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Are we getting lazy?

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Actually i complete everything with my main ( map and story related ) in terms of exploration.

The world is full of achievements ( i just do the ones from story and ls cause of a habit ), skins ( i have my magitech and scarlet rifle/rainbow, what should i desire more? ) and various stuff, but honestly it does not concenrn me.

What i don't really like is that there could be more features account related, like

  • Map completion
  • Story/LS ( there's the possibility to replay an episode, which is imho enough ).
  • BLTC items per character and not account bound ( some of em, like salvage tools and passes, can now be "fixed" through shared inventory slots, but tool have to be equipped for every character ).
  • Crafting Skills ( which are character related )

and so on.

Tldr: I won't give something for free in terms of gameplay, but instead i will make it "to be done once" and then the possibility to repeat if the player wants to enjoy that part more.

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It's less about laziness and more about dev's goals.

At early stages of mmo's life there isn't that much content, so not giving players a near-bot level mobility is natural. Let them take their time mining, farming, getting gear etc.As more and more content drops, especially expansions that are by design superior to core content, you want players to get there asap to hook them, as old, and aging content might lose it's power to reel players in over time. And that's where boosts to speed of clearing come in.

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People got so worked up at launch over ANet's decision to let you access your bank from your crafting tab. It would be the death of crafting, they said. It encouraged laziness, they said. It devalued crafting, they said. It was just catering to the new players who wanted lots of 'gimmes'! It was a sign of a carebear game!

QoL improvements are always nice. People will always want more. Sometimes ANet agrees, sometimes they don't. (My legally blind self is still unable to get map and chat on the same side of the screen, for example, even though I can't see both sides of my monitor at once..)

But just asking, itself, isn't bad. A lot of the requests are reasonable (choosable districts would be great! So would our own helms with outfits like in GW1!). Those that aren't will get ignored.

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The players that willing to pay for gem with credit card, are usually the one with a job and a family. They got less play time but enjoy gaming after work.

I for one is part of that above mentioned group, i buy gem with cash in order to not wasting my hard earned gold, i rarely buy gold with gem, because gem price is stable, but gold is inflating generally. I like there are more options to bypass the solid time investment so that i can enjoy the game to some extend without ruining my regular life.

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As MMO, GW2 has bunch of distinct areas of gameplay. OW is "lazy" because it's supposed to be this way. It's for people who lack time/investment to go into actual grindy/hard content, like raids, fractals or PVP. Those not interested in OW, on the other hand, will want to get things done in it as fast as possible to go back to their favourite mode. So it being easy and accesable makes a lot of sense.

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@Crossaber.8934 said:The players that willing to pay for gem with credit card, are usually the one with a job and a family. They got less play time but enjoy gaming after work.

I for one is part of that above mentioned group, i buy gem with cash in order to not wasting my hard earned gold, i rarely buy gold with gem, because gem price is stable, but gold is inflating generally. I like there are more options to bypass the solid time investment so that i can enjoy the game to some extend without ruining my regular life.

Again. Again and again.

I habw 2 kids, work over 50hr weeks and have personal stuff going on.

Still managed to get 7 precursors, all the shiny I was able to get at events I made it to, got over 7k gold over 5 years. I play a few hours a week. I have logged ZERO hours the last month and half.

Stop with this boring EXCUSE.EXCUSE. Nothing more.


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@Taygus.4571 said:

@Kheldorn.5123 said:I'm lazy, I want my rewards easy to forget about real life difficulties. And this is why I chose this game. I'm not going to tryhard over pixel items, wasting hours of my life farming single boss to get what I want. This is not a tryhard game and I'm happy with it.

For "us old gamers" as you try to present yourself, there are many other titles where your tryhard nature can be satisfied.

And the same applies tonyou, there are many titles on Facebook where your nature can be satisfied.

A facebook MMORPG? Not even close.What a rediculous suggestion.

I would love to know of a more casual MMORPG than guild wars?Im the kind of player who loved Fable. .GW2 is the closest mmo to that. Especially with the action cam.

At the OP, I don't think it's fair to call it laziness. ..more so, people have life commitments. Gaming was something that teenagers and college students did..and They had the time to grind etc...but those teenagers now have families and jobs that take priority over gaming, but they still play games. They don't want to spend it running around just to finally get to what they want to do.

i can name at least 3 mmos that are way more casual than this:WoWSWTORSTOgranted, most of the open world stuff is pretty easy in core tyriabut the story missions arent easy, thats for surejust went back to STO , they made a couple of new missions with EPIC loot

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