • Dodges are mirage cloaks and generate clones
  • sword 2 evade, sword 4 block, scepter 2 block
  • sword ambush daze/interrupt, pistol 5 stun/daze/interrupt, shatter daze/interrupt (might consider signet of domination for stun/interrupt)
  • endurance regain on weapon swap, heal, shatter and food, and vigor
  • shatter, signet heal, signet illusions and moa signet for distortion
  • sand through glass evade and mirage mirror, illusionary ambush for mirage cloak evade
  • condi cleanse on heal, on shatters, on dodge
  • stunbreak on dodges and sand through glass
  • stack vulnerability through interrupts and shatters, and keep up clone production with scepter and each dodge, possible mirage trait 1, and illusionary defender on blocks


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Taking this from other thread:

Build 1: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQNAnfWnsnBlphFpBGMDMMjlZjycEWhWqMAutkxv+7//H-jFyHABLp8bOlgzr6z46bU+UKAwTK4s9HSUNg3BHAX1qWdVWd1VX9qru6qruqBs6qru6qru6qruqUAVprC-w

pros - better boon uptime and synergy (vigour/regen/stab, etc), staff 4/5 cooldowns, condi duration and reflect uptime.cons - no traited Torch, no AoE F3, no Illusionary Retribution.

Duelling – Desperate Decoy, Evasive Mirror, Deceptive EvasionChaos – Master of Manipulation, Chaotic Dampening, Bountiful DisillusionmentMirage – Renewing Oasis, Mirrored Axes, Infinite Horizon

Mirror (heal), Blink, Mantra of Resolve, Illusionary Ambush, Jaunt

Staff (Energy/Cleansing) + Axe/Torch (Energy/Cleansing)

Traveler Runespvp – Viper Amuletwvw – Cele trinkets/headgear, Viper everything else (all wvw malign infusions)pve – Viper everythingOrrian Truffle and Meat StewToxic Maintenance Oil

Gear subject to change depending on sweet spot for offence and sustain.

Build 2: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQNAnfWnknBFMjFpBOqBMMjlXDzv/VAPglTgfT0ANA0ceOA-jFyHABA8kCWS5XiqBMnSwx13o8pU4s9HmX1nAAIAzsMLzZmMn5Mn5ZOzZOzZOz+uMn5Mn5Mn5Mn5MnZpAqSXF-w

pros - better confusion application from shatters, lower shatter cooldown, AoE F3, traited Torch.cons - lower boon uptime and synergy, long staff 4/5 cooldown, lower overall condi duration (other than confusion)

Duelling – Phantasmal Fury, Evasive Mirror, Deceptive EvasionIllusions – The Pledge, Shattered Strength, Master of FragmentationMirage – Renewing Oasis, Mirrored Axes, Infinite Horizon

Ether Feast, Illusionary Ambush, Mantra of Resolve, Decoy, Jaunt

Staff (Energy/Cleansing) + Axe/Torch (Energy/Cleansing)

Traveler Runespvp – Viper Amuletwvw – Cele trinkets/headgear, Viper everything else (all wvw malign infusions)pve – Viper everythingOrrian Truffle and Meat StewToxic Maintenance Oil

Gear subject to change depending on sweet spot for offence and sustain.


A few might stacking sequences:a. Phase retreat (move forward) -> dodge ambush = 3+3+3+1 = 10 stacks of might (wvw, 9 stacks pvp). Can follow up with second dodge ambush for another 13 stacks (12 stacks pvp)b. dodge (move forward) ambush -> phase retreat -> jaunt and move forwards (in front of clones) -> dodge ambush

There are surely other possibilities to stack might with IH, DE and staff ambush, and all these can be followed up with weapon swap to axe (sigil of energy proc), teleport in (AoS, IA, Jaunt, Blink, MA, etc...), axe ambush straight into shatter (F1 or F2), followed up with axe 2 and axe autos (then fade out and reset).

Axe 3 in Chaos Storm for more Chaos Armour uptime.

Illusionary Ambush is a pseudo-stunbreak (can be used while stunned) repositioning, detargeting and gaining mirage cloak.

Biggest concern - boon corrupt/strip from Scourges and Spellbreakers.


Regen on dodge slightly makes up for loss of RI for a little sustained healing (should be near perma regen). Vigour boosting condi damage incentivises maintaining high vigour uptime - hence the decision to focus on boons while having some flexibility.

Staff ambush, food and IH with DE synergise with boon and hybrid damage by providing good uptime of might. Chaotic persistence in Build 1 synergises with maintaining uptime of all boons and boosting condi duration further. Utility consumable should scale with boosted power/condi damage, further increasing boon duration (untested, but I'll test this out on release). Other sources of boons (fury, vigour, protection, stability...) further synergise with all of the above.

Weapon attacks provide sufficient condi application such that traiting MtD isn't necessary to apply condi. F1 and F2 still excellent for boosting burst damage (F1 under high might is solid power damage and F2 just adds more confusion). Having said that the idea is to keep 3 illusions out as often as possible, so ensure endurance and illusion summoning skills are available immediately or soon after shatter. Build 2 requires shattering to generate might.

High evade uptime = high reflect uptime providing evade criteria is met (easier to do with mirage dodge standing still as you're very likely to proc evade). Hence evasive mirror could see a lot of value.

Build 1 vs Build 2 - depends on the differences between boon uptime between them, especially on key boons like vigour, regen and might. Also depends on damage output - whether buffing shatters is necessary or not.

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@atlashugged.7642 said:I haven't had an opportunity to play with the mirage class, but from looking at the skills, and the new changes posted in the other thread, i believe there's a lot of potential for an sPvP interrupt build here.

The only interrupt you gain from Mirage is Sword Ambush.

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@Esplen.3940 said:

@atlashugged.7642 said:I haven't had an opportunity to play with the mirage class, but from looking at the skills, and the new changes posted in the other thread, i believe there's a lot of potential for an sPvP interrupt build here.

The only interrupt you gain from Mirage is Sword Ambush.

But what an interrupt it seems to be, with a 1 second cooldown, and no utility slots committed for it! I'm hoping there are some tricks you can do with Sword Ambush and Infinite Horizons, and all the illusion targeting skills you have. The cast time may be prohibitive, but it may enable some of those tricks. I can't wait to test it out.

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@atlashugged.7642 said:But what an interrupt it seems to be, with a 1 second cooldown, and no utility slots committed for it! I'm hoping there are some tricks you can do with Sword Ambush and Infinite Horizons, and all the illusion targeting skills you have. The cast time may be prohibitive, but it may enable some of those tricks. I can't wait to test it out.10s cooldown (7.5s with vigor), 2 charges1s cd on ambush

You seem to forget that you forfeit a dodge, which can be a hefty price to pay.

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@Esplen.3940 said:

@atlashugged.7642 said:But what an interrupt it seems to be, with a 1 second cooldown, and no utility slots committed for it! I'm hoping there are some tricks you can do with Sword Ambush and Infinite Horizons, and all the illusion targeting skills you have. The cast time may be prohibitive, but it may enable some of those tricks. I can't wait to test it out.10s cooldown (7.5s with vigor), 2 charges1s cd on ambush

You seem to forget that you forfeit a dodge, which can be a hefty price to pay.

Don't forget that you can regain energy through sigils, and gain ambush status through utility skills and distortion (with the new trait).

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@Esplen.3940 said:

@atlashugged.7642 said:But what an interrupt it seems to be, with a 1 second cooldown, and no utility slots committed for it! I'm hoping there are some tricks you can do with Sword Ambush and Infinite Horizons, and all the illusion targeting skills you have. The cast time may be prohibitive, but it may enable some of those tricks. I can't wait to test it out.10s cooldown (7.5s with vigor), 2 charges1s cd on ambush

You seem to forget that you forfeit a dodge, which can be a hefty price to pay.

Don't forget that you can regain energy through sigils, and gain ambush status through utility skills and distortion (with the new trait).

Sigils = 9s cd, forcing you to switch your weapon. It helps with energy management, but it's not a good way of forcing out ambushes.Runes = 10s cd (Adventurer), only realistically useful with Mirror or Mantra of Recovery, but only usable on the Charges and not the Charging.Gaining ambushes through utility skills (Illusionary Ambush 25s CD) defeats the "no utility slots committed for it" claim, and Signets require an entire line dedicated to them as we have no other access to self-Distortion (there is access through allies running Inspiration, but that's not a realistic claim to power).

Yes, there are ways of gaining Endurance/Energy, but they all come with their own drawbacks and if you're committing that much for a daze, you might as well just slot Mantra of Distraction and call it a day.

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@Esplen.3940 said:

@atlashugged.7642 said:I haven't had an opportunity to play with the mirage class, but from looking at the skills, and the new changes posted in the other thread, i believe there's a lot of potential for an sPvP interrupt build here.

The only interrupt you gain from Mirage is Sword Ambush.

But what an interrupt it seems to be, with a 1 second cooldown, and no utility slots committed for it! I'm hoping there are some tricks you can do with Sword Ambush and Infinite Horizons, and all the illusion targeting skills you have. The cast time may be prohibitive, but it may enable some of those tricks. I can't wait to test it out.

The strength of the sword ambush won't really be the daze but mostly the leap adding more gtfo ability to a sword torch build. The daze is nice but I won't be using it for that most of the time, I guess you could leap in swap to GS then mirror blade and mind wrack but there won't be a lot of surprises when that happens and you only have 0.125s wiggle room on a power build. The interrupt won't be that amazing on a condi build now they removed old mistrust.

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@Esplen.3940 said:Sigils = 9s cd, forcing you to switch your weapon. It helps with energy management, but it's not a good way of forcing out ambushes.Runes = 10s cd (Adventurer), only realistically useful with Mirror or Mantra of Recovery, but only usable on the Charges and not the Charging.Gaining ambushes through utility skills (Illusionary Ambush 25s CD) defeats the "no utility slots committed for it" claim, and Signets require an entire line dedicated to them as we have no other access to self-Distortion (there is access through allies running Inspiration, but that's not a realistic claim to power).

Yes, there are ways of gaining Endurance/Energy, but they all come with their own drawbacks and if you're committing that much for a daze, you might as well just slot Mantra of Distraction and call it a day.

Sigils: Like you said, this is just a way to help, but it does increase the frequency with which you can ambush as a reward for doing something you should be doing anyways.

Runes: I'm not sure about this one. Adventurer could be nice, and it will merit testing.Utility Skills. I think you misunderstood me here. I never said you had to take the utility skills. You get to. Illusionary Ambush is a good skill, and potentially worth taking in any mirage build. The fact that it gives you extra ambushes is icing on the cake.

If you want to compare Sword Ambush with Mantra of Distraction, then do so honestly: Sword Ambush will be used more frequently, and has some interesting potential with clones triggering it too. That's at base, which doesn't require a utility slot. By incorporating good utility skills into your build, in addition to sigils and runes, you can increase the frequency even further. Mantra of Distraction however has the benefit of being instant, and decreasing your daze shatter cooldown. Mantra of distraction does not require you to use a dodge to use, and can be used with chronomancer traits. Mantra of Distraction is good. I'm just saying that the sword ambush has potential that deserves testing too.

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Been sitting with core Mesmer for forever and I can’t even think of a proper build for the Mirage with the lack of “changes” they’ve done to it.

Running Condi but obviously I need to consider break stuns, condi cleanse, evades etc... and it’s so damn hard when you can only choose 2 to fit with the elite specs.

Wish they would increase traits to having 4 up at a time but I guess not. Hate feeling so restricted with these elite specs. :-1: :anguished:

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@Tseison.4659 said:Been sitting with core Mesmer for forever and I can’t even think of a proper build for the Mirage with the lack of “changes” they’ve done to it.

Running Condi but obviously I need to consider break stuns, condi cleanse, evades etc... and it’s so kitten hard when you can only choose 2 to fit with the elite specs.

Wish they would increase traits to having 4 up at a time but I guess not. Hate feeling so restricted with these elite specs. :-1: :anguished:

Elusive Mind should cover most of your need for stun breaks, but that ofcause comes with a trade if offensive power if you play condi, since you can't bring Dune Cloak.

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