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Suggestion: Folk Dances


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It would be cool for chars to be able to learn dances for the different locales: tribal dances, different town dances, dances for the various gods, etc.. I can envision some sort of snake dance for Crystal Desert, maybe something where the different races could do a dance to honor other races - like human pretending to be a char, char a human, etc., etc...Make them achievements.

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Always in favor of new customization options, and new emotes and dances are some of the cooler ones.

On a related note, can we expect a How To Dance, Vol. 2?

On further reflection: What if they could modify the existing racial dances for the other races, such that synchronizing would create a sort-of ensemble piece? In other words, not exactly the same dance, but moves such that if they were done together with sync, it would look like they were dancing together. It'd be a lot of work, to be sure (especially if they want it to feel natural to the varying species), but the various RPers and Machinimators would love it.

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Absolutely agree. I find dances that are modern pop ones tiresome and immersion-breaking. Not to mention after a few years, dated and no longer popular. I loved the LotRO dancing because it was traditional folk, chosen to fit the races. Fallen Earth, for all its flaws, had a ton of available dances (including some modern ones, but since it was post-apocalyptic, they fit the setting). ESO has great dances too, and I recall AoC (Age of Conan) doing pretty well on that front.

I know that new animations are resource intensive and ANet has to triage what can be developed, but in my dream world we'd get dances meant to reflect their cultures rather than make sly joking references to modern Western fads.

(I do like the Sylvari Bollywood, and the Charr Maori Haka seems to fit Charr physiology. But neither of those are western pop, so they don't tweak the annoyance factor for me like the shuffle, Carlton, or robot).

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I would love to see stuff like this introduced into the game. Our emotes are so lacking, and having unlocks for them as game rewards (IN-game, plsthx) would be fantastic.FFXIV spoils me for that, and I think it's something GW2's players could really appreciate.

Also, actual emote tab, please. Dedicated UI space means there would be a vector to introduce more of them.

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In LOTRO, they offered ways to get the dance emotes of the other races, like dancing contests eg. Each race had several dance emotes, so you had to spend some time to get them all. I really miss the Hobbit jig, but Asura dance is best dance. =)

I'd love to see more variety in emotes in this game (and yes, a UI for them!), but especially dancing.

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