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Which is most difficult monster/boss in GW2 for you?

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@miraude.2107 said:Lord Caudecus

Screw you and that kitten aoe hell, dodge fest, frustration of a fight. I'm working on my engi and getting her through the stories and sooooo not looking forward to that fight. Will probably have to pug it again :s .

I just abuse that function that allows us to simply continue after dying.I just remove the shield and shave of 5%-10% of his health on each try.Because F AoE spam.

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Caudecus fight is pretty bad, especially on Charr and Norn.

Generally, I don't like any fights that require you to use a special ground-targeted skill or fights with difficult terrain and special mechanics like Aerin (although I absolutely smoked Aerin the last time I faced him so I got gud, I guess).

Other non-boss fights I hate are Awakened Defilers (boon corruption fields with zero warning, the AoE hits straight away) and Awakened Abominations (I'm still not entirely clear how to fight them, they just pull you into range and slice you up to neat pieces).

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By far the most insanely hard thing to kill was Priest of Balthazar. No other thing in the game was even remotely close to the insanity of the Balthazar Temple meta event chains.

1) Risen Priest of Balthazar (in the Straits of Devastation map) at the game launch, before it was nerfed - Difficulty: inhumanly insane

  • If I remember correctly, when the game was launched, that meta map event was the only option in the game to obtain Obsidian Shards .It was insanely difficult, I remember there were "taxi services" in LFG system to a map instance with a succesfully finished Balthazar meta event. Ppl were taxi-ing to that instance, buying their Obsidian Shards, and then instantly ported to another map to free player slot in that instance so another ppl can port in and buy their Shards too. As I said, insane difficulty, super cooperating and helpfull players community, unbelievably fantastic good memories participating in these events (and then advertising it in my guild chat and helping other guild mates taxi-ing in). Participating in the entire chains of meta map events with the succesfull kill of Balthazar Priest at the final meta event battle was a thing really worth bragging about back at these times.

2) Lyssa Temple (in Malchor's Leap map) with Gorilla Champion spawned (before it was nerfed) - Difficulty: Hard

  • the Gorilla rank depended on the amount of players participating in that event, if there were enough players, a Gorilla Champion (otherwise just a Gorilla Veteran) was spawned. Champion PBAoE dmg usually meant insta-kill for 30 ppl, sometimes "only" insta-downed. Still that event was doable, it was just tedious and long fight.

As for current GW2 monsters, I dont know and basically dont care much anyway. Atm I just casually play WvW, and barely doing any PvE content, maybe once per month I visit some classic bosses like Claw of Jormag, Triple Trouble 3-head Wurm or Tequatl just for the nostalgic feelings, and thats all. Sure, I have both expansions, but i have only few first map zones of these expansions visited, so I even dont know if there are some hard bosses or not.

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