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Make Offhand Axe Viable


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Dual Strike changes -> 1/3 cast time (reduced from 1/2) and 3 seconds of quickness (changed from 2 stacks of quickness for 1 1/2 seconds)Why? Unlike Cyclone Axe with a base CD of 6 seconds, Dual Strike's CD is 12. This makes a miss a lot less forgiving and add's strain on the players part for not making the hit. Additionally, 2 stacks of quickness for 1 1/2 seconds is redundant. Giving a 3 second quickness ties in well with Whirling Attack.

Whirling Attack changes -> Add Reflects Projectiles, reduce cast time (with the same number of attacks) from 3 1/2 seconds to 3 seconds.Why? While Whirling Attack has terrific damage, it leaves the player extremely vulnerable. While this trade off would make sense, it's too steep for such a long cast time. Additionally it leaves players completely exposed at range. This change would be able to give some resistance to ranged opponents if used properly.

In short everyone is forced to use shield in pvp when maining axe, these simple changes would allow Offhand Axe to be more viable in competitive play.

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Axe 4 is okay. I think axe 5 needs a slight buff. Not in damage. The biggest issue is managing to get more than 1 sec in a team fight is a miracle. Adding 1 stack of stability for 3 secs would go a long way giving the skill consistency in landing damage.

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You mean viable from PvP perspective, right?We had this many times in the past...

  • make axe 4 a leap with a root
  • add reflect to axe 5

Axe needs more utility, not damage.But I think we have weapons that are more trash, i.e. Sword or Mace offhand.

For PvE the poor design of Axe is okay.

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Axe 4 gives quickness per hit. It's fine. Axe 3 cripples and can immobalize if traited, so you wont see that added to axe 4. Adding reflects, stab, or projectile defense to axe 5 would require it's damage to be reduced to maintain balance.

If you feel like axe 5 has too long of a channel, well that's why axe 4 exists.... Want a leap? Take MH sword instead of MH axe.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Axe 4 gives quickness per hit. It's fine. Axe 3 cripples and can immobalize if traited, so you wont see that added to axe 4. Adding reflects, stab, or projectile defense to axe 5 would require it's damage to be reduced to maintain balance.

If you feel like axe 5 has too long of a channel, well that's why axe 4 exists.... Want a leap? Take MH sword instead of MH axe.

Nice, then you have a total useless Sw/Axe Tactics Warrior, have fun getting farmed in PvP.

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B-but I want leaps, immobilizes and high dmg on all my skills :<
Ah, also reflects and MORE quickness stacks, because I don't know what overloading means.

Why? While Whirling Attack has terrific damage, it leaves the player extremely vulnerable.

Jesus and you really can't understand why that literally should be the case in a multiplayer game? Warrior subforum is a true goldmine, I'll give you that. :D

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@gmmg.9210 said:Dual Strike changes -> 1/3 cast time (reduced from 1/2) and 3 seconds of quickness (changed from 2 stacks of quickness for 1 1/2 seconds)Why? Unlike Cyclone Axe with a base CD of 6 seconds, Dual Strike's CD is 12. This makes a miss a lot less forgiving and add's strain on the players part for not making the hit. Additionally, 2 stacks of quickness for 1 1/2 seconds is redundant. Giving a 3 second quickness ties in well with Whirling Attack.

Whirling Attack changes -> Add Reflects Projectiles, reduce cast time (with the same number of attacks) from 3 1/2 seconds to 3 seconds.Why? While Whirling Attack has terrific damage, it leaves the player extremely vulnerable. While this trade off would make sense, it's too steep for such a long cast time. Additionally it leaves players completely exposed at range. This change would be able to give some resistance to ranged opponents if used properly.

In short everyone is forced to use shield in pvp when maining axe, these simple changes would allow Offhand Axe to be more viable in competitive play.

Aha! PvP - in PvE I have no issues with offhand axe. Neither in WvW. Though I'd happily take your suggested changes, IMO they are not really needed. Especially whirling axe is quite fine. You hammer down the enemies with a hammer and your f1-f2-f1 burst combo - also works very well in PvE when confronted with huge amounts of enemies - and then unleash the whriling axe, downing or taking care of downed enemies.I even only use one axe, only offhand, preferring sword for the other hand, due to its range on the leap attack. Throwing the axe is nice, but it doesn't improve my maneuverabilty. Improving your ability to move around on warrior is highly welcome.Especially whirling axe is crazy good IMO, because you retain maneuverability while the skill is going, unlike, say, 100 blades.

What could use some work though is the sword f1 burst as well as the axe f1 burst. Those burts feel like slapping around with a wet noodle. Just compare it to hammer f1 with its launch.

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and here we see another pvp-thread that "if" it happens, will affect pve warrior more then not

putting reflect on axe 5 means lowering it's damage. even reducing the cast time aswell?axe 5 is warrior's greatest damaging skill in pve.

alter that, and with the banner nerfs warriors barely brings more dps then an extra dedicated dps class. do the maths

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@"Trollocks.5084" said:PVPers are always the noisiest and make things worse for PVEers.

Yep. Makes me glad there is a number split. I will quote others here "not every weapon is supposed to be viable in every game mode" you can use OH axe to your heart's content, but if it lacks in pvp then it lacks in pvp. Axe 4 would still be useful for on demand quickness, and axe 5 can cleave on downs and help hold a point. Like with all of your skills, know when to use them.

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