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[Suggestion] Permanent gathering tools glyph selection


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At the moment when you buy one of the newer permanent gathering tools you get a Permanent Gathering Tool, a unique skin and a specific Glyph. I think it'd be a good idea for future sets to replace the specific glyph with a choosy box providing a selection of Glyphs. The selection could either be one of every existing Glyph or one from a subset of available Glyphs.

For example, I was considering getting one of each of the Skyscale gathering tools for the skin but the mining and logging tools have Glyphs that are pretty useless for me and that I'd probably just unslot and leave in my bank. If I could choose a different Glyph (like the Glyph of Reaping) then I'd buy one of each, as it is I'll probably buy a https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale_Hatchling_Harvesting_Tool and call it a day.

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I only bought the harversting one, too. Exclusively for the Glyph tbh and slotted it into my Unbound logger for more, much much more comfortable Elder Wood Farming. I would support an idea like this, although I'd expand the idea by Glyphs being an unlockable collection item and you could only slot what you have unlocked. I don't see this coming at all if I'm completely honest, but it probably wouldn't be without you having to buy a Glyph at least once.

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I think a better solution would be if you could upgrade any glyph to a legendary glyph, which you could then select any glyph from. That way Anet could continue to sell gathering tools with random glyphs in them but you could just upgrade the ones you don't want to legendary and turn them into what you do want. Since we just got runes and sigils that basically do the same thing they could probably do it for glyphs also.

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@Shep.4026 said:I only bought the harversting one, too. Exclusively for the Glyph tbh and slotted it into my Unbound logger for more, much much more comfortable Elder Wood Farming.

That's exactly what I'm planning on doing, great minds think alike! ;)

Just thinking of logging in a bunch of alts to chop the trees at Paggas, or maybe a bunch to mine the iron or platinum node farms on Thunderhead Peaks. Easy mats.

I suppose one Glyph of Reaping is really enough, as you typically don't have overlapping farms so it'd be okay to swap the Glyph between tools but I'd love all three tools to have one.

@Game of Bones.8975 said:As long as the glyphs have the same (approximate) gem value, I like the idea. Account bind the glyphs so they can't be resold.

Makes sense alright, just give a choice of account bound Glyph.

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I like this idea. :)

There's some gathering tools I'd like to buy, but purely for the skin as I already have infinite tools and shared inventory slots to share them between characters. But 1000 gems each is pretty expensive just for a new animation. There's also some glyphs I'd like to have, but again it doesn't quite seem worth the cost. But if I could get the tools with a glyph I want I'd be much more likely to buy them.

@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Unfortunately its too late for that because people buy multiple glyphs to put the effect on more than one tool. Another dev choice where money is the factor over actual efficiency.

Do you mean the OP's suggestion of letting players choose which glyph they get when buying new infinite tools from the gem store, or the suggestion a few posts down for legendary glyphs?

Because I don't see how this would affect the OP's suggestion at all. You'd still only get 1 glyph of the chosen type and would need to either swap it between tools or buy more if you want it on multiple tools, it just means instead of buying a tool and a glyph and leaving that sitting in the bank unused you get to choose which one you buy along with choosing which tool you buy. And in the OP's case it would actually have made them more money, because the OP would have bought 2 more gathering tools.

I suppose legendary glyphs could reduce how much players spend on buying them, but you could say the same about legendary armour reducing the need for bank/bag space for spare sets of armour and people converting gems to gold to buy ascended crafting materials and that didn't stop Anet introducing it. They also converted most equipment drops to unidentified gear which served almost no purpose except to reduce the need for extra bags and therefore the chances players will buy them.

I know Anet need to make money and they're hardly shy about selling us things, but I don't feel like it underpins every decision. I don't know how Anet work exactly but I suspect it's a bit like the company a friend of mine works for where the developers think up and create stuff for the game and it's relatively late in the process that the company decides how it will be added. The marketing department will "bid" on items they want for the cash shop or to be held back for big releases (that's his term, I don't think it's a literal auction) and then the people in charge will decide which things they get and what will be in-game rewards or included in other ways. So at that point it's going in the game either way, it's just a matter of deciding how.

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@Shep.4026 said:I only bought the harversting one, too. Exclusively for the Glyph tbh and slotted it into my Unbound logger for more, much much more comfortable Elder Wood Farming. I would support an idea like this, although I'd expand the idea by Glyphs being an unlockable collection item and you could only slot what you have unlocked. I don't see this coming at all if I'm completely honest, but it probably wouldn't be without you having to buy a Glyph at least once.

You mean you do not need more unbound magic? :-)

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