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Rev is still too strong?


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Rev is strong in general, so that's probably why it feels that way. After the balance patch, it actually seems more fair to play against since you aren't getting ported to, chilled, slowed, and having half your health bar deleted in a span of about 2 seconds.

As to what needs addressing: Different classes entirely. Anet straight up nerfed Rev and some other classes and that's cool, but also decided to sleep on Holo and CI Mirage completely.

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@phokus.8934 said:So based on completely anecdotal evidence and 29 hours in after a pretty significant update patch you’re asking what needs to be changed?

You’re what’s wrong with this game mode, not the classes.

Just having a conversation. You know...it's what forums are for. I'm actually reaching out to rev mains here to see if they are changing anything.

Yes, it is early. That is also probably why I see the exact same builds being run.

People are testing the waters and I'm having a conversation.

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You crazy if you think rev op after all these nerfs. Might stacking has basically been more or less sliced in half and the skills have had their damage scaling slashed despite already being low for a melee damage dealer only propped up by might stacking and a near full glass trait setup. Even mobility took a sizable hit with impossible odd losing superspeed.

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Most people complained about Revenants ambush dmg, which is a combination of Phase traversal and Deathstrike. None of these was changed (when it comes to dmg), so I expect people still keep complaining about Rev.

Rev was nerfed hard, yet again. Some of the changes might make a sence like notoriety, but most of the changes are absolutely dumb. What was OP remained OP, where a Rev was strugling was nerfed further or is overlooked again.

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@Miyu.8137 said:Most people complained about Revenants ambush dmg, which is a combination of Phase traversal and Deathstrike. None of these was changed (when it comes to dmg), so I expect people still keep complaining about Rev.

Rev was nerfed hard, yet again. Some of the changes might make a sence like notoriety, but most of the changes are absolutely dumb. What was OP remained OP, where a Rev was strugling was nerfed further or is overlooked again.

Quoted for truth.

Anet has shown time and time again that they don't know how to properly balance Revenant. They buffed Rev burst damage in a meta where Rev was underperforming due to utility and lack of condi clear. And now they have nerfed utility and DPS in a meta where Rev was overperforming due to high burst damage.

The balance team consistently makes the mistake of totally ignoring feedback from people who actually play and understand the class, instead opting for the blind monkey with a dartboard method.

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