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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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After the update on 05/23/2024, a visual bug appears. Please fix this bug as soon as possible. And for him, I don't like to look at my character. Dragonvoid infusion and heavy legendary armor. I give a link to a video where I show what happened.


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Btw, just wanna point this out, warrior hammer 5, the 3rd hit on its chain attack, and the F1 are all bugged when using the Aurene/any dragon variation legendary.  Those following skills are supposed to produce a shockwave animation/effect, and they do not.  I’m sure it’s a simple fix, and it’s not game breaking, but it is annoying.

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I noticed some weird dye results trying to use the new dye Pastel Lavender on the Noble Aurochs jackal mount skin..

As you can see in the screenshots the first dye channel turned reddish rather than the intended dye when using Pastel Lavender. No other dye I tried so far yielded the same result, they all remain uniform for all dye channels. I also haven't found any other mount skins that appear to have the same issue.


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Hey guys.

Noticed that the Shrine Guardian Jackal seems to use the standard engage animation of sand flying everywhere, instead of the custom one with light bursting out. Tested it in multiple areas, seems to be consistent everywhere.

Would love to see  that fixed.

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I returned to the game after a while and I have some errors or glitches with the combat animations, specifically in my sylvari (female), but I have verified that the asura (female) and human (also female) have similar errors. Most of these errors appear when you unsheath your weapon and jump, if we keep the weapon sheathed the jumping animation is incredibly fluid, like everything in this game, but when it comes to unsheathing and jumping with a bow the animation has a sudden cut on the animation in the leg (which does not happen when having the weapon sheathed), when carrying a weapon in one hand something similar happens, in this case when jumping while walking it gives an even more abrupt cut than the previous case. There was a person on the forum who complained about a similar problem.

Venomous Volley — Animation displayed incorrectly on charr character

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item(armor):  Etherbound Chestplate and Vigil's honor pauldrons. The chestplate clips through pauldrons when weapons are drawn and during idle animation

Race: human male

class: guardian




Edit: I also noticed several other small/medium sized pauldrons have the same clipping issue (Banded Pauldrons, Reinforced Scale Pauldron, Worn Scale Pauldrons, Protector's Shoulderplates, Militia Pauldrons) with this chestplate. 

Edited by Rolland.3109
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