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Rental Beetles, what after you get dismounted?


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@"Ascyndaeon.1907" said:Okay, as a player who is NEW to the game AND has the PoF expansion, are we going to ignore players like me who are trying to play the game normally and not use the thing that gets you all the way up to level 80? And since level 80 is when you're actually able to get and use a mount, and I am currently level 36 on my first character (as in, first character ever), it's pretty annoying being told "well just buy the expansion or be level 80 already" when it's pretty clear the game was originally intended to be played (for newbies) to grind all the way up to finally get a mount. It's pretty effin annoying that they don't just put it in at least for people that /do/ own the expansion (like me). I can see what you're saying for people playing the base game for free, but what about us? As someone else said, really disheartening getting dismounted on the opposite side of the map and then having to walk all the way back to get on it again (or I guess pay to get to a waypoint near the rental person).Please ANet, give us a way to remount within the rental time limit...

I appreciate that spending a silver to be dismounted isn’t the best feeling.

At level 80 you can empower your mounts through leveling the masteries. This makes staying on the mount easier, and remounting available.

Players who have unlocked the roller beetle have invested time and gold into their mounts and masteries, compared to paying a silver for up to an hour for a basic mount seems appropriate.

If you are still leveling and haven’t unlocked the mounts and or associated masteries, why would you expect it to be working at full value? Like everything else it these games, as you level up and invest in your account your ability to use mounts (or more powerful armor and weapons, additional skills and traits etc) increases as well.

That doesn’t mean you need to rush to 80 but, accept that there are things a newer account won’t be able to do until they have completed more of the game.

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They did implement a QoL improvement to mount rentals...but unfortunately only for festival mount rentals I believe. During a festival, when you go to a mount rental they also give you a whistle that let's you call your mount to remount wherever you are. I have no idea why it's not implemented for the permanent roller-beetle rentals, but it really should be.

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Sure, I'll cut them a little slack. However, the beetle isn't required to complete content, so it's really just a QoL thing. If players want it, then they should buy Season 4, play the content and gain the mount. /shrug

EDIT: this is the same argument that people have about allowing horse mount rentals (or somesuch) in starter zones. At some point, Anet needs cash and can't just keep giving QoL things away for free.

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I mean, i know races are not "required content" so mount rentals are a nicety that Anet did, but come on, if you're going to rent mounts, just make them last an hour or however long, but then give the players full use of that mount (unmastered?). When you rent a car in real life, when you get out of it, a person doesn't come in it and drives it to the rent a car dealership so you have to walk back to the rental to drive somewhere else.And yeah, it's a game, blah, blah, just seems like a silly restriction to not be able to remount wherever within the time constraint.

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I definitely agree with this sentiment. Seems like those of you simply telling me to deal with it until I get to level 80 are missing the point and are kinda sounding like self-important level-3000-ers (if such a level exists, but you probably think you're that high regardless).If they can give a quality of life thing for only a new map, then that's them being dumb for not making it somehow a universal QoL thing in the global code itself.Heck I don't even know if I have season 4, I don't know what that means, I thought the whole world was in season 4 because I'm new to this and never really got into MMOs before (because they seemed rather boring compared to normal RPGs, which I guess still holds true in a way, it just takes a different angle on the genre). So well, here I am, just trying to enjoy the game that I paid some money for.

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@"Ascyndaeon.1907" said:I definitely agree with this sentiment. Seems like those of you simply telling me to deal with it until I get to level 80 are missing the point and are kinda sounding like self-important level-3000-ers (if such a level exists, but you probably think you're that high regardless).If they can give a quality of life thing for only a new map, then that's them being dumb for not making it somehow a universal QoL thing in the global code itself.Heck I don't even know if I have season 4, I don't know what that means, I thought the whole world was in season 4 because I'm new to this and never really got into MMOs before (because they seemed rather boring compared to normal RPGs, which I guess still holds true in a way, it just takes a different angle on the genre). So well, here I am, just trying to enjoy the game that I paid some money for.

You need to do Long Live the Lich which is part of Living World Season 4.


Here is all Living World and how they are placed in relation to expansion (HoT and PoF).https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World

This link show all Season 4 chapters (Lich is the third one):https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_Season_4_Complete_Pack

Always buy Living World story from Gem Store and not from Story section as you get a reduction in price from 200 Gems (full price) to 160 Gem (Reduction).

Story can be replayed on different characters for achievement and progression in story line is not account wide, only achievement. You can find story part in Hero Panel (with a star: see link to LW S4 where there is a picture) and achievement related to certain story are grouped to make it easier to find (for Hero Panel). Yellow symbol (most of LW Season 4 have the same colour on symbol). If you want to know more use search field in GW2 Wiki with "Hero Panel" and you will find a deeper explanation how things work. As for mounts you can use Achievement to keep track of what you need and to guide your through each step.

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@"ShadowCatz.8437" said:You need to do Long Live the Lich which is part of Living World Season 4.


Here is all Living World and how they are placed in relation to expansion (HoT and PoF).https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World

This link show all Season 4 chapters (Lich is the third one):https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_Season_4_Complete_Pack

Always buy Living World story from Gem Store and not from Story section as you get a reduction in price from 200 Gems (full price) to 160 Gem (Reduction).

Story can be replayed on different characters for achievement and progression in story line is not account wide, only achievement. You can find story part in Hero Panel (with a star: see link to LW S4 where there is a picture) and achievement related to certain story are grouped to make it easier to find (for Hero Panel). Yellow symbol (most of LW Season 4 have the same colour on symbol). If you want to know more use search field in GW2 Wiki with "Hero Panel" and you will find a deeper explanation how things work. As for mounts you can use Achievement to keep track of what you need and to guide your through each step.Oh okay thank you, that makes sense. So looking at the journal it seems because I have PoF I will be able to play Season 4 once I hit level 80, but if I want to play the previous stories then I'll need to buy it (which I guess I'll do in the gem store since as you say it's less expensive). Good to know, thank you ^-^And yeah I guess really everything will only come together once I grind up the 40 remaining levels to 80.... Still, I think it's unreasonable for everyone to be shitting on the little guy here for being a newbie (looking at you Ayrilana) for something that's not that unreasonable a request for improvement of general QoL in the game (that I will remind you was already added in specific maps already, shouldn't be that difficult to make it global for people with the expansion). Added toxicity to the experience just makes me wonder if it's even worth it giving a ton more money to the devs when things like this are considered a "just fuckin deal with it pleb" kind of thing. You folks aren't exactly making the game look much better by doing so. Maybe I will go back to skyrim like a good little boy after all if this supposedly social game doesn't give a shit about any of its players. Not that bethesda does but at least we have mods to bring QoL to the game. .-.

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I don't know how 'new' you are, but you will only have unlocked Living World Episodes that you logged into the game when they were live (current).
Yes, you can save Gems by purchasing Living World Season bundles in the Gem Store.

Try to keep in mind that for many years, players had no choice but to 'walk' everywhere in-game, as there were no Mounts, nor rentals. It's not such a horrible experience, especially when one is new and has not discovered every nook and cranny of each map. There's no rush to L80 or 'end-game', it's the journey, not the destination. (You could always leave Roller Beetle Racing until later; it was a rather newer addition to maps.)

Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.

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