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Add PiPs to Unranked


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Im curious what you guys think about adding PiPS to unranked?

Ranked has both leaderboard and PiPS(rewards) so I find it very Unrewarding to switch gears and play with a handful of friends in unranked ....any reason why Unranked shouldn't have Pips..

In my opinion, the difference in Unranked and Ranked should be just that....That Ranked is Ranked and has a leaderboard and Unranked does not... I don't think the rewards need to be any different... curious what everyone else's thought is.

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@Nova.3817 said:Im curious what you guys think about adding PiPS to unranked?

Ranked has both leaderboard and PiPS(rewards) so I find it very Unrewarding to switch gears and play with a handful of friends in unranked ....any reason why Unranked shouldn't have Pips..

In my opinion, the difference in Unranked and Ranked should be just that....That Ranked is Ranked and has a leaderboard and Unranked does not... I don't think the rewards need to be any different... curious what everyone else's thought is.

agree, or at the very least make different pip system with different rewardscould be same thing but no shards of glory.

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they could have less pipsm.but still pips. So Id agree> @Mini Crinny.6190 said:

This kind of question is the same as wanting pips added in eotm aswell as WvW, and simply put the reason pips are not put into unranked is because they want ranked to be as popular as it can be

yeah but when you can't play with a group of friends..it just discourages being social.

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Pips and rank number are my excuses for toxicity in ranked. Do you wanna destroy this single sanctuary from guys like me? Heheh i'd not recommend do that.Unranked is like: you gain nothing and lose nothing. And nobody starts trash talk when you are just just terrible. Let it stays as it is)

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This kind of question is the same as wanting pips added in eotm aswell as WvW, and simply put the reason pips are not put into unranked is that they want ranked to be as popular as it can be

Well I see where your coming from But at least in regards to WVW I think most people see the Loot bags as the primary source of Loot I don't really feel like its as big of a deal in WvW.... also there is really nothing in Edge of the Mist that you can't do in regular WvW so its unlike Ranked and Unranked in that regard as well.

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@Nova.3817 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This kind of question is the same as wanting pips added in eotm aswell as WvW, and simply put the reason pips are not put into unranked is that they want ranked to be as popular as it can be

Well I see where your coming from But at least in regards to WVW I think most people see the Loot bags as the primary source of Loot I don't really feel like its as big of a deal in WvW.... also there is really nothing in Edge of the Mist that you can't do in regular WvW so its unlike Ranked and Unranked in that regard as well.

You could not be more wrong, WvW loot bags are just an additional loot that mostly gives t5/t6 mats, everything else comes from reward tracks and weekly pip chests like the skirmish tickets that you need to craft legendary gear.I don't understand your last statement EoTM and WvW are just like Ranked and Unranked even in the fact that both lets you progress towards a reward track but not towards the pip system.

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@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:You almost can't. Isn't ranked limited to duo q and unranked you can q as a group of 5. If same rewards/pips you'd just have 5 man premades farming unranked.

if only there was some sort of hidden MMR that would "rank you up when you win". and after a while you would play against the best of the best.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Jayden Reese.9542 said:You almost can't. Isn't ranked limited to duo q and unranked you can q as a group of 5. If same rewards/pips you'd just have 5 man premades farming unranked.

if only there was some sort of hidden MMR that would "rank you up when you win". and after a while you would play against the best of the best.

Is there in unranked? Kinda don't get the comment so feel free to enlighten me

dont know if there is one, but every respectable game has one. its up to anet to give insight on this one.that would be kinda ridiculous for someone first timing pvp to play against someone from legend wouldnt it ?

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@Hynax.9536 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This kind of question is the same as wanting pips added in eotm aswell as WvW, and simply put the reason pips are not put into unranked is that they want ranked to be as popular as it can be

Well I see where your coming from But at least in regards to WVW I think most people see the Loot bags as the primary source of Loot I don't really feel like its as big of a deal in WvW.... also there is really nothing in Edge of the Mist that you can't do in regular WvW so its unlike Ranked and Unranked in that regard as well.

You could not be more wrong, WvW loot bags are just an additional loot that mostly gives t5/t6 mats, everything else comes from reward tracks and weekly pip chests like the skirmish tickets that you need to craft legendary gear.I don't understand your last statement EoTM and WvW are just like Ranked and Unranked even in the fact that both lets you progress towards a reward track but not towards the pip system.

Eh I play a lot of WvW that hasn't been my exp other then Niche stuff (which isn't really what we're going for here but I don't discount your point...)

reward tracks are in all forms of WVW and SPVP so that really doesn't factor into this...

What I meant was there is very little you can do in the edge of the mist that you cant simply do in Regular WVW

however in Spvp, you can not form groups larger than 2 in ranked NOR can you feel comfortable playing anything less than your main class without fear of costing you rank points. unranked serves for that but there is no reason the rewards should be any less I hope this clarifies

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:You almost can't. Isn't ranked limited to duo q and unranked you can q as a group of 5. If same rewards/pips you'd just have 5 man premades farming unranked.

as opposed to other parts of the game we're playing in organized groups yield better results I fail to see how that is bad... as anyone could have the ability to do that.

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@Nova.3817 said:Eh I play a lot of WvW that hasn't been my exp other then Niche stuff (which isn't really what we're going for here but I don't discount your point...)

reward tracks are in all forms of WVW and SPVP so that really doesn't factor into this...

What I meant was there is very little you can do in the edge of the mist that you cant simply do in Regular WVW

however in Spvp, you can not form groups larger than 2 in ranked NOR can you feel comfortable playing anything less than your main class without fear of costing you rank points. unranked serves for that but there is no reason the rewards should be any less I hope this clarifies

I see... well i'm not against pips in unranked as i am not against pips in EoTM. Actually pip rewards in unrankeds could even make me try some sPvP cus that place is far from appealing to me. :#

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@Nova.3817 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This kind of question is the same as wanting pips added in eotm aswell as WvW, and simply put the reason pips are not put into unranked is that they want ranked to be as popular as it can be

Well I see where your coming from But at least in regards to WVW I think most people see the Loot bags as the primary source of Loot I don't really feel like its as big of a deal in WvW.... also there is really nothing in Edge of the Mist that you can't do in regular WvW so its unlike Ranked and Unranked in that regard as well.

You could not be more wrong, WvW loot bags are just an additional loot that mostly gives t5/t6 mats, everything else comes from reward tracks and weekly pip chests like the skirmish tickets that you need to craft legendary gear.I don't understand your last statement EoTM and WvW are just like Ranked and Unranked even in the fact that both lets you progress towards a reward track but not towards the pip system.

Eh I play a lot of WvW that hasn't been my exp other then Niche stuff (which isn't really what we're going for here but I don't discount your point...)

You might not be, but I'm quite sure a vast majority of people are interested in pips (in either game mode) for the limited capped resources required for ascended/legendary armor.

WvW skirmish tickets are constantly but to compensate a lot slower (and are necessary in a lot higher quantities) while Spvp tournament tickets are rewarded only during a pvp season for ranked play, but a lot faster.

Neither game mode provides access to the limited recources in their uncompetative counterparts to prevent abuse (which still happens in the more competative mode but to a smaller extent).

I doubt most players want anything else from the pip chests.

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@Nova.3817 said:Im curious what you guys think about adding PiPS to unranked?

Ranked has both leaderboard and PiPS(rewards) so I find it very Unrewarding to switch gears and play with a handful of friends in unranked ....any reason why Unranked shouldn't have Pips..

In my opinion, the difference in Unranked and Ranked should be just that....That Ranked is Ranked and has a leaderboard and Unranked does not... I don't think the rewards need to be any different... curious what everyone else's thought is.

If unranked had any sort of reward, you would see people basically getting gold and other rewards for doing absolutely nothing. They would all just sit in base, win trade, etc. Ppl would literally be afk gold farming in unranked and that would collapse the economy of the game. Any sort of afk farming is bad for the game because everyone would do it. Then whatever rewards are there to be had becomes redundant because everyone would have it. You can currently watch ppl afk farm dungeon gear and other cosmetics in public lobbies. As in game skins have no value in the game, it does not affect the economy of the game, but encouraging this type of afk gameplay is not healthy to the game.

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@Tazer.2157 said:

@Nova.3817 said:Im curious what you guys think about adding PiPS to unranked?

Ranked has both leaderboard and PiPS(rewards) so I find it very Unrewarding to switch gears and play with a handful of friends in unranked ....any reason why Unranked shouldn't have Pips..

In my opinion, the difference in Unranked and Ranked should be just that....That Ranked is Ranked and has a leaderboard and Unranked does not... I don't think the rewards need to be any different... curious what everyone else's thought is.

If unranked had any sort of reward, you would see people basically getting gold and other rewards for doing absolutely nothing. They would all just sit in base, win trade, etc. Ppl would literally be afk gold farming in unranked and that would collapse the economy of the game. Any sort of afk farming is bad for the game because everyone would do it. Then whatever rewards are there to be had becomes redundant because everyone would have it. You can currently watch ppl afk farm dungeon gear and other cosmetics in public lobbies. As in game skins have no value in the game, it does not affect the economy of the game, but encouraging this type of afk gameplay is not healthy to the game.

I don't think this is true.... the same could be enacted in ranked at the bottom of the leaderboard if this was a possibility.... seems like just worst-case scenario for something that could easily be dealt with by anet by tieing pips to win streaks etc

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