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Ele help please (new player)


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hello guys sorry for all the questions and i really appreciate the help !after alot of thinking and thoughts and quitting Scourge due to its changes. i decided to make a tempest.but im having a very hard time to decide if i want to make support tempest or fresh air dpsand i really need an advice ! i just dont know how well they scale and how good / useful they are !my main aim is groups like fractals and dungeons and idk which of these two is good for thati will really love advices and tips also if possible explain the reasons why 1 is better for that than the otherit can also be not fresh air but another build of ele for fractals and dungeons maybe raids too.. basically the PVE endgame stuffthanks alot !

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Good question :)

It really comes down to what gamemode you enjoy, but as a general rule of thumb - unless specifically requested - you can contribute more by doing damage than purely supporting.

For PvE:Definitely go Fresh Air as here you need to kill things and most groups prefer to kill fast so they don't need a dedicated healer. Damage is A-tier and you still get go enjoy alot of the support aspects of Tempest.

For sPvP/WvW(optional):Definitely go full support, you will be more than welcome after the Scourge nerfs and generally you will be more useful since Tempest damage against other players drops alot (C- tier) when facing other elite specs. Just stick to your necro/rev/subsquad/party and make sure they don't go down, always be where the teamfight (3+ enemies) is.

Of course there are variations you can run in PvE, like celestial stats or a mix of marauder/crusader, however most prefer you have marauder with some zerker pieces for optimal damage. Just air overload as often as you can. You can also make quite a few condition builds that allow you to support aswell now, just make sure you have the Fire traitline slotted.

Tl;dr:In summation, unless you run with a 5-man premade party for the express purpose of clearing a lvl 100 fractal fast, damage (here Fresh Air or full condi) is highly sought after. Once you learn the mechanics support becomes optional and a loss of dps if everyone is able to survive on their own. Not to mention you save 20% of the time to finish. Fresh Air is a great option for this, while not S-tier in damage it allows you more than enough punch to join any group and with elementalist's inherent support capabilities you will be a boon to any party :)

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thank you for the good answer ! its much appreciated ! im gonna use this tempest mainly for PVE. Frac and dungeon only got 1 premade friend to join and shes DH dps.the thing im worried about being fresh air Tempest is atleast in low lvls it feels really glass cannon and im worried about not surviving in dungeons without support.but i guess i could play around to get some survive or perhaps as you said use marauder gear instead of assasin/berz for abit mroe survive at cost of some damage.i heard that fresh air tempest is just not so good against champions or dungeons bosses and all.. thats why i asked if support would be more use..also 1 more thing i wonder is. .. how come there isnt any condition damage earth build? as in tanky condition with earth+fire. the earth seems to offer alot of bleed and condition damage/duration. but if i couldnt find any build like that i guess its jsut weak and not strong enough?

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The lack of condi builds are a side effect of how Raids do benchmarking. Basically anything under a certain DPS is considered not worth doing, so a lot of tested builds never get posted as a result.

As to why ele doesn't have a meta condition build.... mostly it comes down to how its skills and traits don't compound Condi damage enough compared to its power builds. Ele has a LOT of direct damage modifiers, but not a lot of Condi modifiers or Condi procs. The design also treats all of its conditions skill to be more Hybrid then condi heavy.... which back in the early days was Ele's best feature.

You can still find Hybrid builds in PvP and some WvW. But for PvE, which is purely DPS focused, Ele Power builds are miles ahead of Condi builds for sheer damage output.

As for the glass cannon comment..... thats an intentional design push by the Devs over the last few years (which the player base still finds unjustified). Basically the Devs are constantly nerfing it into glass cannon that doesn't have much cannon, because of a problem with Raid builds across the board. Historically, Ele was incredibly flexible in PvP due to its ability to easily hybridize in any direction, while also making extremely good use of any stats given to it. A whole stat type in PvP was nerfed (after being removed for a year) because of this; and ever since Raids came out, the Devs keep trying to cap its damage output because of just 2 Skills.

The only hybrid builds you can find for it are usually not listed in Meta builds, and majority are PvP/WvW focused.

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i see :) so then again.. can tempest really do champions or dungeons/frac without relay on support for heal? im still low lvl. but i feel that the core ele as i play right now got 0 survive or way to reduce damage. it might have very good aoe but when i try to take 2 monsters i usually end up dying

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Ele is very glassy if you run a dps build. If you are planning on doing endgame pve like fractals you need to rely on proper positioning, timing dodges, and sometimes kiting to survive. All dps builds need to learn this, ele is just a bit less survivable than others. Just keep practicing, ele is probably the hardest class to get good at for most people, but its very fun once you learn it.

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I too have put aside my scourge because of the "reworks." I am interested in my tempest as well. But, my game play is PVE condition/toughness and it seems as though eles / tempests are much more powerful as power. I too could use some helpful tips and advise from experienced ele players. It's a very difficult class to play, at least for me, but it has a lot of potential. I have an ele I need to go through all the stories and HoT and PoF with and I just don't think I can survive it without condition dmg and toughness.

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@noiwk.2760 said:i see :) so then again.. can tempest really do champions or dungeons/frac without relay on support for heal? im still low lvl. but i feel that the core ele as i play right now got 0 survive or way to reduce damage. it might have very good aoe but when i try to take 2 monsters i usually end up dying

An FA tempest can easily have near permanent uptime on protection that also gives 40% damage reduction instead of 33%. Permanent uptime on regen and vigor. Then you can stack on either more endurance gain or removing a condition every few seconds. That is without even considering what gear you have on.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:i see :) so then again.. can tempest really do champions or dungeons/frac without relay on support for heal? im still low lvl. but i feel that the core ele as i play right now got 0 survive or way to reduce damage. it might have very good aoe but when i try to take 2 monsters i usually end up dying

An FA tempest can easily have near permanent uptime on protection that also gives 40% damage reduction instead of 33%. Permanent uptime on regen and vigor. Then you can stack on either more endurance gain or removing a condition every few seconds. That is without even considering what gear you have on.

i see :) im such a noob in this game . so gotta play around and see how to build. but i know my self.. im not a perfect dodger.. and i do play abit clumzy i usually run my rotations fairly quick and good.. but when it comes to dodge attacks im abit slow. so i know for a fact i want to try build in abit more defensive to have decent survive even at the cost of some damage if im dead im def not doing more damage

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Don't worry about surviving in general and against boss mechanics, as these things will come to you fast (don't stand in this red circle, dodge when you see this animation, use cc now, save some cleanse for this step etc)

Even on a 11645 hp full zerker tempest you will be just fine doing every fractal from 1-100. The only thing you'll need, is an "I done messed up skill" - this should be a stunbreaker but not necessarily, and should be used with caution in case you get overwhelmed. Great options are:

  1. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mist_Form
  2. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Shield
  3. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Flash

Since most of your damage comes from overloads, your weapon doesn't matter too much which is why you can go for focus off-hand if you need more defense. But you need to be on point regardless, as you don't really have any passive health regen other than the regen boon and possibly healing signet, however you can always go Air/Water/Tempest for fresh air in order to get more ways to regain health.

Best advice I can give you is to gear for full damage with 6 of this rune and 1 of this sigil - in fractals (and PvE in general) there are ALOT of low hp mobs you can kill super fast with power gear (even during bossfights), and this setup refunds you 10% health and 2 bars of endurance every single time you do which is insanely valuable - give them a go, they are super cheap on the trading post :)

Also see if you can get your hands on some 10% dmg reduction food, either if you have a lvl 400 chef or a guildie can hook you up with some ascended types. The 10% roughly equates to ~200 toughness you don't need to sacrifice damage for. Going Air/Earth/Tempest with the "Stone Heart" grandmaster trait will also allow you to outright tank certain boss mechanics as long as you are attuned to earth with a minimal loss to damage (as earth skills apply bleeds and direct damage now on a lower cd).

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@noiwk.2760 said:

@noiwk.2760 said:i see :) so then again.. can tempest really do champions or dungeons/frac without relay on support for heal? im still low lvl. but i feel that the core ele as i play right now got 0 survive or way to reduce damage. it might have very good aoe but when i try to take 2 monsters i usually end up dying

An FA tempest can easily have near permanent uptime on protection that also gives 40% damage reduction instead of 33%. Permanent uptime on regen and vigor. Then you can stack on either more endurance gain or removing a condition every few seconds. That is without even considering what gear you have on.

i see :) im such a noob in this game . so gotta play around and see how to build. but i know my self.. im not a perfect dodger.. and i do play abit clumzy i usually run my rotations fairly quick and good.. but when it comes to dodge attacks im abit slow. so i know for a fact i want to try build in abit more defensive to have decent survive even at the cost of some damage if im dead im def not doing more damage

In the case of fractal there is also the defensive potion which gives up to 25% damage reduction which stacks with the protection for 55% reduction

there is still plenty of wiggle room left in the stat combos, runes, sigils, food and utility consumable for how offensive or defensive you want to be

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because of 2 reasons. first one and main one.. is.. i hear reaper is only good at early game but fall of later on into being pointless and rejected in all endgame.. second one.. it looks like a worse version of other melee dps classes

tho how is tempest support? is it also the same just with support?

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Exotic or ascended?

Sounds like exotic but in that case it is cheaper to buy the named set(Zhed's) for armor or buy most of them(except chest) from the Itzel vendor.

If ascended berserker is ~6g more expensive than marauder, 263g for marauder and 269g for berserker

You shouldn't be using marauder if you plan playing with those people who told you reaper doesn't do enough damage since using marauder instead of berserker is going to give you sub optimal damage too.

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i meant Ascended . trying to understand is it 263/269g for the entire set? or for each piece ? not really good at getting items tho i do have some gold.
as for Marauder for Ascended i read that its only a small lose of DPS like 5% but 60% infcrease in life and that it helps alot in survive and also good for WvW thats why im asking you guys which set is better for me to get and if maybe Marauder worth considering. also whats the best or maybe few good ways to start farm for Ascended set? /get them? i got 1 piece from Wvw but bad stats

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@"noiwk.2760" said:i meant Ascended . trying to understand is it 263/269g for the entire set? or for each piece ? not really good at getting items tho i do have some gold.

as for Marauder for Ascended i read that its only a small lose of DPS like 5% but 60% infcrease in life and that it helps alot in survive and also good for WvW thats why im asking you guys which set is better for me to get and if maybe Marauder worth considering. also whats the best or maybe few good ways to start farm for Ascended set? /get them? i got 1 piece from Wvw but bad stats

Depends on how you get the pieces and which ascended you are refering to (armor, weapons, trinkets).

In general a full crafted (easiest way to get one early on) ascended armor set (only armor) will cost around 300 gold for the entire set (not counting getting the crafting specialization to 500). Weapons are around 40-60 gold a piece. Trinkets can't be crafted but have multiple ways of acquisition.

That said, unless you plan to immediatly start running Tier 4 fractals, you should not be aiming for ascended armor. Exotic armor will just fine and a lot cheaper. The stat difference on exotic armor to ascended is around 2-3% while at the same time being by far the most expensive upgrade.

What you should aim for initially is:

  • ascended trinkets (check guides on how to get them, Living World Season 3 maps is a popular method and inexpensive method).
  • ascended weapons (the Knights of Thorn Quest line after finishing the Heart of Thorns story is one of the cheapest ways to get some. Limited to the 5 weapons types rewarded only though)
  • exotic armor (which you will be using for a loooooong time)

Ascended armor pieces can be reforged into desirable stats for a small price (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stat_changing) but will lose all upgrades inside (also precursor for legendary armor will lose their precursor property). For a final mention though, you should not be aiming for ascended armor as a new player. There is tons of more important stuff to get with gold (like access to the Living World Season 3 maps for easy ascended trinkets).

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Thank you! I have the living story i got them with gems. As for gold i got about the 300g. Are ascended gear account shared tho? And the 5 weapons are per account or char? Are they acvount shared? Also i got quite abit of wvw stuff enough to be able to buy 2 more ascended items i think. Thats alot of help and useful information about how to get i got tailor lvl 500 already aswellSo you recomend just crft or use what i got from wvw to change state and craft the rest? Also i still need to know about marauder or zeker state question thanks alot!

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@noiwk.2760 said:i meant Ascended . trying to understand is it 263/269g for the entire set? or for each piece ? not really good at getting items tho i do have some gold.

as for Marauder for Ascended i read that its only a small lose of DPS like 5% but 60% infcrease in life and that it helps alot in survive and also good for WvW thats why im asking you guys which set is better for me to get and if maybe Marauder worth considering. also whats the best or maybe few good ways to start farm for Ascended set? /get them? i got 1 piece from Wvw but bad stats

The difference should be closer to 9%-11%

The extra health is nice for WvW assuming you don't run into people that can whack you for 30k too often.Getting hit for 20-30k from PvE mobs from a single hit or several rapid hits isn't all that unusual either especially when several fractal instabilities get involved. The highest I have recorded is over 72k(excluding stuff like VB's axemaster attack which is meant to down you if he doesn't get CC'ed). Against those kinds of hits an extra 6k health will do nothing.

The price is for a full set of armor(6 pieces) and you will still need weapon(s) of course.Berserker https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-48081;1-48083;1-48079;1-48080;1-48082;1-48078Marauder https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-75940;1-76671;1-71968;1-74518;1-75183;1-72251

@noiwk.2760 said:Thank you! I have the living story i got them with gems. As for gold i got about the 300g. Are ascended gear account shared tho?

All ascended gear is account bound. You can move them between your character through the bank/shared slots.

And the 5 weapons are per account or char? Are they acvount shared? Also i got quite abit of wvw stuff enough to be able to buy 2 more ascended items i think. Thats alot of help and useful information about how to get i got tailor lvl 500 already aswell

That is 5 weapon types not 5 weapons. It is 1 weapon per character that finish the quest. You can select between greatsword, dagger, shield, scepter, sword. You can change the type by talking to the NPC in your home instance after completing the quest for the cost of 1000 Unbound Magic but you will lose the upgrades. You can get as many as you have characters to finish the quest which requires completing the HoT story first. The first on the account is more or less free but the later ones cost 30/33g.

So you recomend just crft or use what i got from wvw to change state and craft the rest? Also i still need to know about marauder or zeker state question thanks alot!

If you have the tickets and marks from WvW then you might as well use them.

If you have only have the tickets but not the marks then you might want to save the tickets for other stuff since crafting the marks will cost almost as much as crafting directly.

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I run marauder weaver (staff) in wvw and pve (sword/dagger). And it rocks. 10% less power is nothing compared to 6000k more hp AND higher crit chance. Full marauder and rune of the pack. For extra crit chance and crit damage. Sigil of accuracy and sigil of force. Mighty infusions. (2 precise, just for that tiny more crit chance). Air line with raging storm and fresh air. Things melt.

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If the other 4 players are dps and know what they do, sure.

However if only 1 of them is fumbling and you end up with 3 effective dps'ers, some bosses and mechanics can outdamage your healing since you won't be able to kill it fast enough (meaning it will get more mechanics off, you will get hit with more instabilities or you will get overwhelmed by critter mobs since you lack the damage to clear them in time).

Great for organized groups, bad if you plan on using the lfg. It's doable of course, but heavily dependent on the quality and builds of the other 4 in your party unlike a dps build.

Good choice going for marauder btw, the increase in precision makes the damage loss negligible and the extra vitality helps alot against the small subsequent hits ^^

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