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[Beginner Friendly] Kitless Power Sword Shield Holosmith raid build with respectable dps

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-Much simplified and well looping rotation, with little to no risk of error. The only thing that can harm your DPS is if you don't use your photon wall above 50% or if you don't spam your tool belt skills.

  • The shield adds much more versatility and sustain to your kit as you can reflect but most importantly block certain mechanics and don't need to entirely rely on your teammates. as well as a good amount of CC. If executed correctly you can instantly do 500 break bar damage just with shield 4 and 5
  • Golems are not raid bosses, but with this build, they might as well be just a DPS golem, since the DPS rotation is so stress-free and beginner friendly, with this you will quite often see that you are doing more DPS on an actual raid boss as a sword shield Holo than a meta rifle holo variant, especially if the rifle holo is not experienced.
  • I also did not grind for such a number, it was my 3rd attempt after I got the gear for it.

Build coming soon....

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I love this build for newer players, Ive used it for lazy, 0 effort clears since early 2018. Its very much viable for low LI pugs and less experienced statics. You can swap for off hand pistol on bosses that dont need much CC.

In most groups below 300LI you are going to be top DPS because people who run more advanced builds dont know how to get back on rotation and prioritize skills properly so end up with a significant dps loss whenever they have to deal with mechanics. This build doesn't have that issue.

Would not recommend it for anything above 400LI pugs or proper experienced statics though as its limitations really show in those types of groups, and your contribution will be lacking compared to other competent dps players.

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Just tested it on golem. its actually quite close to kit holo in terms of sustained dps. Just has no burst at all and close to no range. pHolo is on reaper level in raids now anyways. Might just play this build and switch to DD/dh/weaver once familiar with mechanics.

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I like this build. As @zombyturtle.5980 said, in experienced groups you can really see its limitations, but in less elite pug groups it is really good. I use this build all the time in fractals, where its burst is more competitive in my experience, where as in the extended fight of raids it suffers a bit more. Also worth noting, for fractals in a pinch if you need boon strip, you can drop photon shield and bring throw mine (the tool belt hits multiple times to get all 3 boons).

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Kitty personally prefers Photon Forge in -> 3 - 4 -> auto-attack -> 3 -> Photon Wall -> Laser Disk -> Prime Light Beam -> Photon Wall-active -> 3 - 4 -> Overheat -> Laser Disk's Toolbelt skill -> Spam 2 and auto-attack 'til cooldown is over and repeat. Spam Photon Wall and Rifle Turret toolbelt skills off-CD.

This rotation feels really smooth and since sword 2 hits really hard, Kitty personally finds using utility skills in Photon Forge to result in higher total dps since Photon Forge auto doesn't hit as hard as sword hits above 50 heat.

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@LadyKitty.6120 said:Kitty personally prefers Photon Forge in -> 3 - 4 -> auto-attack -> 3 -> Photon Wall -> Laser Disk -> Prime Light Beam -> Photon Wall-active -> 3 - 4 -> Overheat -> Laser Disk's Toolbelt skill -> Spam 2 and auto-attack 'til cooldown is over and repeat. Spam Photon Wall and Rifle Turret toolbelt skills off-CD.

This rotation feels really smooth and since sword 2 hits really hard, Kitty personally finds using utility skills in Photon Forge to result in higher total dps since Photon Forge auto doesn't hit as hard as sword hits above 50 heat.

What numbers do you get though? Doesnt really loop that well for me because photon wall is almost always on cooldown when i want to use it.

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@Nephalem.8921 said:Wouldnt it be higher dps if you dont explode rifle turret and only use 2 corona bursts in photon forge? you always interrupt your photon blitz because you overheat during it. You interrupt your aa chain for rifle turret. Pretty sure its not worth it.

As I previously mentioned, that was ONLY my 3rd attempt and I did not try hard the benchmark at all, but looking at the huge Attention it got. I will Min max this rotation, I believe it can get very close if not above 30k

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@"DRfear.5234" said:

@Nephalem.8921 said:Wouldnt it be higher dps if you dont explode rifle turret and only use 2 corona bursts in photon forge? you always interrupt your photon blitz because you overheat during it. You interrupt your aa chain for rifle turret. Pretty sure its not worth it.

As I previously mentioned, that was ONLY my 3rd attempt and I did not try hard the benchmark at all, but looking at the huge Attention it got. I will Min max this rotation, I believe it can get very close if not above 30k

I'm sure 31k+ is possible. Haven't tested it that long but already got close to 31k. Rifle engi with all condis is at 33 or something in that range so its not far off. No burst is the biggest issue. Missing grenade barrage and rifle really hurts there.

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