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Best fight public servers EU?


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ros/vabbi or wsr. But the amount of ppt on those servers are not any different than the rest. They just have a stacked player group that is better than the rest. They do not want fights, they want to dominate with their blob :/ If you want fights pick the servers that are going against these servers.

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@"aspirine.5839" said:ros/vabbi or wsr. But the amount of ppt on those servers are not any different than the rest. They just have a stacked player group that is better than the rest. They do not want fights, they want to dominate with their blob :/ If you want fights pick the servers that are going against these servers.

Wrong: The core of the RoS players actually wanted good fight's without having to deal with snowflakes. Thing is: Whereever they go (see what happened with RoS after Vabbi got left behind), the leeches will follow.

In terms of PPT: The main core of those servers only PPT's when they wanna get into a certain matchup. Defending their objectives is just better for them since the average skill level is higher.

In terms of go to the servers that want to go against them: Which servers are you referring to? I honestly don't know any server that tries to go against them.Piken is like: "Yes, we smashed them in PPT whilst feeding them a 5.0kd"SFR and Deso have everytime their commanders ragequitting to the other of the 2 servers.FSP PPT's the shit out of everything and the only fight comm they got is Pubbles.The national servers hide in keeps and tower and ninja PPT/port on sight.Gandara has a com until a fight comm tags up and detags right the instance. Afterwards just bad roamer clouds on EBG and Ninja capping.

The only other server that tries(!) to put up a fight is Kodash, which will prob be full until the end of gw2.

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@MightyMaxwell.3468 said:

@"aspirine.5839" said:ros/vabbi or wsr. But the amount of ppt on those servers are not any different than the rest. They just have a stacked player group that is better than the rest. They do not want fights, they want to dominate with their blob :/ If you want fights pick the servers that are going against these servers.

Wrong: The core of the RoS players actually wanted good fight's without having to deal with snowflakes. Thing is: Whereever they go (see what happened with RoS after Vabbi got left behind), the leeches will follow.

In terms of PPT: The main core of those servers only PPT's when they wanna get into a certain matchup. Defending their objectives is just better for them since the average skill level is higher.

In terms of go to the servers that want to go against them: Which servers are you referring to? I honestly don't know any server that tries to go against them.Piken is like: "Yes, we smashed them in PPT whilst feeding them a 5.0kd"SFR and Deso have everytime their commanders ragequitting to the other of the 2 servers.FSP PPT's the kitten out of everything and the only fight comm they got is Pubbles.The national servers hide in keeps and tower and ninja PPT/port on sight.Gandara has a com until a fight comm tags up and detags right the instance. Afterwards just bad roamer clouds on EBG and Ninja capping.

The only other server that tries(!) to put up a fight is Kodash, which will prob be full until the end of gw2.

Well I am just saying, when people want to have good players to fight against, do not join those 3 servers since that makes not a lot of sense.

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@aspirine.5839 said:

@aspirine.5839 said:ros/vabbi or wsr. But the amount of ppt on those servers are not any different than the rest. They just have a stacked player group that is better than the rest. They do not want fights, they want to dominate with their blob :/ If you want fights pick the servers that are going against these servers.

Wrong: The core of the RoS players actually wanted good fight's without having to deal with snowflakes. Thing is: Whereever they go (see what happened with RoS after Vabbi got left behind), the leeches will follow.

In terms of PPT: The main core of those servers only PPT's when they wanna get into a certain matchup. Defending their objectives is just better for them since the average skill level is higher.

In terms of go to the servers that want to go against them: Which servers are you referring to? I honestly don't know any server that tries to go against them.Piken is like: "Yes, we smashed them in PPT whilst feeding them a 5.0kd"SFR and Deso have everytime their commanders ragequitting to the other of the 2 servers.FSP PPT's the kitten out of everything and the only fight comm they got is Pubbles.The national servers hide in keeps and tower and ninja PPT/port on sight.Gandara has a com until a fight comm tags up and detags right the instance. Afterwards just bad roamer clouds on EBG and Ninja capping.

The only other server that tries(!) to put up a fight is Kodash, which will prob be full until the end of gw2.

Well I am just saying, when people want to have good players to fight against, do not join those 3 servers since that makes not a lot of sense.

Might be true, but sadly, in reality, you can't do stuff on your own.

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@aspirine.5839 said:

Wrong: The core of the RoS players actually wanted good fight's without having to deal with snowflakes. Thing is: Whereever they go (see what happened with RoS after Vabbi got left behind), the leeches will follow.

In terms of go to the servers that want to go against them: Which servers are you referring to? I honestly don't know any server that tries to go against them.Piken is like: "Yes, we smashed them in PPT whilst feeding them a 5.0kd"SFR and Deso have everytime their commanders ragequitting to the other of the 2 servers.FSP PPT's the kitten out of everything and the only fight comm they got is Pubbles.The national servers hide in keeps and tower and ninja PPT/port on sight.Gandara has a com until a fight comm tags up and detags right the instance. Afterwards just bad roamer clouds on EBG and Ninja capping.

The only other server that tries(!) to put up a fight is Kodash, which will prob be full until the end of gw2.

Well I am just saying, when people want to have good players to fight against, do not join those 3 servers since that makes not a lot of sense.

Yup exactly, but Deso isn't that bad nowadays, we're getting more organized and are trying to improve, due to the links and match ups we have had. The only problem is if we get stuck in T1 again and the pugs who don't want to learn.

There's isn't much you can do when you fight against one or two servers, where players bandwagon for certain reasons.

There isn't enough Comms, guilds or players left in the game, so that every server can put up a fight against RoS, as there used to be.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:WSR isn't one of them, if being their link for 8 weeks has shown me anything.

Ah yeah 'cause RoF is full of good fighters.

Not what I was saying at all, please don't put words into my mouth.

I saw a lot of vitriol, barely covered maps and in general not a lot of activity is what I am saying. Seems to be the server is pretty dead for being this renowned.

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@MightyMaxwell.3468 said:

@"aspirine.5839" said:ros/vabbi or wsr. But the amount of ppt on those servers are not any different than the rest. They just have a stacked player group that is better than the rest. They do not want fights, they want to dominate with their blob :/ If you want fights pick the servers that are going against these servers.

Wrong: The core of the RoS players actually wanted good fight's without having to deal with snowflakes. Thing is: Whereever they go (see what happened with RoS after Vabbi got left behind), the leeches will follow.

In terms of PPT: The main core of those servers only PPT's when they wanna get into a certain matchup. Defending their objectives is just better for them since the average skill level is higher.

In terms of go to the servers that want to go against them: Which servers are you referring to? I honestly don't know any server that tries to go against them.Piken is like: "Yes, we smashed them in PPT whilst feeding them a 5.0kd"SFR and Deso have everytime their commanders ragequitting to the other of the 2 servers.FSP PPT's the kitten out of everything and the only fight comm they got is Pubbles.The national servers hide in keeps and tower and ninja PPT/port on sight.Gandara has a com until a fight comm tags up and detags right the instance. Afterwards just bad roamer clouds on EBG and Ninja capping.

The only other server that tries(!) to put up a fight is Kodash, which will prob be full until the end of gw2.

If you want the advantage over the enemy and not want to have 'snowflakes' like any other server.You looking to roll over the enemy since you looking for more advantage

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@Nimon.7840 said:What are the best fight servers in EU?

Not guild wise. Mainly looking at public zergs

You are going to have a bunch of different people subjectively commenting on the different servers for you.

The truth is rather that the two, guilds and pickups, are interconnected. The servers with the most guilds tends to have the best average pickup quality. A result of that is also that server quality changes as guilds move and it changes as guilds are motivated to play or not. With ArenaNet discouraging guilds for such a long time there are so few left or somewhat frequently active now that the entire situation is extremely volatile. It is very sensitive to these changes and how a server performs then changes alot from week-to-week, day-to-day or even hour-to-hour.

It is much less a question of finding a server and much more a question of finding a player (commander) who can pull a crowd, will get some quality in it and whome you enjoy following. That's the state we're in - from finding servers that fits you to finding guilds that shapes a server to finding out when key players are around. Most servers are down to only a couple of players with that kind of pull and most servers have trouble navigating matchups as a result.

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