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Give Elementalist Revealed Capability


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Interesting that Elementalists have no reveal capability.

To keep with the lore, how about when attuning to Air, lightning is called down onto the player and grants a wave that ripples outwards and breaks stealth to enemies within a XXX radius.The cooldown will be around the X sec cooldown time for attunement swapping.Obviously the cooldown timer should be realistic such that FA builds don't abuse it.I'm thinking 9seconds, with reveal of 3seconds?


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@Castiel.9048 said:Interesting that Elementalists have no reveal capability.

To keep with the lore, how about when attuning to Air, lightning is called down onto the player and grants a wave that ripples outwards and breaks stealth to enemies within a XXX radius.The cooldown will be around the X sec cooldown time for attunement swapping.Obviously the cooldown timer should be realistic such that FA builds don't abuse it.I'm thinking 9seconds, with reveal of 3seconds?


why ?

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Ele should get a reveal skill. It has been annoying me for seven years that the class that is the weakest to burst damage has no counterplay to stealth bursts classes. Even with a reveal, it won't stop a good thief or mesmer from one shotting you from stealth, but in drawn out battles where enemies stealth to reset the fight while we desperately fail about trying to tag them is ridiculous. Reveal isn't even all that powerful anymore since classes like Deadeye can just remove the debuff anyway. One day... one day.

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@"Sigmoid.7082" said:Every class doesn't have to be able to do everything.

arguments like these will actually be valid in games other than gw2 because those games actually have well defined classes with unique roles but the matter of fact is gw2 was pitched to be play your way and even shaped to be like that (eg. giving every class the ability to dps/support, giving stealth to classes other than thief) so it's only fair every class can do everything the second you give something unique on one class to another class, even more so when the said "unique" ability is given to close to half the classes but not other half

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@LazySummer.2568 said:

@"Sigmoid.7082" said:Every class doesn't have to be able to do everything.

arguments like these will actually be valid in games other than gw2 because those games actually have well defined classes with unique roles but the matter of fact is gw2 was pitched to be play your way and even shaped to be like that (eg. giving every class the ability to dps/support, giving stealth to classes other than thief) so it's only fair every class can do everything the second you give something unique on one class to another class, even more so when the said "unique" ability is given to close to half the classes but not other half

Play your way never meant my class can and should be able to do absolutely everything. Classes still have theme and role. Again regardless of if half the classes have an ability and the others don't doesn't mean they need it. Just because something isn't unique doesn't mean it should be homogeneous amount classes.

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I never said Eles need reveal, it just makes no sense WHY we don't have it.As someone mentioned classes have themes, eles use LIGHTNING - a giant spark of electricity.How can electricity NOT reveal?

Anyways, I personally want reveal for WvW reasons; for example, when roaming only to find a gang of thieves / mesmers camping objectives.Such fun...

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