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A word for the developer


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I've watch the event of the 30 august, and I must say, you look overwhelm... Dear developer, we love your work, we are behind you, we encourage you with fan creation, with our money, with our time. I know we, some time, sound rude, but its because we care for guild wars, we care for the univers you're building, we care for you! This game is as important for us that it is important for you. It's been 6 years since I step up in this adventure with you, I know game developing is hard, but you dont have to take it all on your shoulder, we're not your enemy, we're your friend, your supporter! Talk to us! Be honest with us! The community is ready to share their idea, just listen a bit to us. We do have some bad idea sometime XD , but other time, we have some great idea! We dont want to give up on this game, we love it!, As much if not more than you do! I know, or I least I'm pretty sure that the 30 august was not the best day for you, we've seen it in your face, be honest with us, listen to us... work with us. Again, we, your community, is not your enemy, but your friend, your follower, your supporter. The futur may seem rough and dark, but if we work TOGETHER, we can make this game the greatest mmorpg! But you need to talk to us, to listen to us.

I truly love this univers and I dont want to fail to save it from the greatest elder dragon it have ever face... your silence and your voiceless...And dont forget, we're still with you after all those years...

From a huge fan...

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@Trise.2865 said:This will come as a shock to a LOT of people, but they do listen. What they don't do is tell you they're listening... or always give you exactly what you're asking for.

Nobody expects exactly what they are asking for. They only expect/hope that bad decisions aren't made, and the majority of the decisions have been just that, bad. Many fans have urged beforehand and pointed out afterward the error of those choices, and yet they are still done. That's called not listening, not caring, not giving a fudge. This has been going on for years now. It started between the time Colin left, Mike O took over temporarily, and then Mike Z took over. There is just no clear or strong vision for the game or care for a connection with the fans. It's also a lot about personal indulgences and benefits for them.

They let the responses go in one ear and out the other.

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@ScyeRynn.4218 said:

@Trise.2865 said:This will come as a shock to a LOT of people, but they do listen. What they don't do is tell you they're listening... or always give you exactly what you're asking for.

Nobody expects exactly what they are asking for. They only expect/hope that bad decisions aren't made, and the majority of the decisions have been just that, bad. Many fans have urged beforehand and pointed out afterward the error of those choices, and yet they are still done. That's called not listening, not caring, not giving a fudge. This has been going on for years now. It started between the time Colin left, Mike O took over temporarily, and then Mike Z took over. There is just no clear or strong vision for the game or care for a connection with the fans. It's also a lot about personal indulgences and benefits for them.

They let the responses go in one ear and out the other.

It really does seem to be this way. It's actually pretty common for these large organizations. A lot of legacy leadership that just no longer cuts it.

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@Trise.2865 said:This will come as a shock to a LOT of people, but they do listen. What they don't do is tell you they're listening... or always give you exactly what you're asking for.

Do they quietly listen while everyone that solely plays this game for wvw leaves the game in a mass exodus?

Its been happenening since march/april and have done nothing to stem the tide of people leaving the game.

No updates on the mass lag that has been ruining our game mode other then, oh that red line is bad and shouldnt be that high, from one anet dev a month ago.

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@c space cowboy.2764 said:

@Trise.2865 said:This will come as a shock to a LOT of people, but they do listen. What they don't do is tell you they're listening... or always give you exactly what you're asking for.

Do they quietly listen while everyone that solely plays this game for wvw leaves the game in a mass exodus?

Yes. The population has waned for far longer than that. Then it came back up, and down again...

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Almost every single point/suggestion/request made by players has other players requesting/suggesting/etc the exact, mutually exclusive, opposite. ANet listens but, have to make their own decisions.

Should ANet increase the number of raids and rewards exclusive to them while simultaneously removing raids from the game?Increase the difficulty of story instances while simultaneously reducing the difficulty?Add open world PvP while simultaneously restricting PvP to sPvP and WvW?

...and the list goes on and on and on...

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@"Trise.2865" said:Likewise, what people think they want and what they really need.

What?! No one can decide for an adult what they "really need." That's ridiculous. Unless you live in a dictatorship, then you might not know what you need, because you are being taught what you are supposed to need.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@Trise.2865 said:This will come as a shock to a LOT of people, but they do listen. What they don't do is tell you they're listening... or always give you exactly what you're asking for.

Do they quietly listen while everyone that solely plays this game for wvw leaves the game in a mass exodus?

Yes. The population has waned for far longer than that. Then it came back up, and down again...

Yea, WvW is in a perfect state of decay.X1KcXvD.jpg

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@C Cspace Cowboy.5903 said:

@Trise.2865 said:This will come as a shock to a LOT of people, but they do listen. What they don't do is tell you they're listening... or always give you exactly what you're asking for.

Do they quietly listen while everyone that solely plays this game for wvw leaves the game in a mass exodus?

Yes. The population has waned for far longer than that. Then it came back up, and down again...

Yea, WvW is in a perfect state of decay.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:Likewise, what people think they want and what they really need.

What?! No one can decide for an adult what they "really need." That's ridiculous. Unless you live in a dictatorship, then you might not know what you need, because you are being taught what you are supposed to need.

But GW2, and pretty much every other game, are in fact a dictatorships. What in the world ever made you think differently?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:Likewise, what people think they want and what they really need.

What?! No one can decide for an adult what they "really need." That's ridiculous. Unless you live in a dictatorship, then you might not know what you need, because you are being taught what you are supposed to need.

That is ridiculous, because needs aren't decisions. Needs are requirements. If anyone gets to decide whether or not something is needed, then it is, by definition, not needed. Moreover, those needs are fixed, depending only on specific situation. Anyone with sufficient expertise can explain to a lay person about that person's needs related to their expertise far more than the latter would understand on their own.

Conflicts arise from two problems: First is an assumption of equal necessity, "what I want and what I need are equally important". As I have explained, that is not at all the case. Second is the assumption of relative expertise, "I consider myself an expert! [person] couldn't possibly know more about [subject] than me!" While that is true in many cases, our hubris has us believe that is true in every case. Again, as I have explained, that cannot be true.

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