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Rock antelope hitting for 10k on charge?


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It can hit for a lot more than 10k (40k+) and that really should be addressed immediately. Saying that, the Gazelle has a lot of trouble actually hitting anything at all, so if and when they nerf the damage to oblivion, I hope they also fix the pathing and ability to actually hit targets, otherwise it will become completely useless, like 90% of the other pets in the game.

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@OGDeadHead.8326 said:

@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:the Gazelle has a lot of trouble actually hitting anything at all, so if and when they nerf the damage to oblivion, I hope they also fix the pathing and ability to actually hit targets

Lol, we all know that won't happen!

I really find it quite annoying that they release this stuff as is, did they not test the charge skill at all when they made it? Seriously, they could not have actually tested it in any scenario, otherwise they would not have left it in this absurd state. Now, of course, it will result in a massive nerf (which would be warranted) but it will also be near useless and never used when they do, meaning the pet was a waste of development time in the first place.

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Yep I don't know if it's designed to work like this, although it can reach easily +30K it can only hit immobile targets because as soon as the target moves it mess with all the pathing and trajectory of the pet.

It's like a channelling single target in line meteor shower.

Also don't dream Anet is able to fix pets pathing. It hasn't been done for 5 years yet.

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:I really find it quite annoying that they release this stuff as is, did they not test the charge skill at all when they made it? Seriously, they could not have actually tested it in any scenario, otherwise they would not have left it in this absurd state. Now, of course, it will result in a massive nerf (which would be warranted) but it will also be near useless and never used when they do, meaning the pet was a waste of development time in the first place.

I'm not even sure they can fix it. Even NPC enemies with a charge or multi-hit movement skill have the same issue (Icebrood Berserkers using Whirling Strike like Warriors, Charging Terragriffs using their FGS charge, etc.) that stop at a downed or locked down player and strike for every hit when they should be moving past them.

Not to mention, does anyone else also find it annoying that they spent all that time in the February update this year to update Pet melee attacks with longer ranges (130 to 200 on most) so they can better stick or lunge towards moving targets - yet Iboga and Rock Gazelle still have melee auto attacks that are 130 range?

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

@OGDeadHead.8326 said:

@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:the Gazelle has a lot of trouble actually hitting anything at all, so if and when they nerf the damage to oblivion, I hope they also fix the pathing and ability to actually hit targets

Lol, we all know that won't happen!

I really find it quite annoying that they release this stuff as is, did they not test the charge skill at all when they made it? Seriously, they could not have actually tested it in any scenario, otherwise they would not have left it in this absurd state. Now, of course, it will result in a massive nerf (which would be warranted) but it will also be near useless and never used when they do, meaning the pet was a waste of development time in the first place.

We gave them ample feedback during the beta weekend on the wyverns and they still released them as worthless as ever.

With anet devs they vomit in your face and then rub the remains into your lips since they already got your cash for the expansion box sales.

These developers have no respect or regard for the feedback of the playerbase since they don't have to keep your subscriptions as you give them the money up front.

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:It can hit for a lot more than 10k (40k+) and that really should be addressed immediately. Saying that, the Gazelle has a lot of trouble actually hitting anything at all, so if and when they nerf the damage to oblivion, I hope they also fix the pathing and ability to actually hit targets, otherwise it will become completely useless, like 90% of the other pets in the game.

I find it hard to believe that it's even that big of a deal.

I've yet to see the thing even charge for more than 10k in pve.

The fact that Anet killed maul and didn't touch this is enough reason to assume it's a non-issue and not worth them gutting the damage in an attempt to fix an incredibly rare bug.

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i like how the gazelle is majestically running after the enemy all the time and never hits, its rare that it ever hits the enemy or even reaching the 300range, while fighting you need to put some emotional music, give a good focus and closeup on the gazelle and there you go, a prefect cover for a wild life commercial lol.

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@DarkFlopy.8197 said:i like how the gazelle is majestically running after the enemy all the time and never hits, its rare that it ever hits the enemy or even reaching the 300range, while fighting you need to put some emotional music, give a good focus and closeup on the gazelle and there you go, a prefect cover for a wild life commercial lol.

Yep, i am using the Gazelle simply for the movement skill at this point, the charge IF it hits someone (which is rare) only seems to do the insane damage on someone that is downed. So that should be an easy fix without nerfing the pet. WHat would be nice is if they made it (and other pets!) actually viable to hit the enemy!

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:It can hit for a lot more than 10k (40k+) and that really should be addressed immediately. Saying that, the Gazelle has a lot of trouble actually hitting anything at all, so if and when they nerf the damage to oblivion, I hope they also fix the pathing and ability to actually hit targets, otherwise it will become completely useless, like 90% of the other pets in the game.

OF course they wont fix the pathing, they will just do what they always do, nerf it so its useless, and never touch it again.

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