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Need help killing the legendary corrupted facet to get the griffon

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@Follet.8751 said:The title says it. I'ts impossible to kill it alone, and maybe some other players are in need of killing him too

The only thing I can do is to tell you how I passed over this hop: I asked 3 of my friends to help me. Once in the map, one of them tagged as commander and announced in the map chat what we will do. Even in that (apparently) empty map, in the end we had another 4 players fighting the Facet. We were 8 in the final and we managed to kill the boss.

It is harder now to get it because the map is not so populated as before. But this does not mean it is empty. If you cannot find a squad doing it, then start your own group. It may be possible that other players wait for a group too.

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are you on EA or NA? we can only give advice if we do not know your server.

in that line, if you can get 4 or 5 people willing to do the facet usually randoms around the map // those who for whatever reason don't join squads will account for the other people you need to safely take down facet (can be done with 4, wouldn't advise unless all 4 peeps know their stuff). commander tag is best, but if you don't got a commander tag / no one you find has a commander tag then mentor tag is more than sufficient; sometimes aforementioned randoms around the map will only move to facet when they see indiction that the group is moving.

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Since facet is Legendary Bounty, there are few commanders doing Legendary Bounty runs, covering all of them in all PoF zones. Timings can be random, since there are few commanders from different time zones.

Best option will be, as it was mentioned, to switch on a Commander tag and announce bounty on map and in lfg.

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@Follet.8751 said:Thanks to you all. I play with no friends and looking for a guild, I tried announcing it in the map, but maybe not properly. Will follow all your advices :)

Yeah, just need to keep asking, and try at different times - just need to get lucky. I think over this weekend I saw at least 3 announcements while I was in Amnoon of people looking to do it, and I spent more of my time in tyria maps this weekend because, well, Dragon Bash :wink:

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@"Follet.8751" said:Thanks to you all. I play with no friends and looking for a guild, I tried announcing it in the map, but maybe not properly. Will follow all your advices :)

Make sure you announce it in map chat before triggering the bounty, and wait for enough people to arrive before you start. It's pretty out of the way so even if people see your message right away they might not get there in time if the timer has already started. If you don't have a commander or mentor tag to mark your location pick one of the way points near the bounty and include that in your message so people know where to find you.

Also make sure you're being specific about what you're doing "Looking for help with Legendary Facet for griffon collection - meeting here [Waypoint]" will get a better response than "Help me pls" or even "Help with griffon collection please".

You can also advertise in the Looking For Group tool, which will be visible to everyone looking at that category rather than just people on your copy of the map, so you might get more people coming that way.

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