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s/d thief roaming


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Coming from pvp, I recently tried roaming on core thief, since i like mobile fast paced gameplay and wanted to try solo wvw, but i cant help but feel that core thief is nearly useless when it comes to 1v1s. Warrior auto attacks 3 hit me, so if i miss 1 dodge im dead. I need to chain evades in order to not die to ranger longbown autos. If i get hit once by a condi build i need to reset. Nearly every class seems to have much better sustain and damage. Is thief really in that bad of a place or do i just suck a lot more than i thought?

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Thief kinda requires you to go full on mega glass gear and rely almost solely on dodging and other evades to work in WvW right now, if running any kind of Sword based build. Its sadly what its kind of boiled down to because of how the class has been designed almost into a corner as of late.

I still run with my dumbass power rifle deadeye build though.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:It's been murdered and forumgoers are still hacking away at the cooling corpse

This^ but in conquest its awesome cuz it can decap points faster than other classes so thief remains meta. yay thief is so awesome and enjoyable, such a great designed class lmao.

Thief is fine,other classes just outperform it in every way. They kept buffing everyone while nerfing thief,so whats to expect.A good thief can still do great in an 1on1 situation though. But you have classes that can eat damage but are able to breath on a thief and make it go 50% while they keep out pooping every boon ingame.

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@Bort.8647 said:Coming from pvp, I recently tried roaming on core thief, since i like mobile fast paced gameplay and wanted to try solo wvw, but i cant help but feel that core thief is nearly useless when it comes to 1v1s. Warrior auto attacks 3 hit me, so if i miss 1 dodge im dead. I need to chain evades in order to not die to ranger longbown autos. If i get hit once by a condi build i need to reset. Nearly every class seems to have much better sustain and damage. Is thief really in that bad of a place or do i just suck a lot more than i thought?

Welcome to Thief.No, you dont suck (probably) you just have to be so much better/mechanically skilled than others are if playing thief vs other professions.Nonetheless, still should be somewhat worth your time if you practice and if you enjoy thief in general.

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You don't need to be glass in WvW, rip boons, cc, and treat everyone like they have a break bar and that they can one shot you so dress accordingly. Regardless of anyone's health bar, they'll burn fast enough when all their stuff is ripped from them and they have to blow through their counters to your control. Play like you would in structured and reshape your build only as much as you need when you know you need to fine tune something.

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@Invictorum.7643 said:Thief kinda requires you to go full on mega glass gear and rely almost solely on dodging and other evades to work in WvW right now, if running any kind of Sword based build. Its sadly what its kind of boiled down to because of how the class has been designed almost into a corner as of late.

I still run with my kitten power rifle deadeye build though.

You can go tankier if you build deadeye and S/P, using stuff like bqobk, severance sigil and revealed training to make up the damage difference, but you're still going to be one shot by other classes that gear towards damage. So yeah, general case is you're just a lot squishier than everything else for the same damage these days.

If health pools were increased so we weren't so dependent on vitality gear, we'd have a lot more build variety imo.

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