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Core Mes needs nerf!


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Auspicious Anguish, Blurred inscriptions, master of fragmentation and bountiful disillusionment on Core Mes leaves Mirage absolutely no counter play...Mirage being OP and all, core Mes must be addressed! Mirage must be the dominant spec! Mirage loads of his CI build on me and one of my many skills accidentally applies distortion and converts 2 conditions to boons, then with traits im accidentally reflecting the condi bursts too! much OP, such WOW... Fighting Mirage makes my core build stronger, it feeds off condi! This must be stopped, with how OP mirage is, we cannot allow a core build to be stronger than Mirage!

On a more serious note in regards to Mirage: Take some stab and condition removals!

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You can be immune against conditions if you use Blurred Inscriptions (with Signet of Ether, Signet of Midnight and Signet of Illusions), Restorative Illusions, Auspicious Anguish, Traveler (or Orrian) Runes and Sigil of Cleansing. You can even take Dueling line after Chaos and Inspiration.

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@Tayga.3192 said:You can be immune against conditions if you use Blurred Inscriptions (with Signet of Ether, Signet of Midnight and Signet of Illusions), Restorative Illusions, Auspicious Anguish, Traveler (or Orrian) Runes and Sigil of Cleansing. You can even take Dueling line after Chaos and Inspiration.

Shhhhh..... Mirage conditions have 0 counterplay!

Signet of Dom isn't bad either... traited will rip 5 boons from the target and stun them for 3s. It helps with landing the GS shatter spike atleast.

Playing dom over duelist and illu also allows for heavy boon rip and stuns.

I prefer core over both especs now...

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

On a more serious note in regards to Mirage: Take some stab and condition removals!

You mean I've to change my build? I won't change my build, mirage has to change theirs, that's why we ask ANerf to delete another trait.Mirages will then change to some other trait, we'll cry some more and ANerf will delete another, slowly but steadily deleting mesmers from game, just look at what we already got! We're so close to our dream already!

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Should I report this as a trolling ?

This must be stopped, with how OP mirage is, we cannot allow a core build to be stronger than Mirage!Just likeSignet of Dom isn't bad either... traited will rip 5 boons from the target and stun them for 3s. It helps with landing the GS shatter spike atleast.Definitely a troll. But they wont remove it I guess

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@praqtos.9035 said:Should I report this as a trolling ?

This must be stopped, with how OP mirage is, we cannot allow a core build to be stronger than Mirage!Just likeSignet of Dom isn't bad either... traited will rip 5 boons from the target and stun them for 3s. It helps with landing the GS shatter spike atleast.Definitely a troll. But they wont remove it I guess

Hey I didn't say it was great, I said it isn't bad.. It went really well with a Domination CC boon rip CI / PB build for me.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@praqtos.9035 said:Should I report this as a trolling ?

This must be stopped, with how OP mirage is, we cannot allow a core build to be stronger than Mirage!Just likeSignet of Dom isn't bad either... traited will rip 5 boons from the target and stun them for 3s. It helps with landing the GS shatter spike atleast.Definitely a troll. But they wont remove it I guess

Hey I didn't say it was great, I said it isn't bad.. It went really well with a Domination CC boon rip build for me. The whole kit can't be focused on just fighting Mirage either, thats overkill. Condi Mirage and condi builds is taken care of in the traits I listed up top and another user pointed out how to go even further.Signet of domination with 45 seconds cd...? Still trolling I see.. whatever I guessedit: Oh ye, compare it with/without traits to this
See yourself how garbage SoD is or rather how busted BS.
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@praqtos.9035 said:Should I report this as a trolling ?

This must be stopped, with how OP mirage is, we cannot allow a core build to be stronger than Mirage!Just likeSignet of Dom isn't bad either... traited will rip 5 boons from the target and stun them for 3s. It helps with landing the GS shatter spike atleast.Definitely a troll. But they wont remove it I guess

Hey I didn't say it was great, I said it isn't bad.. It went really well with a Domination CC boon rip build for me. The whole kit can't be focused on just fighting Mirage either, thats overkill. Condi Mirage and condi builds is taken care of in the traits I listed up top and another user pointed out how to go even further.Signet of domination with 45 seconds cd...? Still trolling I see.. whatever I guess

I respect that you dislike the build. Personally I feel like you probably haven't tried it out or did and went SiDe NoDEr oNlY but what you're doing right now is trying to troll me by saying I'm personally trolling you with a comment I made to another user?

I'm impressed lol

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@praqtos.9035 said:Should I report this as a trolling ?

This must be stopped, with how OP mirage is, we cannot allow a core build to be stronger than Mirage!Just likeSignet of Dom isn't bad either... traited will rip 5 boons from the target and stun them for 3s. It helps with landing the GS shatter spike atleast.Definitely a troll. But they wont remove it I guess

Hey I didn't say it was great, I said it isn't bad.. It went really well with a Domination CC boon rip build for me. The whole kit can't be focused on just fighting Mirage either, thats overkill. Condi Mirage and condi builds is taken care of in the traits I listed up top and another user pointed out how to go even further.Signet of domination with 45 seconds cd...? Still trolling I see.. whatever I guess

I respect that you dislike the build. Personally I feel like you probably haven't tried it out or did and went SiDe NoDEr oNlY but what you're doing right now is trying to troll me by saying I'm personally trolling you with a comment I made to another user?

I'm impressed but it won't work on me.Thread itself is a joke as you said in another thread, so I wasnt wrong.I dont know what build you are talking about even, you didnt say much about it. I know that SoD is utter garbage and assume you cant be serious about it as every other utility->this. (p.s power block has icd for 7 months now, thanks to their december patch, they broke it)
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@praqtos.9035 said:Should I report this as a trolling ?

This must be stopped, with how OP mirage is, we cannot allow a core build to be stronger than Mirage!Just likeSignet of Dom isn't bad either... traited will rip 5 boons from the target and stun them for 3s. It helps with landing the GS shatter spike atleast.Definitely a troll. But they wont remove it I guess

Hey I didn't say it was great, I said it isn't bad.. It went really well with a Domination CC boon rip build for me. The whole kit can't be focused on just fighting Mirage either, thats overkill. Condi Mirage and condi builds is taken care of in the traits I listed up top and another user pointed out how to go even further.Signet of domination with 45 seconds cd...? Still trolling I see.. whatever I guess

I respect that you dislike the build. Personally I feel like you probably haven't tried it out or did and went SiDe NoDEr oNlY but what you're doing right now is trying to troll me by saying I'm personally trolling you with a comment I made to another user?

I'm impressed but it won't work on me.Thread itself is a joke as you said in another thread, so I wasnt wrong.I dont know what build you are talking about even, you didnt say much about it. I know that SoD is utter garbage and assume you cant be serious about it as every other utility->this. (p.s power block has icd for 7 months now, thanks to their december patch, they broke it)

You aren't talking about the thread though, you were talking about a personal opinion I made said to another user that you personally didn't agree with.

I respect your opinion but I do not share it. It's similar but not shared completely hence the joke thread.But it works ?

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@XECOR.2814 said:Nerf magic bullet and chaos storm.

The only thing that needs to be nerfed in IH.All these skills and traits have been in the game for ages and there's been no issue with them. The only problem now is getting immob and then 10 stacks of 3 different conditions thanks to clones spamming ambush attacks.If you nerf those skills it won't affect the actual issue - IH pumping out insane condis.

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