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Map closure

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Can you please loosen the map closure on Dragonfall. Almost every time we enter the final part of the meta (disruptors), the map pops up a closure notice because people are leaving to hunt bridge events. With the map closed we can't get new people in and the meta becomes very difficult. Please leave the map open.

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@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:Can you please loosen the map closure on Dragonfall. Almost every time we enter the final part of the meta (disruptors), the map pops up a closure notice because people are leaving to hunt bridge events. With the map closed we can't get new people in and the meta becomes very difficult. Please leave the map open.

No, it's not because they are hunting bridge events. That's either a bug or intentional to prevent people joining ongoing metas.

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Just had a map where the meta couldn't be completed because population was down to 15 (including me) and we couldn't bring in backup due to closure. We finally gave up and took the transfer... To a brand new map. So we missed out on ALL of the meta and post meta loot because of this problem, wasting an hour or so of getting the map to meta state.

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