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Facet *humming* sound


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Is it possible to turn of the extremely annoying humming sound from Herald facets, I tried with personal sounds but the only thing I can do is turn off sound completely.Made this character 3 years ago and played Renegade for a long time, but this %^$^%$ hum needs to go, it's been mentioned before but do you ever listen to players ?? at all?.

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@Smeerlap.2698 said:Is it possible to turn of the extremely annoying humming sound from Herald facets, I tried with personal sounds but the only thing I can do is turn off sound completely.Made this character 3 years ago and played Renegade for a long time, but this %^$^%$ hum needs to go, it's been mentioned before but do you ever listen to players ?? at all?.

I complained about it when I first rolled my Rev, as well as the swing animations you hear with weapons/gathering tools. Players at the time told me I'd stop hearing it eventually, and they were correct - I don't even notice it anymore. Your brain will just tune it out :+1:

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@Smeerlap.2698 said:Is it possible to turn of the extremely annoying humming sound from Herald facets, I tried with personal sounds but the only thing I can do is turn off sound completely.Made this character 3 years ago and played Renegade for a long time, but this %^$^%$ hum needs to go, it's been mentioned before but do you ever listen to players ?? at all?.

Just because a small handful of people have complained about something doesn’t mean they’re going to remove it. Personally I like the humming. Who is right in this situation? It’s totally subjective.

That aside, you can lower or remove the sound completely by turning down the “player instrument” slider

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Wait... You want them to remove Glint's theme from the Dragon's Lair outpost in Prophecies for the elite that channels Glint? I can get behind an option to disable it so that people who don't like it can mute it, and admittedly I haven't played Herald enough for it to get on my nerves. I remember thinking it was one of the coolest little details of the spec when it came out though, that the more facets you had up, the more complete Glint's outpost theme was.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@"Smeerlap.2698" said:Is it possible to turn of the extremely annoying humming sound from Herald facets, I tried with
personal sounds
but the only thing I can do is turn off sound completely.Made this character 3 years ago and played Renegade for a long time, but this %^$^%$ hum needs to go, it's been mentioned before but do you ever listen to players ?? at all?.

Just because a small handful of people have complained about something doesn’t mean they’re going to remove it. Personally I like the humming. Who is right in this situation? It’s totally subjective.

It's more than that though. Players aren't conscious about what they are asking when they say "give us the option". It's like a customer isn't sure about what they need, so they ask me to provide them with pricing on two different versions of the same thing - essentially, doubling the work involved.

For every 'option' that players want on anything in this game, that is time taken away from development of other things. Maybe for a company like Blizzard, they have the resources to devote to 'options' (though in truth, they just let 3rd party addons do the work for them) but ANET clearly does not.

It's simple to ask for 'options', but not quite as simple for ANET to deliver them.

So if devs are sitting around a table, trying to prioritize the next project, be it bug fixes, new content, or whatever, I seriously doubt the 'revenant humming' issue is anywhere near the top of their list.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

It's simple to ask for 'options', but not quite as simple for ANET to deliver them.

We shouldn't disparage people for asking for options. It's up to Anet to decide the viability of implementation. I'd tend to agree that the facet sound is annoying, and I'd like to be able to turn it off without impacting any other sounds (such as player instrumentation.) If Anet thinks adding such an option is too costly, that's fine. But I still think it's worth voicing an opinion.

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@Orion Templar.4589 said:

It's simple to ask for 'options', but not quite as simple for ANET to deliver them.

We shouldn't disparage people for asking for options. It's up to Anet to decide the viability of implementation. I'd tend to agree that the facet sound is annoying, and I'd like to be able to turn it off without impacting any other sounds (such as player instrumentation.) If Anet thinks adding such an option is too costly, that's fine. But I still think it's worth voicing an opinion.

he’s not disparaging people that are asking for options at all; merely explaining that it isn’t necessarily simple to implement requested options. The implication is that players should be more cognizant of this when requesting and voicing their opinion and, going a bit further, can infer that perhaps anger towards Anet for not adjusting every tiny thing isn’t warranted given the time/cost of implementing various changes.

Case and point in this thread since the OP started off it all by “disparaging” Anet saying “this complaint has been mentioned before do you even listen to your players? At all??”

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:he’s not disparaging people that are asking for options at allGood point - I probably read too much into that. I think I've just seen a lot of threads where people propose an idea, and people jump in to represent Anet saying they'll never prioritize it. I think my mind just went there and made an assumption too quickly. I just meant let people propose ideas and let Anet speak for themselves on level-of-effort and prioritization.

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@Orion Templar.4589 said:

It's simple to ask for 'options', but not quite as simple for ANET to deliver them.

We shouldn't disparage people for asking for options. It's up to Anet to decide the viability of implementation. I'd tend to agree that the facet sound is annoying, and I'd like to be able to turn it off without impacting any other sounds (such as player instrumentation.) If Anet thinks adding such an option is too costly, that's fine. But I still think it's worth voicing an opinion.

You LEGEND, player instrumentation did it .. thanks very much !

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And i see the humming stop after about 30 seconds now, which is all fine and cool.. but mount and dismount and the hum is back so while I appreciate it stops after a short while this just won't do.Still think this hum is not needed, players can surely well see and know that facets are enabled .This is a small thing to do, arena-net doesn't need to set a guy on this for a whole day or week.. supporting this game for well over 3 years now with significant money, maybe I can ask for this small thing ? or is that to much to ask?.

But it's all good, the player instrumentation did the trick, so I am happy.

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@Orion Templar.4589 said:

It's simple to ask for 'options', but not quite as simple for ANET to deliver them.

We shouldn't disparage people for asking for options. It's up to Anet to decide the viability of implementation. I'd tend to agree that the facet sound is annoying, and I'd like to be able to turn it off without impacting any other sounds (such as player instrumentation.) If Anet thinks adding such an option is too costly, that's fine. But I still think it's worth voicing an opinion.

It's funny, I would love an option to turn off JUST player's instruments... Really became reacquainted with my hatred towards people are their little song macros during Meta-Rush week. :bleep_bloop:

I would also accept making instrument macros bannable too... If someone has the keyboard chops to crank out a song and enjoys doing that, I guess that's whatever, but the macros just make people obnoxious.

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