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Nerf Reapers and Scourge... Please


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Not saying they should be nerfed in PvP, I have no idea and this is the first I’ve seen readers complained about, but I enjoy my necros in PvE as they are, thank you. Reaper has never been meta in anything (at least not to my knowledge) but it’s super fun to play. First my staff Ele was nerfed and then my Druid (don’t even play that spec since the pet nerf); let me have my necro fun.

@toxic.3648 said:

hoping this is a troll post but at this point i dont know what to expect from this forum tbh

What to expect? As far as I have seen, from the WvW and PvP forums, you can expect lots of RIP and nerf everything posts... :disappointed:

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Survivability on necromancers...are you serious? Necromancer is the class with less active defences in the whole game, no extra dodge, no blocks, no invuln no free evades.I get it the condi pressure of scourge is really high, and reaper damage can reach high level(not on revenant/holo) level though). But survivability is certainly not a necromancer thing.Especially reaper that once the shroud is gone, he's basically dead, it can survive focus even less then scourge since it has no barrier to mitigate damage, and shroud naturally degenerate.When scourge is coupled with a firebrand, yes it reach good survivability, but mostly because of fb heals not from necro's self sustain, but get a team focus from enemy team and you're dead.

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CC. Seriously, look at necro skills. They have almost no stab and only a few ~30s stun breaks. They have to grandmaster trait to get stab on a reasonable cd, and most dont. They have very limited access to protection too. Old hammer guard literally farmed necros until it got nerfed into the ground. I even brought spectral hammer for a while to chain cc and break up revives, though that skill seriously needs a rework.

When not paired with the stab and protection from a fb, they are really, really squishy.

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@Lala.8752 said:scourge alone is balance the only problem is fb

This is simply not true.. you all need to stop pulling out this as a mantra every time necro balance comes up! They are very capable of taking care of themselves in a solo queue ranked setting. They need to be brought down to match all other classes. There is a reason we see 2-3 necros in every kitten match right now. I get a feeling that everyone commenting here are either necros or don’t play spvp at all.

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My literal only annoyance with scourge is the fact their skills go off even when they are CC'd. Idc who you are, as a fundamental of the game no skill should be going off if you are dazed, stunned, knocked down, etc. I should not need to play hot potatoe with a stupid scourge because he can still make his AOE still swirl around him like he's on big hot zone. He should CREATE the hot zone, not BE the damn hot zone. And no, this would not make the scourge weaker if it was taken away because neither core necro or reaper have this issue when they are CC'd in their shroud. (Someone remind me if there is trait for stab on shroud with core or reaper. I cannot remember for the life of me. If they do have it, then I can retract my answer.)

Reaper is only a problem when they slap on speed runes and runs you down like a truck lmao. At that point you can't even complain about their skills because that's the playet just using smarts to bypass a glaring weakness. (Even though every class should have some form of weakness to capitalize on)

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@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:

@Lala.8752 said:scourge alone is balance the only problem is fb

This is simply not true.. you all need to stop pulling out this as a mantra every time necro balance comes up! They are very capable of taking care of themselves in a solo queue ranked setting. They need to be brought down to match all other classes. There is a reason we see 2-3 necros in every kitten match right now. I get a feeling that everyone commenting here are either necros or don’t play spvp at all.

It isn't a mantra. Scourge has very few ways to deal with cc. Alone, you CC them 2 times and they won't have another break for about 30s. Every class in this game can bring at least 3 ccs. Any of these meta builds just dumpster necros:-Soulbeast. Especially the zerker soulbeasts. Outrange, out-mobility, and have a bunch of cc. Completely obliterate scourge and shouldn't lose to any build of reaper. I have screenshots of 27k single hits on my scourge.-Holosmith. Alchemy+Invention just dumpsters condi. rife 3, rifle 4, forge 2, forge 4, forge 5, prime beam is usually insta killing most necros. Invuln negating condis was a huge buff to holosmith.-Herald. Shackling wave is absurd vs light armor. 10k+ hits are the norm. Normally one rotation kills any necro with the damage heralds are putting out. If reaper goes into shroud and tries to shroud 4, you just sword 3 back and negate all of the damage and probably pop them out of shroud. Scourge can sometimes down them with condis after going down as herald lacks a lot of condi cleanse, but thats really your only hope.-Core guard. Less common, but you really don't have anything you can do vs them. They completely demolish scourge with contemplation of purity, 16s 2 condi cleanse, 25s heal with 2 condi cleanse, virtues line giving you 3 condi cleanse on f2. and invuln elite with another f2. The hammer build has so much cc that you can't stay up and the gs build pressures incredibly well with a lot of gap closing (sword 2, gs3, gs5 pull).

Try playing necro. Dueling outside silver is hard. In plat you mid point and look for warriors, thieves, or bunkers and hope your cleave is enough to rally you when they start focusing you.

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Reaper has a few strong duelling builds when paladin amulet is picked (you don't find these on metabattle!). Scourge is held back by the non-existence of trailblazer in PvP for duells but gets a compensation if a pocket firebrand is nearby.

The OP is still exaggerating... both specs have well defined counterplay strategies.

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@KrHome.1920 said:Reaper has a few strong duelling builds when paladin amulet is picked (you don't find these on metabattle!). Scourge is held back by the non-existence of trailblazer in PvP for duells but gets a compensation if a pocket firebrand is nearby.

The OP is still exaggerating... both specs have well defined counterplay

How is he exaggerating? I also see 2-3 of them EVERY kitten game.

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@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:

@KrHome.1920 said:Reaper has a few strong duelling builds when paladin amulet is picked (you don't find these on metabattle!). Scourge is held back by the non-existence of trailblazer in PvP for duells but gets a compensation if a pocket firebrand is nearby.

The OP is still exaggerating... both specs have well defined counterplay

How is he exaggerating? I also see 2-3 of them EVERY kitten game.And I hope you win these matchups like I do.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@KrHome.1920 said:Reaper has a few strong duelling builds when paladin amulet is picked (you don't find these on metabattle!). Scourge is held back by the non-existence of trailblazer in PvP for duells but gets a compensation if a pocket firebrand is nearby.

The OP is still exaggerating... both specs have well defined counterplay

How is he exaggerating? I also see 2-3 of them EVERY kitten game.And I hope you win these matchups like I do.

Sometimes. When we get as many scourges on our team. Or if one of them disconnects.

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@Lala.8752 said:scourge alone is balance the only problem is fb

Not a 100% true. The reason scourge+firebrand is scourge+firebrand and not anythingelse+firebrand is the sheer amount of ranged quality of life you get as a scourge to both kite and counter pressure at the same time. You can literally run in the opposite direction of the enemy and drop staff marks and shades on the ground to hit them the entire time. People have tried to make Reaper+Firebrand work as well. People have tried to make Berserker+Firebrand work. People have tried to make Holosmith+Firebrand work. But they can't pressure from ranged as they kite around. They need to get into melee range for the big part of the burst.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@XECOR.2814 said:L2p issue.Relentless condi/corrupt spam straight 2 years meta defining in every competitive game mode since PoF release.And then the same people come to complain about mesmer clones :joy:

Relentless boon spam and meta defining portal plays since beginning of gw2. Stop your qq. If i get 2 scg in opponent team i change to deadeye and farm them both in spawn and type ez after the game ends. Honestly scg loses to every class in game 1v1 its a meme. mesmer clones generation and cc spam with boon rip on the other hand are a problem when paired with invulns, blocks, stealth, teleport, evade frames. Not to mention extremely unfun chaotic interruption builds.

I will say again l2p issue. Now its your choice, you can stay in your bubble or you can ask people at highest of the ranks who actually know whats the situation.

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@XECOR.2814 said:

@XECOR.2814 said:L2p issue.Relentless condi/corrupt spam straight 2 years meta defining in every competitive game mode since PoF release.And then the same people come to complain about mesmer clones :joy:

Relentless boon spam and meta defining portal plays since beginning of gw2. Stop your qq. If i get 2 scg in opponent team i change to deadeye and farm them both in spawn and type ez after the game ends. Honestly scg loses to every class in game 1v1 its a meme. mesmer clones generation and cc spam with boon rip on the other hand are a problem when paired with invulns, blocks, stealth, teleport, evade frames. Not to mention extremely unfun chaotic interruption builds.Keep complain about the clones m8. I could answer on your whataboutism but i'm lazyI will say again l2p issue. Now its your choice, you can stay in your bubble or you can ask people at highest of the ranks who actually know whats the situation.I should l2p from scourge that being top1 for two or three seasons in a row?Doesnt matter what you think that wont change the fact I stated :)
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