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PVP is a no go for Renegade??


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I tried to play condi build in sPvP with renegade instead of herald. It is a serious downgrade to both damage and sustainability. And you lose the perm swiftness as well. It is surely not good choice.

Condi renegade also now suffers significantly from boon strip. No resistance and no protection.

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WvW wise, tried Viper, Trailblazer (or dire whatsoever) and Celestial. Nothing worked so far, at least for roaming and smallscale wvw. Glint is so much better, I felt godlike when I switched back to it.IMO this so-called Legendary Renegade is garbage to say better. Which as useful as core non-elite revenant is. Ofc you can play it in blobs (and you can use whatever you want for it most of the time), even with this spaceship meta where your summons live 2 seconds max but as soon as you wander out alone you'd get farmed by the first somewhat experienced war/thief/necro or mesmer you come across. You are slower than them, you have zero boons, you have close to zero cc, no shadowsteps and your healing is miserable. All that is packed with pedestrian 900 range.

I was kind of bitter when I realized this after numerous hours spent trying to make something good out of it but as I see it, it is not going to work till Arenanet spends their precious time on tweaking revenant's core. They also risk running into the same issue each expansion if this problem persists... I wish it was as strong as guardian/warrior cores are :(

UPD Small rant aside, here are some suggestions for tweaking renegade as for now :1) Make summons instant and invulnerable (or at least immune to cc with much bigger hp pool). They often die/get cc'd too fast.2) Add more conditions to both bow weapon skills and utilities, the way it is now it's simply hard to apply and maintain numerous conditions with bow and renegade legend. It's supposed to be condition damage based weapon specialization after all.3) Add a shadowstep to SB skills, replacing either Sevenshot or Spiritcrush with it would probably work.4) Reduce costs or significantly empower f1-f3 skills. They simply not worth it the way they are now with that energy cost. Pretty sure I often forget they exist most of the time.5) Renegade definitely needs more boons despite all that boon corruption/hate around.Also, very first minor trait Ambush Commander leaves me confused since I am not because... how are supposed to Ambush our enemies without stealth? That's probably too much to ask but it would be cool if we could have some stealth with this spec alone.

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Kalla has no use whatsoever in sPvP/WvW for one obvious reason all of her abilities can be cleaved and knockdown.You could still use the Renegade trait line for extra condition damage, and a bit of ferocity, but you’d sacrifice a lot the survivability brought by Herald, and you could also use shortbow has a secondary weapon, it’s decent but quite underwhelming, and you’ll never use the “f abilities” because they consume too much energy for little to no benefice.

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Increase range of Warband or make them minions with better defense and HP. Make instant cast.All of them need both a defensive/Support element and offensive component. All of them need to do damage.

F2-4 skills need rework. Energy cost too high for what it does. And besides the damage from F3, F2 and F4 I found to be completely useless for me. Change those skills.

Revenant Renegade need to start combat at 100% energy. In other words, Tally ot whatever her name is should be unique legend in that she generate energy out of combat. This gives us better use of Soulcleave elite for survivability in SPVP.The heal need to be flat out all around damage reduction, and maybe even divert damage away from the Revenant.

I also feel Warband should have a chain skill to them to make them more useful, especially if they get to be full minions at some point.

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