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6,006k hours and still suck.


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@"Ralkuth.1456" said:There’s a PvP Discord and you can ask for help there instead of on the forums; the forums has its bright spots but it’s mostly a cesspool of resentment and barely disguised entitlement.


If that’s what you’re after, of course.

Anything to improve. At this point I am considering paying people...

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@Aylpse.6280 said:

@"Ralkuth.1456" said:There’s a PvP Discord and you can ask for help there instead of on the forums; the forums has its bright spots but it’s mostly a cesspool of resentment and barely disguised entitlement.

If that’s what you’re after, of course.

Anything to improve. At this point I am considering paying people...

Okay man I think it's time you take a step back and consider whether this game is really worth this much time and effort in your life.. regardless of whether someone is good or not, you shouldn't be feeling this down about your performance in a friggin video game. I mean well when I say this: get your shit together man.

There are more things to life than doing well in a game.

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Make sure your keybinds are set to where you can reach all your skills with one hand reliably and fast.

Understand the role your class plays and understand it's matchups both good and bad.

Recognize what faults you have as a player such as bad habits with dodging small attacks or staring at your skills.

Know how to properly rotate and when to give up a lost fight.

Critique yourself before you critique others.

Understand that you absolutely cannot win them all. Having a win rate higher than 50% means you're winning in the grand scheme of things. Improve your rate if you can but over 50% is nothing to scoff at.

Don't be afraid to go to 1v1 servers and get your butt handed to you. Losing is part of learning and you will eventually catch on if you analyze your losses.

Oh and don't let the toxic people get you down. Block them and move on.

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@"Tycura.1982" said:Oh and don't let the toxic people get you down. Block them and move on.

This is especially true if you play a Thief. I get blasted more by my own team than I do the opposing team... even when we win.

I'd add on a couple of other points to the above suggestions from what I've experienced as a Thief, though I'm no pro...

  • Don't get tunnel-vision. Don't focus so much on one target or objective unless it's absolutely necessary to win/save the game. This is especially true as a Thief... because fighting and killing isn't your job, it's to be where you need to be when you need to be there. So you may be engaged in a duel, and you may even be winning it, or you may have a free shot at fully capturing a point... but you may very well be needed elsewhere, so you have to be willing to give up your victory in the battle in order to gain victory in the war. This is also true when playing against Thieves... if they can annoy you enough to get you to chase the them around the map and stay off-point, then that is a victory for the Thief's team.

  • As above, paying attention to the match/map in general (strategic) can be just as important than focusing on your specific situation/location (tactical). Know when to attack, know when to defend, know when to retreat. Twice yesterday, I ended up in matches that ended up way too tight than they should have. My team was up late with control of 2 points to 1. The score was around 400-300 in our favor. At that point, only one point is needed to win, so I call for my team to go defensive instead of pressing for the third point. But most of my teammates were too focused on fighting between Mid and Far to see what was happening. In one game, I sat on Home just long enough to secure the victory 502-492 (thanks to the one teammate who came to help). In the other game, they neutralized Home, so I went to sit on Mid with a teammate, then he went down, then I went down a bit later... all while my three other teammates were fighting in the middle of the map off-point. They ended capping Mid with no contestation, so I tried to get back to Home after respawn to cap it, but wasn't fast enough. We ended up losing 500-493. That can easily be avoided by fighting on-point if you control it, and not overreaching.

  • It's just a simple thing, but I've seen it way too much... when your team wins a fight over a neutral point and wipes the other team, MAKE SURE TO CAPTURE THE POINT! Over and over, my team wins a 4v4 or 5v5 on the opening Mid battle, but they ALL leave to do their own thing while the point is still neutral! Being the Thief, I'm the one who is actually supposed to be going to decap Far or to support Home, but I must be the only one who sees what just happened, so I have to make the choice to either do my actual job or to do the thing that I am the worst at doing... capturing and defending a point. It's just mass poor situational awareness.

  • Communicate with your teammates, especially before the match. Unfortunately, the above situations (and worse) happen very often... so often that I've had to make it a routine to give a "copy/pasted" notice on Team Chat before every match. Simple things like my rotation plan, suggestion for a general strategy... and a reminder to actually make sure to points and to fight on-point. I let them know that I'm a Thief, so I'm going to do Thiefy things (like decap, especially Far), so I urge them to play according to their own profession's roles (I'm looking at you, slow bunker Necro who leaves Mid wide open to go decap Far!)

  • And always remember, when you do communicate, use positive, supportive language to your teammates. And even to your foes... because they may be your teammates in a future match. Especially to Thieves... many of them are suffering from a variety of ills... low self-esteem, victims of cyber-bullying, masochism, broken spirit (repeated nerf-bat beatings are hazardous to emotional health). Throwing salt at people just leads to venting posts such as this one ;-P

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@"Kageseigi.2150" said:

  • Communicate with your teammates, especially before the match. Unfortunately, the above situations (and worse) happen very often... so often that I've had to make it a routine to give a "copy/pasted" notice on Team Chat before every match. Simple things like my rotation plan, suggestion for a general strategy... and a reminder to actually make sure to points and to fight on-point. I let them know that I'm a Thief, so I'm going to do Thiefy things (like decap, especially Far), so I urge them to play according to their own profession's roles (I'm looking at you, slow bunker Necro who leaves Mid wide open to go decap Far!)

Often just saying hi at the beginning of the match will tell you who in your team is actually paying attention, and gives you an inkling of what you're getting yourself into in regards to your teammates.

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@Manakel Angel.1047 said:it unfortunately is useless when you are accused to be toxic when you start discussing strategy (yes it happened)

I don't talk anymore. Baddies just laugh at the advice or strategy, so you just have to try to carry them, or (I'm trying this now) not play the game much anymore because this mode receives little to no support.

Sure, a map every once in a while that is inaccessible.

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U don't suck. It just shows that no matter how good or how much time the player spent playing gw2 they still can't be good cuz of 1 major flaw. And that major flaw is BALANCE. GW2 gives some kind of illusion to people.. that if you play long enough u'll get better. Well.. that's an illusion and it's not true at all. It takes i'd say like half a year to learn all classes in depth and how everythin fits together. After that... you're just a victim to a very poorly balanced system and u can't do much about it. I've played since beta basically.. and yea i still get destroyed on my thief and i can't do much about it. But then i login a character that i've played like 5 hours in total.. and i can carry and i can even 1v2 sometimes. There you go.. proof that class > hours spent gaming.

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@Dave.6819I disagree, sure there are classes easier to learn than others but two people with the same build have different results and that is partly because of the hours spent with said build (the other part being your mechanical skills aka your APM). I play elementalist since the release of the game and i know i will never be as good as Cellofrag with it, and that is because 1)i don't have his mechanicla skill and 2) i don't have as much hours as him playing the build. Of course i can be better than i am now but it will be a slow process, maybe10% improvement in a year or two. And i doubt it is different for other classes

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@Manakel Angel.1047 said:@"Dave.6819"I disagree, sure there are classes easier to learn than others but two people with the same build have different results and that is partly because of the hours spent with said build (the other part being your mechanical skills aka your APM). I play elementalist since the release of the game and i know i will never be as good as Cellofrag with it, and that is because 1)i don't have his mechanicla skill and 2) i don't have as much hours as him playing the build. Of course i can be better than i am now but it will be a slow process, maybe10% improvement in a year or two. And i doubt it is different for other classes

Well i agree to some extent but what i really mean is.. u can get to being like 90% effective quite quick. Other 10% yea.. it might be a year or two or even never depending on your skill. My main point tho... that some classes are just way better at everything. Take a Holo/Mirage/Soulbeast player that plays 90% effective for a year vs Thief/Ele/Power Mesmer pro player 100% effective that plays 5-6 years.. we all know how that will end up in 1v1. Basically if you're average on some classes u can already take out some classes without a sweat. Or take cellofrag. Throw him against any average condi mirage/holo player... i'm sure he won't be able to deal with em at all. Anyway.. i think OP isn't so bad as he thinks he is.. he's probably just another victim to the balance like all of us are. Class/build > skill. I wish it was other way around. Skill matters only when you are really playing a good class then you can become unbeatable. But for an average class? .. yea.. no point in trying to get to the "pro" level.

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Throw him against any average condi mirage/holo player... i'm sure he won't be able to deal with em at all. Anyway.. i think OP isn't so bad as he thinks he is.. he's probably just another victim to the balance like all of us are. Class/build > skill. I wish it was other way around. Skill matters only when you are really playing a good class then you can become unbeatable. But for an average class? .. yea.. no point in trying to get to the "pro" level.

We will have to agree to disagree then

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