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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@trixantea.1230 said:I don't think anyone would miss EoTM if it gets removed by the release of alliances. The map is a mess, it has no rewards and the score has no meaning.

like wvw without tournaments

Does anyone remember what happened after the last wvw tournament?

Cmon now. History is overrated.....

Might as well open Blackgate too. ?

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@trixantea.1230 said:I don't think anyone would miss EoTM if it gets removed by the release of alliances. The map is a mess, it has no rewards and the score has no meaning.

like wvw without tournaments

Does anyone remember what happened after the last wvw tournament?

mmm we started losing wvw players when tournaments ended.

some went wildstar, others eso, and some back to wow. some other games.

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@"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:It's been dead for some time. I will say again, it was a 24/7 ktrain, and everyone defended it as not being one, but WvW players knew better, and only went there when queues were active or had to level something. The rewards were nerfed down to what WvW was at the time and people left almost over night, proving that it was indeed all about the ktrain. The blobs in there were heavy, HEAVY PvE oriented, and going in and fighting was seen as a BAD thing. My guild at the time, would for fun go to EOTM at the end of our WvW raids, our guild was often only half the size of the EOTM ones and we would one push them, every. Single. Time. And we would have people from our own map tell us to LEAVE, because we were "picking on other players" aka, killing them. Within 30mins the other two servers would leave the map, they would rather go back to PvE than actually fight, so in that half hour we would own all of EOTM because the other blobs of larger size left and no one was left to back cap for the ktrain and then our map would be furious, calling out our guild, calling us trash, etc etc. THAT is what EOTM really was.

It was a PvE map, which is fine by me, however WvW should have the higher rewards, not a "queue map".

That's because back then before links, those WvW servers were Dead for most players. EoTM was their escape since it linked multiple servers together on same team. It was no different from the train in WvW maps, just with guaranteed player numbers. That's why I went there. The WvW hype died back early in Vanilla. So most people were not going to just play WvW just for the fun of it, as some suspected at Anet. WvW would have the same date had it not been for the Pip system

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