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Open world hybrid Soulbeast build help?


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Simply put, I'd like to make a Soulbeast build for open world that focuses on dual daggers and shortbow. While clearly not optimal, I already have full zerker/diviner/viper/harrier/marauder sets for my rangers, and I'd like to make a build that's more for fun/RPG/suits a look I'm going for.

What equipment stat combinations would be most useful? Is Viper's worth using in open world (is the expertise wasted?) Maybe Grieving that replaces expertise for ferocity which is as close to zerker's as one might get? Or maybe sinister if most of my damage comes from conditions (though 3 stat combinations total less stats).


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I'd stick with Viper, if you really want a hybrid setup. Frankly I find it hard to believe a dual dagger/shortbow setup would do anything meaningfully well in terms of power damage, but at least with viper you have a better power stat and enough crit to proc condis (if you gear or trait for them).

That being said, my hybrid renegade runs Grieving, and I don't seem to miss the expertise that much. I'm not sure my renegade's experience is relevant to how Grieving would work on a ranger build though - my renegade runs torment sigils and runes, and gets a huge amount of sustain from applying torment in large quantities.

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Viper is the optimal choice at this moment since your main source of damage would mostly be Shortbow Condi anyway. Dagger/Dagger is mostly just your choice of playstyle and the dagger offhand plays well enough with Viper due to condi on the offhand skills otherwise Daggers offhand is usually never used.

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Why not power SB it kills things pretty fast with GS, and you could use LB for tagging in metas. But yeah if you want to go condi dagger/ torch/shortbow is something people are talking about. i just dont like the rampup time for a lot of condi builds. Yeah its trivial but still, plus i think that dagger build has good survival , and yeah stick with vipers.

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Thanks for the help everyone. Will probably just stick with Vipers.

@Tiviana.2650 said:Why not power SB it kills things pretty fast with GS, and you could use LB for tagging in metas. But yeah if you want to go condi dagger/ torch/shortbow is something people are talking about.

I already have every possible build. This was more optimising damage for a very specific weapon sent and strictly open world PvE, so the main question is how wasteful is expertise and should I use Grievers?

Someone made an argument that expertise will be useful for champions and metas. Perhaps Ill just make/run some grivers weapons or trinkets and keep using my viper armor.

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@lankseo.8925 said:I already have every possible build. This was more optimising damage for a very specific weapon sent and strictly open world PvE, so the main question is how wasteful is expertise and should I use Grievers?

I'd argue that the only way to waste expertise is to not do condition damage. Frankly, I feel like dual daggers itself is the biggest possible waste, but hey, it's your time.

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The thing about playing condi builds is, the rate of power damage vs condi damage is usually very different (I'm not sure about SB, but usually they go between 15%-85% and 20%-80%). So running Grieving instead of Viper is like trying very hard to boost that 20% part of your damage while greatly reducing the 80% one.

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