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Third Elite Spec


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Since we are getting closer to 30th August, and i have my hopes that Season 5 will include new elite specs (at least that's what they said the new Season will contain things like in an expansion).With HoT, we got ourselves a pure DPS class, aka Dragon Hunter. It was a perfect extension (except longbow obv) to power core guard. Even though it suffered multiple nerfs, even today its still the best DPS spec in fractals/raids.And with PoF, they gave us the Firebrand. An elite spec who wanted to be 2 things : one its a extension for burn guard and the second one the support part of Guardian. As we know, in WvW minstrel FB its the most wanted class and mostly everything evolves around it. In PvE a heal harrier FB or quickness FB, are meta classes in fractals mostly.So, after two expansion we got covered on the most parts of Guardian (power dmg,condi dmg, mega support), so what do you guys think then next elite spec can provide us? Another support/dmg?

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I don't think we'll get elite specs, but sooner or later I'd like to see what guard lacks the most. Mobility. Mobile half support, half power melee dps with high chasing capability. It's power creep, yes, but apparently this is what is happening with especs. They won't nerf things across the board, seems that power creeping it into oblivion is the only option now.

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Who really knows what they have planned. There's a myriad of options for them to do: 1) elite specs not tied to expansions 2) expansions are story/ls/world map driven 3) we flat out don't get any new elite specs.

Fortunately we don't have to wait long to see what's in store for GW2.

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I personally want them to do is add another weapon to all base classes.Guardian should get dual pistol (or at least main hand)it'll suit guardian more than ele.

The one thing guardian is missing is a stuns/dazes and evade its skill set, Its only class in the game without an evade on any skill or ulity. (ranger has 14)once upon time, our DH traps has daze but thats a thing of past. I would like a daze or stun within dragonhunter again.But a dual pistol guardian with a stun/daze on one of the skills would be nice.

Most of all base guardian is missing a condition based main hand weapon. All base variants of classes have access to both a power main weapon and condi main weapon, but guardian does not. It has Torch for it's offhand condi weapon but nothing condition based to pair with it. Unless you go Firebrand but then you aren't base guardian anymore. So DH and Base Guardian have never had a condi weapon to use. Making a main hand Condi based pistol for base guardian would be nice.

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@Yannir.4132 said:

@"crazyhusky.2985" said:Its only class in the game without an evade on any skill or ulity. (ranger has 14)

Try telling that to a necromancer. They don't have Blocks or Invulns either btw.

Something mobile with good CC would be my wish. Power oriented with a time based block, not number-of-hits based like Aegis and Shield of Wrath.

oh yea, forgot about them, It is True but they do have 2nd health bar to make up for the lack of evades.They've nerfed guardian's aegis to the point its pretty useless now, it may block the odd attack here and there, however with the addition of many forms Unblockable attacks, which go through Aegis and don't activate traits related to aegis. I feel like we need some skills with a dodge/evade to make up for that nerfed stuff.

I would like an evade pistol skill like one that evades and counters.For an instancePointBlank Counter "take counter-stance and dodge the next incoming attack by shadow-stepping to the target and firing at them from point blank range"Like ranger's GS and warrior counters it should just have the option to attack like normal if it not countering, So like open fire attack that hits a few times.

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